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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Not sure whether they would be perceived as a little underpowered?
  2. As I said, I know what your opinion is on this but it’s a fact of life that internet shopping is supported by reviews. It’s not something I worry about but I do collect reviews as every little helps. Just because you do well without having reviews isn’t conclusive proof that they are worthless. Just as my experience of a few of my buyers mentioning my positive reviews isn’t proof that people won’t buy without them.
  3. Because online feedback is important these days. I know you don’t think so, you have your opinion but people buy online these days and one of the first things they do, is read reviews.
  4. Judging by the stock he has (prestige) they usually carry a good margin (they do for me anyway) he’s doing ok
  5. There’s a trader on here who does about 50 a month I believe and he stocks about 75 from what I can make out. Sounds like “the good times” aren’t necessarily extinct for some!
  6. Yes I think thats what I'll do. I'm dying to get rid of this C4 so if I have to let him take it away whilst I take his swapper and rely on him to get me the new V5 with the original plate on it, so be it. He sounds pretty gentlemanly and old school (famous last words) so should be fine.
  7. I suppose it is as you say in their interest, I could jaunt around and accumulate dozens of fines and they'd be liable. Probably just over thinking this
  8. So basically you have the car but no V5 and you're reliant on the billy to send you the new V5?
  9. Am I right in thinking that when a punter brings in a swapper with a personal plate on, they first have to put the plate on retention, which will then generate a new log book being sent out to them, which they will need to send you? if so, can you put the vehicle into the trade prior to that, and then do the plate retention? cheers
  10. If there’s a more successful trader on here i’d like to meet him!
  11. It’s not all as it seems. I had a pex shitter up for sale a few months back, hideous Mondeo diesel. Phone literally melted. 3 large Bulgarians fell out of a van outside my gaff to view it. They were all sweet as, sensible who knew the car was cheap for a reason and I told them bluntly it may last a year it may last ten but it’s f’kin cheap and is what it is. Cash handed over, ain’t heard a peep from them since.
  12. You're flying mate. Well done, you're a good bloke who deserves a bit of success.
  13. It’s anazing what a wig can do for me
  14. Not brave mate, naïve.
  15. That’s what i’m thinking. Lesson learned.
  16. I had one call last week on a 545i tourer I have and he was the biggest bmw bore in the world. Knew every engine and chassis code and wasn’t afraid to tell me everything he knew. Ended up by asking me the boot size, in litres capacity. Suddenly, someone “just came in and I need to deal with them” and he hasn’t rang back since thankfully.
  17. Cambelt hasn’t been done as my understanding was 60,000 miles or 5-7 years, the car has 48k on it and is just about 6 years old so in my opinion it’s barely due and not something i’m going to do. I do appreciate what you’re saying about the ad description and i’ll change that to save TS having a field day on me The name really isn’t stopping me selling these cars. It really isn’t. I can guarantee you now if I changed the name of my business to “James’ Lovely Clio’s” it wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference, people want to buy a car As for the wording, I trade from home so I have to create some sort of excitement in the advert. Just putting a spec list up won’t help me. I own the car, i’m stuck with it and obviously it was a poor choice. The question isn’t should I buy another it’s what else I could do what I haven’t already tried. I agree that carving it’s nuts off is the obvious route.
  18. Fair enough, i’ll emphasise a bit more about the spec. Cheers
  19. Cheers Matt. Most of (well, all in truth) of my leads come via AT, so people will be searching on the year via that way. The AT reps just scratch their heads, according to the data they have the cars should have sold by now. Yeah well, they haven't! This is a good idea and something I will look into, thanks. As you say we are all different, I'm a fan of the plate being covered and the spec is plastered all over the AT ad and my website one so I can't see how that would put people off. On that front, its only the last 2 months I decided to specialise in performance or luxury SUV/Estates, so the Clio and C4 are hangovers from my first trading strategy of "buy anything" I seem to be doing OK with that line and I enjoy stocking them and have enthusiasm for them. Of course in a few months if it's not working I can always as you say change name and I recall you have experience of my locale so low mileage autos would definitely be a niche I would look to specialise in. The name was just a name initially, to get me started. It was always in my head I wanted to deal with prestige marques but when I started I just wanted top get some experience and sales under my belt. Well, I had two silver Focus's that took 60 days to turn and these two have been sat around nearly 90 days, so clearly that popular family car niche doesn't work for me. I'm happy with my name and my niche/stock profile but it's just these two that are hanging around from my initial foray into this world. Thanks for all the suggestions so far chaps, keep em coming if there are any more!
  20. I've had two car sin at 88 days the pair and whilst I've been unlucky on one, I've not opened the door on the other. Car 1; https://www.elitepreownedvehicles.co.uk/used/cars/citroen I had two people show up within a week of each other, one failed the finance the other changed their mind overnight. Car 2: https://www.elitepreownedvehicles.co.uk/used/cars/renault I haven't so much as opened the door on this creature. I've tried various things, changing photos, different descriptions, reducing the price, increasing the price, putting a 3 day flash sale on, having them both "featured" on AT (which did increase views significantly but nothing changed in terms of people wanting to come and see either) you name it I've done it. So before I carve the nuts off both these cars and go £8,995 and £4,995 respectively, has anyone else got an idea that I have overlooke? Especially on the Renault Clio, no fucker wants her... By the way, margin is neither here nor there now, I won't lose on either of them if I reduce the prices but that's not the point, I just want to move them on now (I don't want to trade them as I WILL take a hit)
  21. This. Any credible auction wouldn’t operate this way.
  22. I’m sweet because my real life name is Mr C*nt. i’m not silly.
  23. As long as he isn’t taking up loads of time and fuel and being a nuisance i’d leave him be.