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Posts posted by umesh

  1. 8 hours ago, SuperLease said:

    Genuine question putting all this nonsense to one side what exactly is the point of this association?

    Free or not. What would I gain that I dont already have?

    I am not expecting a reply from one of the founders because they have made it clear they wont reply on here or any other forum aside from the one they run which you have to be a member of before you can ask any questions about being a member.

    Can anyone answer this in a nice simple way that a numpty like me can understand please?



    Superlease pleasure to answer : Just some of the benefits 

    What are the benefits of joining The IMDA ?

    • Full Access to use the Trade only IMDA Forum which over the years has be an invaluable tool for sharing industry knowledge & best practice between dealers.  
    • Legal Advice through Lawdata (Legal experts in the Automotive field) with a dedicated Legal Helpline.
    • Full Access to The IMDA Hub- Industry Information & learning Hub with relevant news & views.
    • Choose from a wide range of Exclusive IMDA Offers from various handpicked Approved Suppliers.
    • Daily updated blogs from Industry Experts sharing their views & news.
    • Get your Voice heard as we lobby Corporations & Government on your behalf.
    • Support with FCA Compliance, GDPR, HR & Employment Law at the end of the phone.

    Benefits that will help you run your business more efficiently either by cutting costs or adding value and time to your already busy schedule, THE Place for all your resource.

    Hope these help to give you an indication of what the Association is about ? 


    • Like 1



    I started the post on the IMDA as genuinely believe this is the way forward for the Independent dealers, together with like-minded colleagues we started the association, we all believe the Independent sector needs a voice, support and help not only to survive but to grow and reinvest.




    A pipe dream some may say-maybe, we’ll see! I’ve met on this forum many dealers who have become friends over the years, we’ve helped each other, I get many calls – emails dealers asking for advice which I am more than pleased to help anyone in any way from my experience, knowledge or a simple chat.




    The Association is not for everyone but we truly believe without the Independent’s having a voice WE the independent dealers will suffer long term, we are getting squeezed from every angle.




    From the beginning of talking as a founding group we canvassed through our landing page asking fellow dealers and suppliers if they agreed with what we were proposing, to sign up with expressions of interest to join just such an association. At official launch we reached just under 700 expressions of interest from dealers and suppliers alike.




    Whilst initially we launched with memberships fees for both dealers and suppliers alike it was quickly apparent that the higher than expected number of suppliers that joined immediately pushed up our finances to such an extent that we were able to allow dealer membership for Free until January 2019.  Other donations and fee’s also boosted the bank balance.




    The early success with suppliers joining is now being seen with high amounts of like-minded dealers signing up to join the IMDA. All these early adopters both dealers and suppliers will start to benefit from joining straight away. The association is like nothing else with innovated products and services never seen before in an association. We are now seeing lots of those 700 expressions turning into memberships.




    Regarding the Car Dealer Forum comments it was apparent that no constructive ground was going to be possible rather only negative energy was in evidence. Jim Reid and David Bilsborough both offered their numbers for contact including myself. So far no calls have been forthcoming. Given the nature of this we would welcome you to pick up the phone to Jim, David or myself but failing this please visit the for all details about the association. We are not at liberty to discuss anything more within this forum regarding the association rather we are letting dealers and suppliers rate us as an association by joining or not. We are pleased to report that hundreds have and are doing just this and applying to join.


    Finally I would say you all know who I am and who all the founders are, we have nothing to hide and are fully transparent, we are all individuals and we all have our opinions but some of the comments on this forum are very personal, why?


    We don’t have a magic wand but we’re doing something which has never been done in this industry ‘ An Independent Motor Dealers Association ‘ if’s it’s something you believe you’d like to join that’s great, if it’s not for you that is fine too. It is your choice.




    Thanks for your time




    Feel free to call me 01782 822 700 or


  3. 3 hours ago, Gary Williams said:

    I work with over 300 independent used car dealers in the South and stock turn varies. 8 x per year would be considered the industry average. Depending on margins I’ve seen higher and lower ratios but 24 x per year is unbelievable.

    Gary , that's my thoughts too - as you say depending on stock type /margins etc! 24 a year impossible in my opinion! ..but loved to be proved wrong. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, met said:

    So did I? And why does having the freedom 'not to join' make me unprofessional?

    I'm starting to feel uncomfortable about the guys on here 'ganging up' on others, it has the feel of the old Union 'bully boys' after their weekly subs

    Met , You shouldn't feel uncomfortable .. no one is ganging up on any one as I said it's a choice - YOUR CHOICE  "   AS i SAID " And I really thought this was where the professional dealers gathered to help and support our industry.  " Does not mean you or anyone has to join simply that some people want to have a 'pop' at us for no reason - we are not attacking anyone personally merely offering solutions to dealers , the IMDA forum / this forum plus many others out there help each other - we give FREE advice to each other , support each other and I just find it sad that some see it justified to attack us. 


