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Posts posted by umesh

  1. 'Improvisation ' - Madness

    You've never seen like this !

    Van comes in next door couple of weeks ago to have tracking checked, found track rod end got play in the arm - advised customer needs this repair, OK - I'll get my garage to fix to it and come back.

    Van rolls in this morning - and this has to be seen to be believed !, Old wheel bearing 'packed' between the bolt and the arm ! what a bodge - The guys 'tried' to explain to the van owner how dangerous this is - it could kill someone and refused to work on the van.

    They told him , I can understand if you're stuck in the desert or on a motorway and you did that to get you home as an emergency but this is just unreal....

    Now is it another garage .. or he's own handy work ?

    The van driver goes away mumbling and not happy ! do these idiots realise the implications !


    check out the picture .... !! wont let me up load the picture :( !! 



  2. whitestone .... think what they mean is 'Christmas is the busiest time on searches ' which is true as people getting bored etc and sitting searching / dreaming and some actually buying ..but due to 'time off' lots of searches so it does peaks ! [And I've noticed some years I do good business between Christmas & new year - Last two years no as good as previous few] 

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  3. GG :) ! you and i know ,  and have probably said it many times !  IF it isn't working for you pull the plug - find better places to get better ROI , Moaning , groaning , shouting against any business be it Autotrader, N.Power, BT , won't get prices down ! Each and every business has to decide what is BEST for them and go with it. 

  4. I always remove all the books/book pack and put them all in a cupboard and split the keys too - Every car - every time ! You just never know.What a shocking story ! I'm always very cautious when you get a 'gang ' of men looking and they're all over the place !

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  5. You have to decide what you want to go I guess, I prep all my cars ready and pretty much every car is 'ready to drive away' instantly ! as you say most want to drive away especially if they are travelling some distance. I think you still need to prep them and if you trade them you have to point out the benefits of that it is ready to retail and hopefully get your money back/make profit moving it on in the trade. 

  6. Not tried it as I have own car to use, the only thing I can think of is if you tax it and not declare new owner , when you come to tax again for the new owner - it it may not allow you as the vehicle may still show with an owner , not in the trade ?  don't know - but keep everyone informed if it works or not ! :) 

  7. Gavin , some good points ! WE all have a choice and I've said it more than once - if it ain't working for you - STOP !! its as simple as that , most months it pays for me to be on there I sell more than enough from AT to justify the cost and ROI. 

    I don't buy any cars from Auctions but do hear of horror stories of people paying a fortune be it 'cap' or 'Glass's' , CAP Clean means to be 'ready to retail' so why do people keep bidding on cars if they need £500 spend , plus transport +++ then wonder why they are not making a profit?? 

    We , small independents  are transparent with our pricing ( well I I am :) ) I.E we don't charge for HPI check, admin fees' etc but we're trying to compete with the likes of some supermarkets who's advertised ' headline price' maybe cheaper but the customer actually pays more as they get charged admin fee £150, hpi check £90, Fuel £20 - valet , etc etc , we include ALL these as part of our deal - we just need to shout more about what WE offer the customer besides the headline prices!.

    Motors - i agree with you - it just bringing in sufficient leads - it ought to but simply doesn't ! bizarre guy from Abelege just called via motors on my freelander :) ! Says he wants to come over tomorrow .....

    I've asked about reps visiting ( I don't get a visiting rep!) its simply that there are too many dealers and they don't have the man power (or woman) or visit all, then I guess if they employ more .. more costs incurred who's going to pay - US! ( To be fair my tele rep is very good , never had issues ,always returns calls/emails promptly , so for me they do treat me as a valued customer ) 

    Good and interesting points on here - come on guys keep em coming - Good - Bad or ugly I'm sure AT Team will look over these and maybe implement some positive changes !

    My observations..

    AT Doesn't bring in sufficient quality leads

    Motor's doesn't bring in enough leads

    eBay brings in the idiots offering lot less than asking prices

    Gumtree similar to eBay

    AA - Don't hear much , but not enough leads 

    RAC Again not enough leads

    Facebook - working for some - not others

    So is it too many cars , too many dealers , too much choice for customers - confusion or is this just the 'INDEPENDENT' dealers views and the bigger boys / supermarkets having it all their own way ? 

    Any thoughts ? 


  8. Did similar last week Jim, previous customer wanted to see car - couldn't make it down as he'd sold his car to a friend - took it round agreed deal delivered it next day ! In reality all methods still work but as you've said the 'younger' generation are growing up with 'click & buy' make it EASY and it'll work ! Look forward to reading the exclusive soon in the magazine :) ! 

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  9. I’ll throw this in and lets see what you guys think !
    In reality ALL WE want is to advertise our cars for the cheapest method and get the best return /sales , but business constraints / open market /return on investment etc etc all dictate what can be done for what price.
    Also in reality WE Know Autotrader cannot bring down prices , So what can they do to make us all happy ! or how can they help us all ?
    magic wand – ideal situation- Fire away and lets see what ideas we can throw in , and just ,maybe just we can gain something from us all….

    Thoughts Guys ?


  10. Everyone wants 'EASY' Thats why Amazon is so successful ,'Click - and its delivered' , I'm trying to push with my video's that you can see a full walk-around HD video of the car , up to 60 images , accurate descriptions etc etc , but not sure if people are 'just' ready as yet to click and buy a used car , maybe the younger generation coming up may think a bit different - but Jim I think you're right we have to be ready to grasp it and with slight tweaks to the regulations is what is needed to give us all the confidence to sell without worry And in all reality most of do the job right so no need to worry about cars being sent back ! I have a customer in Torquay who always buys by looking on the website -  "I fancy this - how much for mine " and the car gets delivered to his door ! #RavingFans  #easy 

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