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Posts posted by umesh

  1. Happens at supermarket tills as well.... but luckily they tap in what you've given and the little calculator works it all out for the cashier .... but its that 1st puzzled look that makes me smile !! :) as if why are you paying me more than I'm asking !! 


  2. I was also there on Wednesday (join the club!). Did anyone else see the 51 plate M3 convertible go through Hall 3? Velvet Blue 57k, good history, nice example

    Cap clean £6875

    It made £10500 through the blocks. £10500!!! 

    Even if that was a retail punter buying it that's way over the odds. Apparently they had £6800 on the sheet for it, I bet they're rubbing their hands together on that one


    Makes you wonder if they should have gone to spec savers... Probably misread the '51' and thought a bargain as a '57' :) !! 


    Just a massive THANK YOU to everyone for your feedback to the email I sent out , Some very, interesting thoughts / feedbacks , Greatly appreciated
    We ‘small independents ‘ may be independents but collectively we’re a BIG group !
    Keep smiling and Thanks Again

  4. Problem is Wheelerdealer1 - if / when we find hundreds of these 'illegal traders' - no easy task - what do we do with the information, who do we report them to .. and WHAT Will the do about it.. just have to be very careful we don't waste time and get distracted away from our core business ! #justsaying 

    Last time I had a VAT inspection I asked the inspector why were there so many 'road side illegal traders ' and what were they going to do about it ? his reply was we don't have the man power to go after them ... I said looks like because I am legally registered , you know who I am - Where I am - I am an easy target for you ??


  5. Just a quick mention if you guys are not aware of a regular podcast , lots of very interesting information

    i.e new consumer law changes that affect us all from 1st October, insight motor trade information and dealer interviews .+++ plus so much more worth a listen / follow

    twitter @dealerpodcast

    Enjoy !

    Apologies if this has been mentioned before :) ! 

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  6. I think sometime we have to throw the guides away - simple as that - I've bought cars which if someone was studying how much I've paid they would think I was barmy ..!!

    Think sometimes you simply look at 'value' and if you've done well with that make/model then you ignore the guides - go with your own gut feeling/ previous sales history or you may just have a customer who will buy it ... in the above case the buyer may have a client willing to spend £4k  ?

  7. I try to put them on ..and it is amazing how many I've sold before they arrive or get appointments /deposit when it arrives ! 

    Like Jim, I'm the same with the 'sold cars' put sold until paid , delivered ... after all its sold sold till we have the money :) !! And it also stops people getting annoyed if its still showing available on your site and they call in/up to enquire ! [ I've also managed to sell similar cars - sourced - I always ask is that exactly what you'e looking for , IF i can find similar would you buy ... doesn't work every time or most of the time ..but the sake of asking - i've magaed to see the odd or two ! ]

  8. I was just trying to think who I booked with couple of years ago .. I'm sure its Goldcar ? 

    Same issue queued for 2 hours ... tried to up sell me a car , when that failed they offered me a smart car ! i refused I said how are going to carry our luggage etc - I had booked a 'small car' not a micro car .. eventually got a fiesta .. THEN told me my CDW insurance would not apply and I had to leave a 'open card / 500/600 Euro - I refused and eventually they accepted ... ( Sounds like a retail customer's story about buying a new car from a main dealer :) ) sorry ! 

    Felt so , sorry for the next elderly couple who were just being taken through the same rip off script .....

    when I returned the car, it was hard work - a lady said just leave it there - I insisted she walked around with me and signed the agreement to say no damage ! 

    total rip off ! 

  9. Well I'm guessing you've all seen the news, read the papers ....

    Who's going to change their life style after reading this ..

    The link is uncertain, but theories include a stressful job and the damaging impact on lifestyle.

    Experts said people working long hours should monitor their blood pressure

    The study showed that in comparison to a 35-40 hour week, doing up to 48 hours increased the risk by 10%, up to 54 hours by 27% and over 55 hours by 33%.

    Dr Mika Kivimaki, from University College London, said that in the 35-40 hour group there were fewer than five strokes per 1,000 employees per decade.

    And that increased to six strokes per 1,000 employees per decade in those working 55 hours or more.


  10. Its all weird and we never know what they're thinking ...

    but Saturday guy rang up about a SAAB Convertible I had, arrived just before closing time - looked at - body language - words didn't inspire me , then he says 'Can I take if for a drive' [ 3 Cars in front of it - in the showroom ] 

    No Problem I said ..walked off to get the keys , he takes it for a drive ,again when he returns I wasn't sure .. so to break the ice I said " what do you think ? it is good , very good or fantastic ? " :) he said quite like it .... how much and will you take my old car off me ! Of course ... rest as they say is history ! Deposit paid - deal done ! Nice end to a quieter Saturday ! 

    If i was a betting man - I'd have lost the lost .. ! 

    BUT Yes there are so many others who simply like to 'kick tyres' as nothing better to do .... !! 

  11. I'm only guessing but either no one wants to help me or all the 'small independent dealers ' have gone ! :) .. or on the positive note .. everyone's busy, busy , busy !

    No trick questions - some feedback wanted from independent dealers  which may help us all .. Thats all Folks !



    Just spotted this poll by AM 

    What is your dealership's average used car days in stock before retail or decide to trade? 

    • 1 to 14 days = 15.9%
    • 15 to 30 days = 4.5%
    • 31 to 45 days = 13.6%
    • 46 to 60 days = 29.5%
    • 61 to 75 days = 15.9%
    • 76 to 90 days = 6.8%
    • 90+ days = 13.6%


    Any Thoughts ? 


    • Like 1

  13. In reality I don't think we need to worry .. carry on as normal and I'm sure ( but hopefully not ) we may got the 'odd' nutter who will challenge us 'just because' he/she can and he/she knows the law ! AND I think we all know MOST Customers are very reasonable and will accept repairs etc  

    Inspect /service the car / mot it - keep a record to show all good at time of delivery/sale - this will prove no faults at delivery /sale. 


  14. RandomJord there is a 'massive difference' in what you do .. you may be a a home trader with a unit ..but you have a 'proper business' unlike the ones we're all talking about who don't have a 'legit' car sales business but simply a 'extra income' , not forgetting they don't pay vat probably plus all the rent/rates and everything else associated with a proper business ! 

    you have a business model that suits you , nothing wrong with that ! 

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