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Posts posted by umesh

  1. I'll definitely be coming along again this year ! very much looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing what you guys have to share with us from the NADA Convention ! Can't wait ! Thank again James and ALL the team for putting this event on , for those who've never been don't make excuses be THERE ! Its one very important day not to be missed !

  2. Brought to my attention this morning by James Sapeira @JamesSaperia
    We can now tell DVLA Instantly when when are taken in part exchange on behalf of the customer !

    [ Only if you want to tell them .. if you want a couple of days grace to run the PX about then i guess use old fashioned method :) ]



    Think personally its the way forward -!

    Thanks James for keeping us posted

  3. Lets see what WE all want or don't want  from the likes of Autotrader, Motors, Carcliq, AA, RAC , eBay, Pistonheads +++ 100's more

    We moan and groan about each and everyone , be it cost ( of course too expensive! ) attitude, lack of leads (sales) - IF you had the opportunity to change / adjust anything on any of the platforms:-

    what chances would yo like to see and how would that help your business?

    what would encourage you to advertise with that co if you're not already doing so?

    what would make you move away IF you were already advertising with them ?

    Is there a better way that they should charge us dealers i.e. instead of per car or between range i.e 1-15 16-20 50-150 etc etc

    Do you believe some dealers get a better deal than you ? and why?

    What return would you expect on your investment ?

    YOU Don't have to name the platform's IF that makes you uncomfortable mentioning them by name on here!

    I'm just very curious to know your thoughts , and if you think similar to me.

    Don't be shy! :)

  4. We ALL Know it goes quiet near Christmas time , sadly for the motortrade that will not change , as 'Newbie' says have the stock 'mint' and when the customers do flock in they cannot find a reason not to buy!

    AT Pricing - difficult I know but I look at it at times and take it with a pinch of salt !! Some of these prices are a joke , not always 'under valuing ' but some the other way saying it should be more ! Every car is unique unless if you're selling same' bread & butter' stock ! Have confidence in your own stock , own ability and how you 'market' your own business / dealership - I've always from day one said "I am not the cheapest , never will be BUT I will sell you the best cars and offer you best car buying experience with great back up service " !

    I'm no expert but that's my thoughts !

    Happy selling guys and all the very best for 2015! Keep smiling and selling!

    • Like 2

  5. You guys are just making too much profit :) !

    Had two similar situations last year .. both customers asked for reg numbers to check insurance .. then came to view the cars, after some time said WBAY Would offer £x for that I was selling ...

    I said I have no idea what they would pay but I am asking £xx , after explaining trade/ condition / warranty etc etc - Keeping very calm :) I did sell to both ... 

    I guess you suggested to the customer they should go and buy from WBAC ?????? 

  6. GreenGiant

    "So, if you do agree to take a deposit by credit card, make sure the card belongs to someone other than the actual purchaser of the vehicle! "


    Now that's asking for trouble too :) 


    Card Payment : Had a customer couple of weeks ago wanting to buy a £20k car, wanting to pay by debit card over the phone and pick the car next morning , I said I’ll take £250- deposit – rest must be bank transfer! He went on to explain he’s not near a computer / internet access etc, not done bank transfers etc etc. I said the only way the car would be released would be with a bank transfer or debit card when he’s here. He went on to explain because he works odd hours was hoping if he couldn’t make it then his mate would pick it up , hence wanting to pay over the phone.
    I clearly told him that was not going to happen, he said I’ll talk to bank and call you back!
    Still waiting but from the outset – I knew it was a scam, stolen card!. Just got to be so careful out there!

  7. Not sure if everyone is aware of this situation, I know that consumers get the protection when they are buying or paying for goods on their credit cars #section75


    That's why I always use my credit card ,what I didn't realise is that even if a 'small ' portion has been paid on credit card on a vehicle the consumer has full rights ! how frightening is that ?



    Most of the deposits I take are on credit card, balance on debit card , now that small deposit of £250 gives them so much rights ! just think we all need to be aware , we all get the odd nutter who likes to take advantage of the situation.


    Learning everyday !

    • Like 1

  8. some fantastic suggestions ! Loving them all Guys ! 


    jim is dreaming with this one ..." Make it law that car dealers have to be nice to each other and that they are at least civil to each other starting with returning phone calls, describing cars correctly and being honest to each other! " Nice thought tho! :)


    We definitely need to have a 'licence ' system not only to protect our investment in the motor industry but to protect the consumers from unscrupulous dealers!

    Why do we have to pay tax on tax ?  I guess the list is endless ...

    • Like 1

  9. One gadget that i do love is the auto cruise .. Had a volvo that I used to go to London a few months back , never sure about all these gizmo's thought I'd better test it , absolutely fantastic , with its BIS SYSTEM and lane steer - I set the cruise on about 75 mph and virtually came all the way back without having to touch the brake or accelerator !

    Worked superb when some idiot decided to pull in front of me and the car simple braked / slowed down - danger out of the way - speeds up to set speed ! Well impressed .... only danger too easy to fall asleep :) 

  10. I put all my cars on that are going to be retailed! Saves any issues if the ANPR picks up any cars on test drive , and i suppose if there was any issues with insurance cover they are fully aware what vehicles I have in stock at all times  ! Maybe an over kill but safe than sorry ! :) 

    • Like 1

  11. I'm one of the 'smaller' accounts ! when I decided to down grade my account 18 months/2 years ago , I no longer got a 'rep' to visit , all done via telephone / emails , BUT to be fair he is very good and when I've had issues i always get prompt replies / calls back ! I can only comment on the way that I've been dealt with.!

    But i'm sure there are many, many tales to be told :) !  

  12. I'm always interested to know what type's of marketing dealers [business]  do ? Is everyone just focused on ' on line' website full stop! 

    I've tried Radio but personally feel that it should work but never produces the desired results - maybe its good for 'branding' but difficult to monitor even with call to action ads.

    I do mail shots, direct mail, leaflet drops, email marketing, local press, not fully ventured in to sms/ text as yet.

    Any thoughts out there ?

    Anything you've tried and thought it was good? or tried something which you thought was great but it failed to deliver any results ? 


  13. I think most of what could be added has already been said i.e. best practice examples, real stories about different business's even sharing additional profit areas that some dealers use and others night not even have thought about ! all these 'little' things help each other.

    Thanks again for a GREAT mag and well done again for the deserving award ! 

    Keep up the GREAT work!