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Will the Yes vote in Scotland be good or bad for us ?

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Of course it's all hypothetical right now but anyone have any predictions on its implications on the used car market?

With everything predicted to cost more I'm guessing cars will to, hence will we see Scottish car buyer flocking to England for better deals ?

It might push prices up all round ?

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The Scottish referendum decision will be right to the wire and the reality of Independence is scary!

We already buy 60%+ of our stock from England and the thought of this steady stream of cars coming to an end due to pricing or currency could in reality end our business!

The DVLA will no longer be available for Scotland as they will no longer be part of the UK , so there could be re registration of vehicles going across the border this alone will be disastrous! And what about all our customers who have sign HP, PCP or lease deals accepting the fact that the car will not be moved outside the UK, a Scotland as an independent state WILL be outside the UK so all these customers are breaking the law.

There is so much more to the couple if lines I have written here but I cannot see any benefit for Scotland or the rest of the UK us becoming independent!


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S'funny how the nitty gritty details like Jim has just touched on are not on the agenda for discussion - it's just the political posturing, scaremongering and arguing that makes good telly. The real details of what would actually change are not mentioned.


OK, so we might be a bit insulated from the effects 'darn sarf' but there are many, many small details that will mean very big changes if the vote is yes - to everyone. Not being able to cross the border in either direction in a financed car is a cracker. I don't remember either side talking about the ramifications of that.


Honestly, if I had a vote in this referendum, i'd be absolutely livid at how little information the people have been given about the real-life implications - short and long term. It's like the ordinary lives of the ordinary people don't really matter. They'll just have to find out as they go along and to hell with the consequences and inconvenience. And the cost.

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Taking the DVLA as an example, what will they have to change if Scotland votes Yes this week, in truth very little, cars on UK plates will still be liable for road tax etc payable to the DVLA until they are notified the vehicle has been exported. Wouldn't be hard for Scotland to start up its own DLVA but the cost of re-registering the cost would be huge, they could always pass on the cost by charging people but I imagine it wouldn't go down to well !


As for finance I'm sure the finance companies will become risk adverse and start hiking the costs to protect themselves, I'm sure all the new FCA regulations are produced under 'copywrite', I'm sure the UK government will be happy to 'SELL' to the Scottish regulators as will the DLVA be happy to sell its services the Scottish. 


I get the feeling Scotland wants to finish the relationship yet still pop round and sleep in the same bed when it suits. 

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That's the feeling out there if you look at the news, but seems very little info around on the positives, I'm sure there are a few!

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You know, Scotty.... sweetheart..... we've been together a long, long time and we've had a few ups and downs, but I think we suit each other.

However, over the last few years, I know you think I've been a bit controlling but I've always had your best interests at heart. I may not have listened quite as intently as you'd like when you weren't happy about something, but I always got the message in the end.


I know I've always looked after the money side of things but I thought you were OK with that. I've relied on you to be creative and inventive and not to be afraid to tell me when I've been a bit of a numpty with me mates.


So telling me you want a divorce after all this time together was, to be perfectly frank, a bit of a shock. Isn't that a bit, you know, drastic? Can't we have a talk about it? I mean, we're soulmates.... joined at the hip.... we're Great together.


If you feel so bad about us then how about maybe a trial separation?  I won't change anything, you can move back to your mother for a bit and see how we get on. I won't change the locks or give your CDs to the charity shop (tbh, no-one really likes Annie Lennox, but i've been too scared to tell you). Who knows, in a few weeks you might realise how good we are together and we can carry on as if nothing had happened.


Divorce though?!

I don't think you'll last 5 minutes without me anyway. You always said you'd be better off alone, but that's what you'll be............alone! My mates won't be your mates and you'll have to make your own arrangements for banking and insurance. I'm not gonna help when your car goes wrong either. And don't come crying to me when the money runs out. If you go through with this you'll deserve everything that you get.


