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Everything posted by EPV

  1. It’s a judgement call mate isn’t it.
  2. I’ve got a 4 year old focus up for sale currently. It doesn’t have one. I didn’t notice when I inspected, it was a part ex. So I was napping there but I digress. When I come to showing a punter round, if they mention it i’ll offer £100 off to help them replace it. If they don’t notice it but do a few days later i’ll politely tell them to do one.
  3. You’re buying 9 year old Hyundai’s. Tar removal? As for me, 3M perfect it polishing system and a decent mop. I must have saved £2k in smart repairs with a wet sand, mop and touch in paint.
  4. On a slightly different note, stop buying 9 year old cars from the BIN sections. There's nearly always a reason why they are there. It's usually because they didn't make the vendors reserve price and there's nearly always a reason why it didn't make the reserve price. In this instance, it seems obvious why.
  5. I'd suggest you've spent too much time moaning on here and not enough sorting it out now.
  6. Ok then I would be pressing that further up the chain with AB as if that were BCA or Manheim they would treat it as missed damage on the condition report.
  7. Ok, does the condition report make mention of ANY superficial damage in the report?
  8. If there is a condition report: “o/s front wing dirt in paint, front bumper scratched, over 50mm” etc and the rust wasn’t mentioned that is plain old wrong and not how manheim or bca operate. I’d be surprised if AB were different. If the vehicle is that old i’d Be surprised if there is a condition report at all and Benji is just looking at a generic nama grade.
  9. Right, so there wasn’t a condition report?
  10. I’ve let a number of people on their way without confirmed funds in my account. Usually if it isn’t cleared instantly, I ask to see proof (on their phone) they have transferred it, or, I hear them doing it over the phone. Also, I ask them to ring their bank to confirm it’s not being stopped subject to fraud checks. It would take Oscar-esque acting to be able to stage all of that, and not be genuine.
  11. You have a case if you bought online. If the condition report has missed obvious things like that, photograph them and raise a complaint, i’d say within 24 hours of delivery. If you collected and drove away, or, bought in person, you’re fucked.
  12. Sorry I don’t believe that. Yes there will be the odd one but I can’t believe there are enough to worry about.
  13. Can use a card but can’t use internet banking? Now that’s a creature so rare that you wouldn’t be concerned about.
  14. Too long I think, part of the reason I have nothing to do with it even though I have an account.
  15. I have an app. I can also email an invoice to someone that has a digital click button that takes them to an online payment page.
  16. Stripe. 1.4%. I talk people out of it where I can.
  17. I use them for the prev owners etc but for hpi checks the want a fiver per check, more expensive than AT. I was more wondering if there was a subscription based account somewhere.
  18. I'm doing about £40 per month on HPI checks, including mileage guarantees via AT. Is there anything out there cheaper, in terms of memberships, unlimited searches or 50 a month or something?
  19. Oh yeah. With £200k i’d Set up a bog cleaning firm Actually i’d set up a roadside assistance company. Heard many a time that the demand is outweighing the supply
  20. Oh come on, there’s plenty worse than this! Cleaning toilets, sweeping the roads, dustmen, wiping old people’s arses, all commendable jobs but certainly plenty worse than owning your own car trading business
  21. EPV


    Thanks Nick, have just replied.
  22. EPV


    Her colleagues are most definitely not!
  23. EPV


    Blue have been utterly useless in my experience. Twice I have rang their head office, twice they have taken my details, twice they have indicated I would get a call from an account manager to set up an appointment, nothing has happened both times. Useless. Others will of course speak of their own experience. Close Brothers have been brilliant in my experience.