  5. The 'Magnificent 7 ' have not and will not ride off ... We are more than happy to answer any genuine questions. 

    What ever your views / opinions you are entitled to it, its a 'CHOICE ' WE believe in what we are doing and what the IMDA will be to the Independent Motor dealers.

    Unlike a lot of dealers / people out there we don't hide who we are , you all know our names business, if you don't want to join - that's your choice - if you do that's even better than we can help you/your business. 

    And I really thought this was where the professional dealers gathered to help and support our industry. 



    • Like 1

  6. 2 minutes ago, Kieran @ Cazana said:

    Best of luck with the IMDA, I think its going to be a great tool for dealers!

    Thank you for your support Kieran 

    You understand what the IMDA is all about. 

  7. 40 minutes ago, jimreidvehicle said:


    thw Click and Join Lansing Page was to measure the need for an Association was, there is a real appetite for change out there , however we can’t run Ann Association with no money.

    the subscription is £250 plus vat with loads of inclusive value check out the website and click to register your subscription,



    Isn’t it a sad reflection on today’s society when you put a massive amount of effort into setting up something to support others only to be questioned as if “what’s in it for you?”

    Amazing , personally and I can  speak on behalf of the other founders of the IMDA , we are doing this because we CAN, and we see this as a way to help save those who can’t save themselves.

    Will it work? I certainly hope so!

    But if all we do as an industry is continually moan with no positive action guess what , the prediction of 20% of all Independents going out of business within the next 5 years will become reality!

    Become a member now 


    For Passion Not For Profit

    Sad Indeed ! Here to help those who want to be helped , it's a CHOICE ! 



  8. IMDA is a totally new thing guys if you've not realised , its a Association to help independent Motor Dealers , Autovola to remind you was simply a classified platform - no story just different in every way.

    Seems big confusion with 'registered and login ' to clarify ' click and join ' was to get details of dealers/supplier who would be interested to know more about the associations and join once launched ( Launched 5th Nov

    the old ' twittercardealerforum ' was re-branded ' theimdaforum ' to bring everything in line and those who are members are still members , the log in details have not changed and is still FREE to use.

    if you want to become a MEMBER you have to pay £250+vat (300) per annum but renewal wont be until Jan 2019 ! just over £20 per month :) ! The deals we have with many suppliers , great discounts ,  free legal advice , trade to trade platform with , motor trade insurance , training, GDPR Advice, HR Advice , Blogs  ++++++ so much more on offer.

    This is not a 'motors' thing as Philip Nothard is one of the founder member but he was working with CAP HPI at the time the IMDA was starting , we are looking at most of the classified advertising platforms to see what the IMDA can do regarding advertising/ marketing .. this literally is changing day by day as we get more business/suppliers on board. 

    The Bigger the number of members , the better the deals being offered by suppliers !

    Still unsure about joining ? give me a call 01782 822 700 or save a phone call drop me an email and I'll call you :) 


    If you join direct it will cost you £420 - for the year - if you join IMDA its ONLY £250 , So just one little example there saves your money , what about £200 legal advice ++++ #JustSaying 

    Over  to you guys ? WHO'S JOINING ?? 

    • Like 1

  9. Thanks ! I use a cheap video circa £125-  , the iphone is great but too sensitive to noise and picks up all the back ground noise ( Car wash across the road ) 

    I believe is mostly short 2/4 mins - showing the 'spec' off and telling them about the car - some longer one's when i do test drives or something fancy, I only edit those long ones rest are simply point- shoot - upload to you tube - done ! 

    I use movie maker to edit. Hope info is useful please feel free if I can help 01782 822 700 

    PS - Don't do silent movies ! sorry if anyone does them :) ! 

  10. 3 hours ago, RH Trading said:

    thanks umesh, sounds great, will do, its nothing to do with the autovolvo thing is it? note the same person involved with both of these

    Autovola NOT involved at all in any shape or form.! 

    The founder Members are the ' Magnificent 7 ' :) ALL Very respected dealer plus one industry expert - I'm sure you'll recognise some if not all of these names.

    Jim Reid - Jim Reid Vehicle Sales

    David Bilsborough - Cheshire Cars

    Phil Weaver - Knickerbrook Cars

    Stuart Saunders - Urban Motor Company

    Chris Roach - Chequers Cars 

    Philip Nothard - Cox Automotive 

    And ME 


    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, RH Trading said:

    How much is it Umesh?

