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Posts posted by umesh

  1. Just wondering if any of you guys have a work shop , what paint do you use on the floor / walls to keep clean , especially the floor the work shop over the years have painted the floor but with in weeks the paint flakes off !
    May be a special process is needed ? Anyone used anyone professional ?

    Something easy to clean and mop up ?

    Many thanks in advance

  2. The famous #19 by Paul Hardcastle [ Sorry showing my age now , for those youngsters  ] 

    On 1st of July I celebrated 19 Years in business , I can remember my 1st day as if it was yesterday , working from home - 1st thing was to get into the right frame of mind  although I was only working from my study at home I had to get dressed in work mode, yeap a shirt and tie ! A few months later I moved into the showroom that I occupy that was Nov 1st 1997.

    It's been one hell of a roller coaster ride , loving everyday , I think i am a very , very luck man as I love what I do, I look forward to the next day to meet new people and new challenges and what the day brings.

    The support from family, friends , colleagues and most of all loyal customers has been incredible without that I would certainly not be here.

    The toughest years were 2006 -2008 due to personal circumstances and then the almighty crash !! I thought long and hard about ' throwing the towel  in ' but I'm a fighter , I speak to many people some who think its been an easy journey , others are going through tough times- All I say to everyone is , if you have the passion and dedication you will succeed [ Luck plays some part ,lest not forget about that ] but it won't happen overnight, YOU have to work at it.!

    Times have changed , back then no websites ! wow can you image that - we have to adapt and keep up or get left behind. 

    The biggest tip I'd give to anyone starting out in any business is be in for the right reasons, passion for what you do and ENJOY , don't be afraid to ask others , others actually want to help and share their knowledge , I just wish these type of forums were about back in those days.

    So how long have you been in business , what have been your high's - Lows and tips you'd like to share?






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  3. 7 minutes ago, GreenGiant said:


    If someone presents a vehicle to you for part exchange and they tell you they had had Supagard/GardX/DiamondBrite etc etc applied when they bought it, would you ever consider offering a higher price than you would otherwise have offered because of it?


    I think I already know the answer, but I'm curious.

    Calm Down , Calm down :) ! Of course .... NOT ! 

  4. 1 hour ago, Chris said:

    Slightly off point and I might be missing something here but is anyone receiving enquiries from CarGurus?

    All the enquiries I receive just contain email links (generic not the customers actual email address) and no phone number so your only hope of converting the lead is if customer reads their email?

    Chris , Thats their way of 'upgrading' dealers to paid adverts - If you pay, I knew thats how they would make money - but just got this in the post '

    Basic ' Anonymous email - 12 Images

    Enhanced - Full Phone Number & Email address - 100 Photos  Pricing tool -compete branding - cannot be conquested (Keeps competitors off your listing!)


    Featured -  All the enhanced Plus Conquest competitors - featured placement on SRP's 


    Doesn't give prices but 200,000 + Cars 3,000 dealers [ Including me :) - Had a few leads on 'older cars' that 'show GOOD BUY' However 'buyers' still want to know BEST PRICE- But Not a single one has turned up - called me - or replied to any of my emails) 

    • Like 1

  5. 29 minutes ago, Gavin@Rousdon said:

    Days in's that DATA thing again, they have it and try and repackage it in a way that makes it useful to the customer. All it is doing is bite the hand that feeds it, the dealer who pays to advertise there.


    Car Guru's come and inspect our cars we have for sale, if they pass their standards (because they know what makes a great car remember)  they advertise them. The customer then pays CAR GURU's say £50 to be shown the cars that match their requirements which CAR GURU's class as a 'Fair Deal' or £150 to see the cars that are a 'Great Deal'. Now everyone is a winner, and CAR GURU's can honestly say Mr and Mrs Customer, we have got you a great deal, we have inspected and drove it, it matches our high standards. Customers will flock too pay £150 for this. 

    Gavin , In principle sounds great If they come and inspect etc et c.... However this is flawed

    1- there will be too many cars to inspect so they will subcontract this out

    OR The dealer buys into the 'system' of 'Approved ' i.e. RAC /AA to name a couple - so not worth paper its written on as its 'self' promoted as great ! #JustMtThoughts :) 

  6. Good interview , put his points across very well ... seems a different model to what we're seeing - he said 'dealer' reputation and also 'specification ' checked , think I would need to see proofs of that as all i still see is cars which are marketed on price .. done a couple of quick checks , if I don't stop I'll ramble on ! but it doesn't add up to me as yet .... ! 

  7. 16 minutes ago, SK Motors said:

    My trade plates are added onto my trade policy. My insurance company were saying the original VRM shouldn't be covered as it could be a stolen car for example and the Police wouldn't be able to see the VRM.

    I just wanted to check on here before buying trade plate holders etc so thanks for replying.

    What are regarded as the best plate holders as I really don't like the idea of the plates flying off somewhere ?

    Strangely enough the Police have similar issues .. The valeting company I use the driver got pulled a few months back in a Subaru WRX - They followed him and then pulled him over as the original plates were hidden behind the trade plates , He said similar however its the DVLA that decide the correct display and fines, so very mixed messages out there ..but I do remember a dealer who got fined ( This was mentioned on TCD Forum- Can't remember who ) for having plates in the window - original plate got picked up by camera and DVLA Advising him that plates should be covered. 

