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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/16 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Not a problem and if there are any issues, they get resolved. You are signing the DD mandate so they can take the money for the cars you buy. Don't forget, you also get Glass and CAP valuations for FREE also.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    I couldn't survive on just my web sales. I'm based in Royston Vasey and sell local cars to local people. I'm on an industrial estate but with a busy workshop next door and a builders yard the other side, so my passing traffic is steady. That said, I sold 2 Corsas into Cornwall this year. They wouldn't have come from local advertising or word of mouth. Quite why someone would make a 4 hour round trip for a Corsa is beyond me but I ain't complaining.
  4. 1 point
    Disagree, a lady for example couple of weeks ago bought a car after seeing it as she drove past whilst visiting family and she live 65 miles away. Same goes for a lot of others, its 50/50. My forecourt is always open for people to view my cars anytime they like. There's too much competition online.
  5. 1 point
    And here was me thinking your middle name was 'digital' Umesh By my estimation, if you looked at the area which my local paper distributed to I would estimate that under 30% use AT, and that's being generous. It's fair to say that it's an area often seen as a short straw by AT reps. Many dealers (both new and used) over here still place a heavy emphasis on local advertising so maybe I've been missing a trick in dismissing it all these years. I don't know about anybody else, but my local estate agents have not given up on the local paper, far from it.
  6. 1 point
    James, I use local press all the time and do get very , very good response ! , its not a magic wand every time you tick as ad in it sells , however to me its great return on Investment - its about being consistent and also depends on what message you're sending out. And I know we all think its always the 'older' generation sold two cars couple of weeks ago to a guy who's about 45 , and a couple mid 50's from press ad ! , so not 'older' in my eyes.
  7. 1 point
    Having worked in local papers for a long time and seen their classified advertising and motors sections dry up I find this very interesting. Local newspaper readers are predominantly older, retired people who have always bought the paper. Do you know any 18/30s who buy a local paper that they haven't been mentioned in? Doesn't happen these days. With that in mind I would be interested to see what response dealers got from these adverts in local papers and whether they were different to who we believe read these publications. Any dealers out there using local papers already that could comment?
  8. 1 point
    Once I get my stock back in order after a few busy months I'm thinking of doing a bit of local paper advertising for the first time in god knows how many years. Been keeping an eye on a few dealers similar to me (local and national) who are not on AT but who do put well put together local advertising and they are doing the business. This discussion is worthy of a new thread me thinks
  9. 1 point
    I had to learn it all from scratch and make mistakes on the way and learn from them. 5 years later I think I have just about sussed the majority of it ;). Take a look in the car dealer mag as there are loads of trade contacts who you can call and approach. That would be my advice. I would also say although the active members on this forum are very friendly and open, i don't think many of them will want to disclose what they have taken years to learn and (in some cases :P) perfect. I mean, all the questions you have asked are many key features on how to be successful in this field. All the best, James
  10. 1 point
    who saw the the sign on the wall, " they need us more than we need them " should be called Greedy trader .