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Posts posted by umesh

  1. Just wondering what accounts packages other smaller dealers are using?

    Have been using Pegasus but its needs to be changed and not so helpful people since local supplier closed.

    is there a 'cloud based' one out there?



  2. Radio Advertising
    Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on Radio advertising!
    Normally I don’t listen to commercial radio (because of the ads !! ) but thinking about giving it another shot – locally, but this morning I listened to a couple of car dealer ads.
    Interesting one is a national group – advertising new Fords with pay half today – then nothing for two years –then pay the other half – no interest charges!
    2nd Mercedes Benz UK offer on all used C & E Class models with £1000 contribution towards finance deals BUT the cars MUST be over 90 days in stock!
    Any thoughts ?

  3. removal of Direct Debit discount ! might not seem much but its another additional cost !

    £8 - per week to me ! £416 pa EXTRA for nothing. Maybe I stop my DD so that they have to chase me every month for the payment ..or maybe I simply STOP altogether advertising with Autotrader ! #DecisionsDecisions  

    • Like 1

  4. Yes we have talk about Autotrader !
    So everyone by now would have had 'the letter' followed by possibly a phone call about the removal of DD Discount-!
    how does it affect you ? any thoughts on the matter?

  5. Thanks for all the feedback , appreciated.
    Here is what I did.
    I explained the value difference was £1000 – the couple agreed I was being reasonable, however could not justify to themselves losing all that money. I said I would give the higher price IF the service history turned up but my dilemma was I had couple of calls on the car ( not saying they would buy it).   I asked did they want to buy the car even if the history didn’t turn up , they said they simply could not accept the lower figure but totally agreed it was fair. I said on that basis I would refund the deposit as I couldn’t really hold it and if they felt they could accept the lower price or the history turned up then give me a call and I’d honour the deal. ( I even down to £800 to try & close the deal !)
    Interesting the two callers would NOT leave their name/ contact numbers – both withheld numbers , they just kept saying they’d call back!
    Took a call from one of the ‘ mystery caller ‘  “was the car sold or not?â€, told her it was for sale and explained the reason why, they came down and announced themselves as the ‘ mystery caller’ – Long story short! Sold
    Just for interest:
    I had a similar situation a few years back, customer on holiday in the peak district from Inverness spotted my Avant S Line- told me over the phone all about his GTI , Gave him approx figure and we’d agreed subject to both cars being what they were deal done.
    Came down couple of days later , no books in the GTI he said I always keep them there, the garage that services it for me may have taken them out but definitely got them. I said I’d obviously valued it with the FSH and without it its worth £1000 less. He rang the garage but they couldn’t put their hands on while he was with me, so promised they would be posted to me.
    I said I’m more than happy , However I would take a £1000 – ‘holding’ deposit on his credit card so that once I’d got the books I’d refund, all typed up agreement and that he had to send them registered post – within 3 weeks of day. He said totally understand I’ll ring you when I get home and tell you I’m posting them !
    Nothing ever arrived in the post , I rang him a few times – he couldn’t find them , I even said after 6 weeks post them down I’ll refund the money , nothing . After 2 months I wrote to him to say as far as I was concerned the matter was closed and I’d sold the car with ‘no service history’ and no refund would be given ! so the question would be was there any history? £1000 is a lot of money !

  6. How much difference do YOU put on a value of a car with & without service history?

    Customer came in last week to look at an Audi A3, Liked it didn’t have time to test drive and didn’t come in the car they wished to Part exchange BUT wanted the Audi, so they put a deposit on subject to test drive and me inspecting their car today ( One week from putting deposit on it) price for their car I had said between £5000 -£5500 !

    Happy with those figures !

    They’ve just been in want my car...but their car is worth the £5000 which they would accept, However the FSH – Mercedes B Class- has no service book – they have not removed it from the car since buying it 18 months a long , all other books present – How much adjustment would you make on the value of the car? Any?  And would you hold the car for any further time whilst they go and see if Arnold Clark will supply the full service history which they thought the car had when they bought it ?

