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Flipping Cars

Wife robbed at Knifepoint

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Heres an interesting one for you all, this wasnt a nice phone call to get...

Now she's on my trade insurance (dont worry i have domestic and pleasure too lol) but would you claim for the car
My insurance is expensive enough as it is, and i guess it going to go sky high if i do claim. 

The mrs is recovering from the ordeal but of course, she's having some sleepless nights



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Oh dear.... sorry to hear this.

I hope your wife is ok.

I guess it comes down to how much the vehicle is worth?


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yeah she's quite traumatised by it all but time will heal ;) thanks for the kind words

Its worth around £15k so a sizeable chunk 

Im interested in hearing if anyones had a claim of that size go through there trade policy how much it went up if it did go up

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I see.

If you made a claim, i guess they are going to look to recoup their losses over a 5-10 year period?

An insurance expert will give you an idea of how it works.

Do you have a broker?

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Absolutely!  Of course you've got to claim! That's the point in having insurance.  If it was an old banger of a grand or less or so I might not bother.

My Mrs. has had a couple of fault accidents (she's hopeless) and we had a bit of vandalism in the village and some cars got done a few years ago.  The insurance didn't change much if at all the next year.  You can always shop around if they try to fine you.

(I hope your Mrs gets over it OK and soon.  You'll no-doubt have to treat her to something nice if she's anything like mine ;0) 


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@Stalker yes ive a broker and planning on chatting with them Monday. I did the report today but just as an 'info' report

@NOACROSS LOL yes we are going out for a nice steak tonight and she's recovering from the ordeal as well as can be expected ;) yeah i think it will have to be a claim as its expensive enough but its due for renewal in 3 weeks too haha so interested to know what it might go up by. I think you're right, time to shop around for quotes

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That’s awful,£15k you have got to claim for that plus the stress and shock etc...You will still get insurance .Alternatively I recall a trader near us who had his Porsche stolen who had offered a grand ransom to some local bad lads  to get it back.He got it back.

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@trade vet yeah a disgusting thing to happen, some scum out there!

Im thinking of offering a reward myself. I was going to do a YouTube appeal as someone might grass them up for a grand lol

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i think by the fact   I did the report today but just as an 'info' report  that you have now advised the insurers so its logged so you need to make a claim

i have a limit per car on my policy apart from my car transporter that has a separate amount in case it gets damaged written off

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Having read the report I'm surprised that there are no further details of the car listed. Model, reg, etc.

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Nasty business that. Broad daylight as well. Hope it resolves itself in the end.

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Had a similar thing few years ago, drive off at gunpoint on a test drive, I would say anything up to 3 or 4 grand take it on the chin and don't claim but above that you got to claim but I would be asking broker to give his advise on potential loss of no claims etc, also hold fire for a while it may just turn up.

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Welcome Chris. Sorry to hear of the theft. Whether you make a claim or not, it would still be your responsibility to advise your insurance company of the theft at renewal. Claim for it. 

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thanks for all the comments, warm welcomes & kind words ive received :D ill let the mrs know that the cardealermagazine members are a warm bunch, big thumbs up!!!

Yeah i think the plan so far is to give it a couple of weeks to see if its recovered first (unlikely but hey) then if not do a full claim
they are aware of it now so like you are all suggesting, its likely to reflect on the policy renewal

Its frustrating isnt it, we pay our insurances, and yet when a victim of crime we pay not only in £s on the policy, but also on the other things you lose in the car, on future security (cos ill be buying trackers from now on) and in so many others ways but these people tend to generally get away with it, madness!

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 hello , sorry  to hear about this, no tracker i guess, although the police are supposed to inform hpi of vehicle theft, i would  a, hpi it, see if it comes up as stolen and b, if it doesnt, phone them straightaway and tell them its stolen.


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Hello buddy,

Firstly, I'm glad to hear your wife was unharmed. But im sure she has been very shook up by it all, so plenty of love & reassurance from family and friends is a good way forward. Also don't discount any councilling suggested by the police, it can make a massive difference to speak to a stranger and let ut all out.

2ndly - in terms of an appeal - have you tried Facebook/Twitter? Pictures of the car itself and details of the incident. I'm seen lots of these be very successful, particularly if you combine that with a reward.

The sad thing is that it's probably already in a container or been stripped. But don't give up hope yet.

Cars will be replaced, your wife is the important issue here. Let your insurers do what they are paid to do and worry about the cost further down the line.

All the best to you both.

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