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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. Must do surely?  Otherwise how do they protect their outlay?  If they don't then the car isn't the security and makes no difference.

    It's no different for the main dealer taking the car in chop.  Hpi check is all you can do.

  2. I love Click Dealer - they are brilliant and I couldn't recommend them highly enough.  However I really can't get on with their invoices though.  Just seems so long winded and small, and you want an invoice to be clear, quick and easy when you've got the punter there.

    Hopefully they will come up with something better.

    As much as I hate AT and everything about them (so glad I'm not feeding that beast anymore) the invoicing on Dealer Portal was great.  Unlike their clear as mud invoicing to us I seem to remember!

    We just use old fashioned handwritten invoice pads.


  3. I’ve asked to join the fold. Will see if I’m special or not.  I bet it’s no different than the main site but with more swearing?

    6 hours ago, Mark101 said:

    I requested my invitation and it was granted within 24 hours - it is amazing in that secret room, the things we discuss, the secrets learned - wow :lol:

    That’s because you’re still keen and un-damaged by the game and say trendy things like ‘LOL’. 

    ...and use those yellow facey things that all look the same and make no sense. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, BHM said:

    Hasn’t everything at the moment unless it’s slightly oddball or f***ing cheap? It seems dead out there at the moment - even most of the emailer arseholes can’t be bothered at the moment.

    Yup - agree and I was just thinking the same. We're ticking over but nothing to write home about, and everyone I speak to seems to be in the same boat.

    It happens.  Just glad I haven't got that monster AT bill to pay! ;0)

  5. You just click on the ebay MP listing (I do it after it has been fed from loading on Click Dealer) click 'Change' then 'Allow Best Offer' is a check box to tick underneath the price.

     I then ammend the heading and sub heading, scroll down and add any other bits the feed has missed, then I also click on the 'Exclude from bulk uploads' otherwise your next feed may overwrite your changes.


    Consumer Price
    VAT Information Please select (VAT included) + VAT (No VAT) 
    Applicable VAT Rate
    Allow buyers to send you their Best Offers for your consideration
    Note: Using Best Offer will make you subject to feedback if offers are formally accepted through My eBay.
    • Like 1

  6. Sell eventually, but endless grief german stuff for us, and we don't find any of it is desirable or sells well down here-so I don't buy anything german now, but hit them hard if come in in PX.

    Were yours petrol or diesel?

    I guess as they become more affordable and hit a certain price point then everything has its day.

  7. Good idea of Matt's that.

    I sell lots long distance and they're no more or less prone to grief than local stuff. 

    Long as you do your job properly, Pdi, no advisory MOT etc and get them to test drive and sign to say they are happy and they note there are no faults at the time of sale, you're good to go.

    With the out of area ones, I always put a paid warranty on too.  It doesn't always absolve me of the chance of future responsibilities, but usually, the great majority of sales go past the warranty period without any comebacks. Problem is, we forget this and only remember the doom.


  8. We did a coupe plus one subject to finance.  

    It's def worth being AVAILABLE but none of them were walk-ons. Same with most sales to be fair - rarely any walk-ons nowadays.  Funny how the game changes over the years.

  9. Indeed. Except Nissan (being a Renault).

    I love it when a customer poo-poos a Renault but then is happy to go for a Nissan.

    Or won’t buy a Peugeot diesel but will a Ford.

    Or won’t buy a Ford but will a Volvo  

    Or (when they used to sell) buy a Mini thinking it was a German engine and you point out it’s got a 207 lump in it. 

    Oh. The little things... ;o)

  10. £500?!

    Wow. What a w***er!

    A) Demand he returns it for inspection at a garage of your choice.

    B ) Give him his money back (minus 25p a mile) . Not worth thinking about-you’re not likely to do a head gasket. Put it up for spares or repair auction; or let him do his worse I say!

  11. (Poor Vic is assuming that just because a punter says they understand something and are happy with the terms offered,-and often negotiate based on it- that they aren’t reneging have-their-cake-and-eat-it liars quite often.

    Like the old chestnut of when they want a ‘trade sale’!

    You can bet your house on them coming back if there’s a problem or issue and they have no morals or cares about going back on their word or a handshake.)

    As we’ve constantly harped on about on here: you have to cover your arse in triplicate. Even then, they’ll try it on no matter how well you do the job and with all the best intentions in the world. 

  12. Without fail it’s pretty much always a German car punter!

    (I have one at the minute (BMW) a month and a half out of warranty, trying to get me to pay for various consumable bits at BMW Main Dealer.)

    Taking an old car to a Main Dealer is pathetic and insane.

    I think all you can do is exercise your right to inspect at this stage and, if there is a problem, look to offering him some goodwill or, if he pushes it, fix it or have your day in court  

    Did you do do a Pdi sheet, Mot, service etc?

    Proof that it didn’t have a fault at time of sale is paramount and is your responsibility to prove. 

    You can’t dodge your trader responsibilities I’m afraid. The court will not be interested in you trying to say it was a personal car. 


  13. Matt is right.

    We do a few mobility things and they usually hang around for ever.  OK if you have the space, but you’ll sell a dozen normal cars from the spot in comparison.

    It’s unusual yes, but an Espace Diesel Auto with that type of conversion?

    Must be getting on a bit and I’ve found people that buy this sort of thing don’t need any reliability issues so go for something newer or less complicated. 

    If it was the more standard ramp conversion then you have two markets for it-wheelchair and mobility scooters..

    If it doesn’t owe you wrong, maybe have a go at it.  You won’t have many others to compete against.  Can always raffle it on eBay at a later date.

    I should think it’s too nice to be tradable and specialists mostly buy from Motability. In our area anyway. 

    I’d, like you, take it in PX but wouldn’t buy it.