  7. I have 4 hand car washed with in shouting distance - One opposite - 3 less than 1/4 of mile !

    Interesting as to how these guys make it pay  but more amazing one of the sites I've thought would make a great car sales front that I've looked at many time .. as soon as it was empty it was snapped up ..I rang to find out after about 3/4 days when I told it was empty and the ' car wash' guys had secured it with in 2 weeks walls moved - new entrance added and trading ! now that's speed - have they got planning ? did they get planning for new entrance ? ( we know how long that takes!) seems like they just get on with it - new signage, new equipment , matching clothing - very professional ! 

    • Like 1

  8. FOR SOME reason cannot see the text ! so I'll add it on again relating to above !


    A fellow #SBS winner is trying to locate this car , sentimental value - Can anyone help locate it please ?
    Her request as follows!
    "Someone somewhere must know where this car is?
    HAS to be this car, reg BUR 152. She is a 1935 Austin 12/4 Saloon"

    I've attached a picture as well.

    Any help please give me a shout!

  9. I feel Toyota are doing it the proper way, there's an issue and they're standing by their product.

    Unlike many manufacturers who 'claim' they don't have issue when we all know there are issues i.e. Audi - Volkswagen - DSG Gearbox EVERYONE Knows about these, but manufacturer 'claims' not to know of any faults ! There are plenty others not playing by the rules , all this gives them a bad reputation and its the customers who has to pay out for expensive repairs !

    Good on you Toyota!

  10. Manufacturers -Logos, Names !
    Just seen a story on AM
    About a Jaguar specialist who is being perused by Jaguar for using ‘JAGUAR’ IN HIS TRADING NAME !
    I can fully understand manufacturers wanting to protect their’ brand’ and ensure that standards are not compromised to customers , and non ‘franchised’ dealers don’t pose as ‘franchised dealers’ so customers don’t get mislead!
    I see so many images of ‘used car dealers’ with ‘manufacturer’s logos’ all over their business ‘s . Many years ago I was asked to remove a couple of ‘logos’ off my website and Yellow pages advert.
    I immediately removed the logos off the website , BUT refused  to remove the ‘images’ of ‘logos’ off yellow pages , I explained that these were not ‘misuse’ of logos put images of ‘cars/car  grills’ that I either own or have owned and will not be removing then off any advertising or marketing material.
    Lovely letter back from the manufacturer thanking for the removal and stating that I was right and no further communication was necessary!
    { i was purely picked on because the ‘local’ dealer was performing poorly and implied I was taking the business away !- nice compliment that I’m a one man band and they ‘were’ the main dealer with a multimillion pound latest showroom ‘}
    Would love to hear views from BOTH sides! I’m ready to get shot down!

  11. 1st person with the money wins every time!  Its happened so many times and will continue to do so.. I've had the same when they say they want it but don't want to leave a deposit ..I always say the car is still for sale until someone puts a deposit on it .

    Had one a few years ago who said can you ring me IF someone is very interested .. I said How can I ? If I have a customer in front of me wanting to buy the car - I cant say to him - Hold on I just need to make a call - can I?

    if YOU want it enough you should buy it and not wait until someone else shows interest , to say I sold it to another customer the next morning , so I rang the 1st man and told him I'd sold it ! you can image all the names he called me !! I said if you really wanted it WHY did you not put a deposit on it.

    I also explain the £250 deposit is non refundable should they decide not to proceed !

    strange we all say £250 deposit .:)  the Higher the deposit less chance to cancel ... with some I get full payment when they sign the order ! #EveryLittleHelps

  12. Will, I'm just looking at more efficient lighting for the showroom, I replace all the tubes every 3-4 years ! all 100 odd ! amazing the difference in brightness but am considering LED  , I have some on test at the moment makes a massive difference in brightness and makes the colours of the cars 'shine' :)

    Just got to weigh up the overall costs ! to replace all the lights £3k ! ouch but supposed to be 71% saving !so payback shouldn't take too long !