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Posts posted by umesh

  1. Well James, you could ask him if he remembers me from his 'SEAT' marketing days ! :) , Give him my regards and congrats on his amazing journey from marketing SEAT to head of Mercedes !

    At one time a lot of people aspired to own a Mercedes Benz, they felt it was their life achievement or a dream  to own a Mercedes, however over the years the brand has gone into volume and its no longer as perceived as 'the brand' that was once 'the one' , to aspire to, does he feel it will ever get back to that platform or simply be just like BMW , AUDI etc .


  2. Interesting Yasen,! I'm sure most of us would be very interested in leads , genuine leads that these people are interested in buying, the problem is not wasting a lot of time on dead leads which doesn't help you, me or any other dealer ! Its how to authenticate genuine leads from 'tyre kickers' but always willing to have a chat if its beneficial to all. :)

    • Like 1

  3. 8 days in to the month, 1 phone call, and sold 0.


    Any mentor's on here fancy giving me some tips on how to be a "successful" car dealer? my kids need to eat :)


    I must be doing something very wrong!

    When you find out how to be a 'successful ' car dealer share it with us all :) ! , Joking apart - Its generally tough out there - little pockets doing very well ! Pleased to help if you think I can help - Feel free no pressure email is - Old fashioned conversation on 01782 822 700  - Regards Umesh - Keep smiling :) ! Forgot to say  more mentors on Twitter car dealers Forum if you're not already on there ! 

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  4. Same happened to us with a 330ci coupe this week  - Advertised Tuesday 3pm driving away Wednesday evening. Great news.

    Nice to have met the legendary Umesh yesterday, you can pop down more often, managed to get the customers sold to so must have brought me some good luck. 

    Pleasure to meet you Rory , and glad I brought you some good luck ! :) Kettles's always on next time you're passing around me ! 

  5. Been getting a few calls from 'all over the world ..allegedly ' wanting to buy /sell cars .. told them ALL to go away !! ... On No ..What Have I done, turned so much business away :) ! Think if you have staff just need to make them aware some sound so plausible . 

  6. Yip, had our accounts hacked too about a month ago during a free trial, so have decided not to continue advertising on this platform,

    FREE TRIAL ! :) , You lucky, lucky man .. Or maybe I'm the lucky one as they wouldn't give me a free trial , because 'they don't need' to as it sells lots of cars for lots of dealers ! maybe I've had a lucky escape ! 

  7. I still don't understand it .....

    You telling me people have stopped buying road tax since the 'no disc' changes, surely this cannot be true ?, Lots still confused about the changes 12+ months on , but just think about to all cars being taxed at month ends etc as tax doesn't pass on .. does this imply customers just don't care and carry on driving 'un taxed ' , Ok some of the 'slips' might not get posted and delays change over but seems like the whole country is doing that ?? what about the ANPR Cameras? , The numbers don't make sense to me , just makes me wonder is a 'software' issue somewhere which may come out ... ' #TaxDiscGate '!

  8. Always a great shame to see dealers closing down , especially the well established 'old ' names!

    Two questions - Is that they haven't adapted to changes ?

    or customer behavior /loyalty changing ? ..

    because falling margins/overheads affects every business, some massive growth with other dealers/groups ?? which means do they have a different' business' model ? 

    • Like 1

  9. I think a lot of buyers do that either dealers in Cheshire , dealers in stoke etc PLUS they will also type I.E. Audi A4 .... Which will either bring up your website or AT, motors, etc etc depending on how good the search term is or how relevant the content is ! Google analytic's shows all these searches / paths! guess we're all trying to second guess what the buyers are actually tying .. had a strange one the other day caller says

    " are you a Kia specialist car "

    "No but I do sell Kia, is there any thing specific I can help with ? "

    " I'm an X- Kia dealer selling my parts stock - and I googled Kia specialist and you came up !"

    How bizarre ! :) 


  10. Copy of licence most times, sometimes just visually check -BUT everyone customer fills in their details on test drive form, I also put reg no , make , model , sates, times so if anything ever came back I have record with their signature - also includes their PX Car or car  they came in ! 

    I've had 2 sets of plates for years - well worth it for me , times when you 2 sets wanting test drives makes life easy and saves others having about waiting !

    Test drive - no plates get if it gets caught classed as no tax , possible back duty?  insurance issues maybe ? 

    I cant upload the form but pleasure to email it if it helps ? 

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  11. £500 road tax - is not an issue if the buyer wants that car ! 18 months a ago I Had a Nissan Munaro 3.5 Petrol, mine was a newer model 2007 - at £500 - he'd also been looking at older 05 plate at I think £280 road tax , I said he was put off at the £500 road Tax - I said but its not £500 - its £220 more per year , thats all and you're getting a lot newer car , one owner etc etc - his answer " You're right - I never saw it that way only £500 - but I'd be paying £280 anyway" SOLD ! 

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  12. Don't take this the wrong way Umesh, but I thought you had been around longer than that :) I remember during my first year doing a back trade on one of your old cars, a lovely 89F Audi Coupe in white. Needless to say it became my smoker, after all, the ladies do love a white Audi.....


    Anyway, happy birthday to Rose Motors, a year of selling cars without balloons is a huge achievement, next you will be telling us you never have your hatches open!

    Sparky ! I do remember the white Coupe :) memory hasn't failed me..! set up July 1st 1997 !

  13. Happy 1st Anniversary ! Phew seems a long time a go since that time .. 18 years now in business - Voting age :) ! 

    I got the local press to do an article on the business with most of my suppliers having a support advert , it worked very well ! New readers got to see the article and I just put in there that everyone was welcome to pop in and have a look / drink / cake , I also sent out letters to all customers who had bought cars from me thanking them for support and please pop in ! - It worked very well ... I did have 'balloons' in the showroom :) , only a couple saying  '1' .. but I feel I would have sold twice as many cars had I gone down the balloons avenue ! 

    Good Luck with what ever you decide to do ! continued success my friend ! 

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