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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Can’t prep them quick enough
  2. Nice intro, best of luck with the new venture.
  3. EPV


    Doesn’t your website have some sort of back end dealer management system?
  4. The Queen Mum dead? When? Where you been hiding mush?
  5. A wasted opportunity imo, this could have broken the land speed record for a car going in reverse.
  6. They need to be pink...
  7. Correct. It’s dirt cheap. Literally dirt fucking cheap. Go for it mate.
  8. I’ve often wondered along those lines. Some punters love to see receipts for loads of work because it gives them comfort that things have been replaced. Some punters don’t want to be reminded cars can go wrong. I don’t think you can be everything to everyone.
  9. Horrid spot. Personally I would have called it off. I hate showing punters a less than perfect (relatively speaking) car. It plants seeds in their mind that need not be there. It’s not a drivers car either. It’s a family car likely driven by a woman a lot of the time and they don’t need reminding cars go wrong. I’d probably show an S3 or GTI in that state.
  10. This is a simple email to him confirming his right to a repair and he needs to return the car to you. It’s unfortunate regarding his transportation requirements but you are a used car dealer not a large mechanical garage and you will do all you can to get it inspected and repaired ASAP so he’s back on the road. Point out to him it’s unwise to continue driving the car if it’s losing coolant so you recommend he stops driving it and brings it back to you ASAP. Remind him you won’t be liable to fix any further issues as a result of him driving the car when there is a leak
  11. A forum works when people pitch in and help out each other.
  12. You think it’s acceptable for people to put time and effort into helping someone only for them to suck up all that help and knowledge and not stick around for a while to see if they can help others? You’re ok with that? I did help the OP. I told him to go and see a solicitor instead of writing half baked letters. This morning I’ve taken time to write to a newbie. A month ago I spent an hour all told replying back and forth to a newbie who has disappeared since despite being asked for updates (it’s nice to know how things pan out isn’t it) and last week I offered advice to a chap from Scotland about why his phone isn’t ringing. So don’t tell me I begrudge giving help to newbies. It’s a public forum set up so traders can talk to each other and share ideas and advice. That’s a two way street. If this were a real life environment, say a pub, and people kept coming in, draining the locals knowledge and pissing off without so much as a kiss me arse, how long do you think the locals would wear that?
  13. The car is his. It’s not up to you what he does with it. He is entitled to a car that is free from faults, which are defined as making the vehicle of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described. I’d say a car loosing coolant and a window not working deem the car of unsatisfactory quality therefore he is entitled to a repair. He potentially could be entitled to the short term right to reject as the car could be deemed unfit for purpose however he is choosing not to exercise his right to the short term right to reject and favours a repair. That’s his right. Get the car back, repair it and get it back to him. You say you don’t want to repair the car that’s so old etc but want to refund him. If he did accept a refund, what are you going to do with the car, scrap it?
  14. Perhaps a little. But unlike those that only come on here when they are in the shit, and fuck off as soon as they have what they want, I stuck around and try to contribute to the forum where I can.
  15. The constructive advice offered was to seek legal advice rather than write half baked letters. Why did you ask a consumer to provide you with ECU codes? They’re not a garage or mechanical expert? Why didn’t you ask for the car back or, if you have a warranty procedure, book it into a garage for him? Why have you mentioned in the letter that the car is in your name? You’ve sold a car as a retailer to a consumer. It sure why you’re mentioning this at all. All we’re seeing here is the culmination of a few phone exchanges and a fed up trader. The issue (whatever it is) may well have been occurring pre sale, during sale, and post sale. DPF’s and EGR’s don’t just block up and fail in two days so I wouldn’t get too excited over telling him the fault wasn’t there at the point of sale.
  16. Another “first post please be nice” type who’s in the shit and will disappear when they’ve sucked all the advice up for free. OP; You need legal advice. Go and find a solicitor if you’re intending to go down this route.
  17. Yes and no, not a bad way to learn I think, couple a month for a few months until you have the hang of it etc
  18. They’re very similar really, probably best to pick one and stick with them, that way can move up the membership ladder and reduce your buyer fees.
  19. Manheim are similar to BCA. Where are you based?
  20. Sorry, were you expecting to just pop in and nick a few pearls of wisdom for FA? Welcome to the forum.
  21. I've never had that, sold 60 cars this year. It could be your stock profile of course...
  22. Mate no one is going to pay £50 to take a 2009 Jaguar XF for a 30 minute spin, or a 2011 Audi A4. If you’re talking something like a 2014 Audi RS4 then no dealer will want people aimlessly burning around in their stock. It will cost you £50 to get a mini valet done on a car like that again once billy has had his thrill. People hire cars yes but for a day, Ferrari’s or Aston’s.
  23. Get the car back. I’ve learned this the hard way. Don’t do anything other than get it back. Get it back and have it properly diagnosed and go from there.
  24. Give it up mate. It’s a crap idea.