    £250+ VAT (£300) Per Annam, however if you join now renewal won't be until January 2019. We have a 'trade 2 trade' platform partner included in that offer +  Free Legal help* , Advertising deals , motor trade insurance to name a few ++++ There is so much on offer and so many suppliers with EXCLUSIVE Deals to IMDA members , we have at last count 20+ Suppliers already agreed and signed another 8/10 on the wing .. this is a great opportunity for dealers. - What else can you get for £21 per month ?? or give me a call anything 01782822700  

  12. Good Morning Guys , 

    The IMDA was officially launched yesterday with a big bang 5th November - Simply pop over And please give us your feedback / thoughts 

    on here or better still drop us an email if you're shy about posting on here :)

    Many Thanks



    • Like 1

  13. Good Morning Guys , 

    The IMDA was officially launched yesterday with a big bang 5th November - Simply pop over And please give us your feedback / thoughts 

    on here or better still stil us an email if you're shy about posting on here :)

    Many Thanks



  14. Snap on , but did have issue similar to that mentioned where it had to be on charge all the time and then wouldn’t start a 3 litre diesel , spoke to Snap on man he took it away had new battery fitted and its spot on , weird instructions say Leave on charge on the time told don’t keep it on charge all time - so now we don’t keep it on charge all the time and seems ok ! Battery was changed probably 8/10 months ago. Cost circa 300 ish 

    Had s Sealey when I 1st started cost me 150 lasted me about 12/13 years best ever never let me down , had couple of others after that all disaster hence Snap on. 

  15. 8 hours ago, lastyboy said:

    We stock only between 10 and 12 cars. 2 to 5k. Luckily got a couple of excellent main dealers i still buy from. Did 17 in September and similar for October with 3 already ready to go in early November.

    Not trying to sound patronising but I am finding that you need to present the car superbly at the mo and it will sell. Also we do try and prep everything mechanically really well and even if it costs more on this car, you may then go on and do repeat business with that customer. All about the long game. Also as much as i despise auto trader, I have found their review system to work well. I ask all my customers to fill it in.

    Agree 100%  !

    Do the job right - sell proper cars / Prep them well - and its a long term strategy - builds trust and repeat business !! 

    • Like 1

  16. 15 minutes ago, BHM said:

    I wonder if these “coffee shop twats” are the same people who are emailing me asking “do I discount”. Three this morning (they must all be up early) all along the same lines and all clearly passing time - it’s funny how these characters can never lift up the phone. They haven’t seen the bloody car and they’re already wanting me to undercut myself. Bloody vultures, I think it’s going to be a loooooong Saturday :rolleyes:

    Had similar this week ! I've got a new image on various platforms which says on the lines of  " While you're emailing back and forth - other buyers know the car is priced right for the market taking in to account condition / history etc - are actually turning up and buying them " :)


    Email last night off another guy , spoke to him earlier was trying to chip me £500 and I said that's the price - email says " I'm coming on Tuesday to buy and drive away for £500 less no more talking !!" 

    I replied ( Being polite of course )  Please come over on Tuesday, however it will be you wasting your time as you already know the price !


  17. Rory , I always ask in the conversation ... some will say / others not ..its a game , but many times I've thought of a higher figure than they expected so always work asking as far as I'm concerned ... of course  we all get those who are miles over but then bring them back to reality :) 


    IMDA Update 

    Guys just an update if you’re not following @IMDA2017 On twitter !
    the official launch is 5th November – A DATE TO REMEMBERThe rocket is ready to launch with a BIG BANG !
    We have had so much interest with so many like minded dealers , Independent dealers [ Franchised or Used Independent dealers ]
    Suppliers are falling over each other to be partners , BUT we don’t just want any partners , ONLY those who want to work with us , give the best service/offers to all the members of the IMDA
    Add value to business and so forth …..
    You may think we’ve been quiet but be assured the 7 of us are working very hard in the back ground to get things in place for launch date !
    to register your interest it takes a minute

    Thank you to everyone for your continued support.


    PS – ANYONE Who’s registered but not received ANY emails in the last week , please add your details correctly [ We’ve seen quite a few with incorrect email address . obviously we don’t know YOUR Correct details )

    Please help spread the news !

  19. 2 hours ago, CJ Underhill said:


    "Then sometimes, because im like this, and its more entertaining then Eastenders, Strictly Come Dancing, How to look fat naked etc.. i like to use another account and send messages asking questions.. service history? MOT advisory? Timing belt change etc knowing full well it has no history, a page full of advisories and no timing belt change and then watch him lie through his teeth about them before making a stupid offer of half what he paid for it "

    Sounds like compelling viewing !! :) get Simon Cowell to make a TV series with you :) ! 

  20. Wouldn't wing it mate ! Defo get planning if you'er going to go with it as already said get away for a while , start building up the business then BANG ! !  Not easy to get retro planning either if they are stubborn ! 

    Customers buying habits are changing --  road site sites do work - but if you get your marketing right then warehouse is great idea ! Decide what /how you want to build your business plus availability in your area is a major factor !