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  8. The rules always have been and more important than ever now , The original number plate must be covered and not displayed , the issue now  is if you plate gets picked up by an anpr camera it will show the car is not taxed and you get fined regardless the plates are in the front & rear window. You need cover the plates your insurance company is wrong , hence on the MID your trade plates should be noted. 

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  9. 38 minutes ago, jimreidvehicle said:

    Thanks for the opportunity.

    I would love to know what benefit there is to either party (customer or dealer) to publishing on the advert how long a car has been in stock?  (apart from giving the customer even more leverage to get a discount). Would you consider dropping this?

    The main issue I feel is with the Good Value/Great Value tool. Although I can see this can be seen as a benefit for buyers, surely there is more to a 'great deal' than just price? Is there no value in the fact a dealer may have a 5 star reputation for customer care, a second to none service and pre sales checkover and the factor that the car is local instead of having to travel 400+ miles? 

    The Good Value/Great Value's are based on what valuation tool?

    Lastly we specifically buy & sell high spec cars, these cars can have anything between £2000 -£10000+ with of factory fitted extras from new, which obviously means that they are more desirable than a car of a standard specification, how do you highlight these cars? Are they shown as a Great Value Deal or are they shown as a Bad value Deal as they are more expensive? Other factors would also include full service history & blemish free bodywork etc

    What are you going to do differently going forward to ensure that you don't become just another Autotrader? ( I dare you to ask this)

    Thank you, Jim   

    Asked same/similar - The customer is actually mislead if they advise them about 'best buy' as its only price lead and not as you say spec/dealer reputation etc etc - so in reality its not 'best buy' for the consumer ! ++ 

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  10. 17 hours ago, Rory RSC said:

    Today has been a brilliant day really busy and another one of those days that makes you love the job.  


    Well Done Rory . You have have found the sweet point ! :) go man go ....! 

  11. Personally I think the 'carcraft' name had such negative name that I would not wanted to be associated with it ! You just have see some of the alleged horror stories on the net ! Maybe that will change as times go on ....

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  12. Same as said by Rory , If they've seen the car - then Non refundable ( Unless they've said for example subject to the Mrs/Mr ..or a mate giving it once over etc at the start of the process ) AND I do make it clear that if they change their mind ..then sorry its non refundable and I don't really want a deposit if they are not 100% committed .. Only ever had an odd one or two who's changed their mind and to be fair if for example the other half didn't agree and they called the next day as a gesture I've refunded .. its amazing a bit of good will goes a long way!

    Had one where it was genuinely man lost his job, paid me £500 deposit - car was ready for him and on the day of collection told no job! I agreed to refund half and keep the other should he back in the market ! He was overjoyed with that as he thought he'd lose it all ! Think we have to look at reasons and treat everyone as individual !


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  13. I don't use auctions and from hearing so many horror stories ( But guess the bad news always gets talked about more than good ! ) what do they see as a way forward to 'help ' dealers - more accurate descriptions, help dealers who have bought a car that was clearly not described correctly ? stop 'public' ' Non trade' buying and make it 'approved VAT  registered dealers only ' to help the industry ? 

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  14. I've tried it and definately did not work for me !  just a quick example it tells me the hottest cars to buy are Corsa / C1 etc as they are the fastest sellers in my postcode/area, ..Guess what I have Arnold Clark main Vauxhall dealer , AC Supermarket and AC Biggest in europe centre with all with 5 to 30 Mins drive who sell these these like hot cakes - now do I want to compete in that market ? will they be profitable cars for me to buy ? .. A Lot of other cars I looked at using the 'tool' I couldn't buy for the said value but obviously paying more according to the tool I couldn't sell for 'the suggested price' !  I'm stick with my own knowledge and experience Thank you.!  

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  15. 11 minutes ago, sparky said:

    Lakeside Car Sales, Redditch.

    I've yet to come across a dealer based on a Ind Estate who appears to have so little online presence (apart from a huge FB following) yet shifts so much metal at normal old fashioned prices. Very impressive.

    Impressive Number of Likes 47K ! Lots of reviews .. Do you know if the sales are actually from FB ? And Are they making the margins or simply churning metal ? ( We'll never know !) 

  16. Welcome back to the future ! :)

    It ain't cheap and further more a lot of them won't do deals ! There are various ones around me and depending on which one I use the numbers are similar if not more ! 

    But it works for me .. not every week - just like online but having built an audience over the years and the ' mature' buyers still read the local and are more comfortable dealing with local business. 

    Let me know if you decide to plunge and try it ! Good Luck 

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  17. 1 hour ago, Jack Regan said:

    I think this is where eBay is wrong , if  you put them on as an auction then it should be same rules  as if you took them to auction.

    As we know this auction is an auction with a twist ! #NeverUseIt 

  18. I met Danny the night before CDX16 ! We chatted most of the evening with a couple of friends ..I think i remember saying to Danny " we have probably 150 years joint experience :) , listen to us , WE ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU " 

    He promised us that things will change , all we can do is trying to guide him - rest is down to him as they say " you can lead a horse ...."

    DANNY... It's ALL down to YOU as i said ' Action speaks more than words ' ! 

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