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1 hour ago, Dave2302 said:

What did you have to do to get an EDIT button

That's what I was thinking... what part of both my browsers (Chrome and Safari for Mac) and also the ones on my phones is missing so some people can like and edit and some can't. 

This happened after I got added to the private chat room. Someone NOT in the private chatroom without like and edit buttons?

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1 hour ago, Nick M.K. said:

That's what I was thinking... what part of both my browsers (Chrome and Safari for Mac) and also the ones on my phones is missing so some people can like and edit and some can't. 

This happened after I got added to the private chat room. Someone NOT in the private chatroom without like and edit buttons?

Nick, now you mention it, although I can't be sure, but yeah, I think mine disappeared after joining PAM

I'm using Windows 10 & Windows 7 Comnputers (both with Google), and 2 Android H/U's in the S Class and C Class so I don't think OS has bugger all to do with it ;) 

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I have it on the laptop it not on the iPad

No tell a lie if do have it on the ipad

I could have edited that last post!

Edited by David Ayers

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So - I finally get in the 'funny handshake room' and Nick is (as usual) correct. Edit and Like now gone. However I only use a Mac or iPhone/ipad, so will have to check the PC next time I'm near one. Although it's the same with Chrome and Safari on the Apple stuff.

Admin are aware but don't know why this (selectively?) happens and they have asked I.T.

Will have to take more time reading before posting in the meantime- but I still refuse to use those little round 'yellow men' that look all the same, or the non-word LOL, or use a personal Bookface page, Twitface etc. just to stay 'in the past' and curmudgeonly obviously.

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1 hour ago, NOACROSS said:

Edit and Like now gone. However I only use a Mac or iPhone/ipad, so will have to check the PC next time I'm near one.

I said earlier, buttons disappear on Wndows 10, Windows 7 and Androids too ;) 

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Weird.  Admin said it was only 'selective' so I assumed some in the secret room still had the buttons?

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Can't edit - Can't like and struggle with images/vidoe's ! tried various browsers .. maybe driver issues ! :) Onwards and upwards ... !!

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1 hour ago, NOACROSS said:

Weird.  Admin said it was only 'selective' so I assumed some in the secret room still had the buttons?

I have got all my buttons including the secret room

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