I'm gonna do what I want, with who I want, when I want, without having to ask your permission, What's mine is mine and you aren't having any of it. If you think I'm just gonna give up half of everything I've worked so hard for, you've got another think coming.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of being in control of my own destiny without having to share everything with you... and then listen to you being ungrateful and moany about it.


Come to think of it, maybe it is the best option after all...


Yeah, clear off and take your silly clothes and rubbish food with you!

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SO many things have not been discussed, if the split went a head I personally think it would be a disaster ! 

As far as I'm concerned the combination is what makes this COUNTRY  'GREAT BRITAIN ' !

But I'm sure there are many Scots who will think totally opposite to me ! 

Either way lot of people are going be disappointed with the outcome - be it #Yes or #No !

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hahahahahahah that is BRILLIANT you should take up a job in script writing or write a book! Brilliant! LOL

You know, Scotty.... sweetheart..... we've been together a long, long time and we've had a few ups and downs, but I think we suit each other.

However, over the last few years, I know you think I've been a bit controlling but I've always had your best interests at heart. I may not have listened quite as intently as you'd like when you weren't happy about something, but I always got the message in the end.


I know I've always looked after the money side of things but I thought you were OK with that. I've relied on you to be creative and inventive and not to be afraid to tell me when I've been a bit of a numpty with me mates.


So telling me you want a divorce after all this time together was, to be perfectly frank, a bit of a shock. Isn't that a bit, you know, drastic? Can't we have a talk about it? I mean, we're soulmates.... joined at the hip.... we're Great together.


If you feel so bad about us then how about maybe a trial separation?  I won't change anything, you can move back to your mother for a bit and see how we get on. I won't change the locks or give your CDs to the charity shop (tbh, no-one really likes Annie Lennox, but i've been too scared to tell you). Who knows, in a few weeks you might realise how good we are together and we can carry on as if nothing had happened.


Divorce though?!

I don't think you'll last 5 minutes without me anyway. You always said you'd be better off alone, but that's what you'll be............alone! My mates won't be your mates and you'll have to make your own arrangements for banking and insurance. I'm not gonna help when your car goes wrong either. And don't come crying to me when the money runs out. If you go through with this you'll deserve everything that you get.


I'm gonna do what I want, with who I want, when I want, without having to ask your permission, What's mine is mine and you aren't having any of it. If you think I'm just gonna give up half of everything I've worked so hard for, you've got another think coming.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of being in control of my own destiny without having to share everything with you... and then listen to you being ungrateful and moany about it.


Come to think of it, maybe it is the best option after all...


Yeah, clear off and take your silly clothes and rubbish food with you!

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Episode Two


"ding-a-dong-dong  ding-a-dong-dong  ding-a-dong-dong-ding"



Hello.... hello?     Oh. Scotty, it's you! Sorry, I didn't recognise your number. Oh, you changed it..... you've got a new iPhone... good for you.

What are you ringing me for at this time of the morning?

I'm fine thank you, but what do you really want?


So. you've had some time to think and want to know how I feel about having another go of things? Really?

You been on the ginger wine?


You think you may have been having a mid-life crisis. The thought of being a little bit of an outcast not quite so appealing now, is it?  What happened to the idea that I'm a selfish control freak and you couldn't stand being near me?  Ah, that was just things we say when we're angry was it? That's OK then.


Here's the thing... I'd got quite used to living without you. Nothing really changed and, to be honest, although my mates were a bit confused as to why you would even think of leaving, they soon got used to you not being around. It might be a bit awkward if we turn up at the pub together as if nothing had happened. Still, in time, I suppose they'll accept it.

In time, I suppose I will!


So, if I say yes, what do you want me to do?


Give you a bit more of a say in the big decisions that affect both of us...  OK

Stop patronising you... I don't think I did, but OK

Share our finances properly and openly... OK

Stop laughing at your football team... Can't promise, but I'll try

You'd like us to visit your family more often; not just when we want something... OK

But above all, make it look like I care about you and your feelings?


Aw, come over here you big lummox and gimme a hug, you know I care!

The truth is, I never wanted you to go - we're better together, you know!


...what's for tea?

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