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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. I wouldn’t want the junk either. Such a shame us independents can’t list on Dealer Auction. (Talking of having it off like BCA). 

    Off topic but why they don’t do an ‘Independent Dealer Auction’ I’ll never know.  Full Auction do allow ‘some’ non franchised dealers to list. 

  2. I got told 10 years, but I think this is just main dealers usual scare tactics.

    I’ve had plentry of 06 ones and no problem. I even sold an 07 recently and (long story) the customer later insisted it HAD go to Toyota for a service and health check because he thought it had missed a service and it was getting 4 MPG less than his old one! Anyway, passed their health check etc with flying colours. 

  3. I’ve seen these at higher miles but not sold one over 70k. I like them and haven’t had any issues with them.  

    I would just put it on eBay if it was me, as retailing it would be a nightmare in my opinion. Especially if a hybrid health check hasn’t been done recently  

    Youll get a fair PX price idea from We buy any car or the free PX valuation on Autotrader etc. 

  4. Will take a while to permiate I’m sure, but I’m now already thinking the 300 a month is far too much as it certainly isn’t performing for me so far  

    They will have to reduce it considerably to keep us all on board. 

    I really want it to it to work it, but like Motors did, I think they need to rethink the pricing sharpish. 

  5. Weird. Here in the south I’m really struggling with them. Especially 5-10k 

    Have been for 18 months. 

    I too think they’ll bounce back and be a bargain for any punter not stupid enough to worry about it. 

  6. I'm just amazed you've seen five people in one week! ;0)

    All five with crazy PX prices is bad luck/strage.  

    Do you show them other online PX price guides like the free one on Autotrader or Hpi for example?  I find this works well as they trust them more than us.

    Also, not teaching you to suck eggs I hope- but are your mark up prices too low?  Need to maybe tickle them up a bit to allow for 'over allowances'.

    Another trick is to say you'll give them more for their car if they put a new, no advisory MOT on and prepare it for retail sale and have it valeted.

    I must admit though that the Parkers Brigade haven't put their heads through my door in a long while. I'd forgotten all about Parkers.  Good old days...

  7. I see there are still Main Agents on DA and similar stating in the listings that they are charging for Debit and Credit Card payments.

    We just rang one of them -as a car is finishing soon I was going to bid on- and he basically told us to piss off and don't bid if we weren't prepared to pay the fee!

    I wonder how we'd get on saying that to OUR punters? 

    Who enforces this new law anyway? FSA?

  8. Our customers are turning their nose up at just the mention of the word we've found over the last 18 months or so.

    Has been mentioned on here a few times: I like some others, have sworn the pledge against buying any diesels a while back.  Especially heavier stuff.  

    If a diesel comes in PX I'm v. hard on it.  However- price range diesels up to 3 grand ish seem to sell still. Not that we're particularly busy the last couple of months...



  9. If it's the V6 petrol it's better news than the four cylinder ones.

    Quite a sought after car I've found if nice and low miles.  I'd just advertise it in your usual places like ebay (classified) etc and chuck it in your local paper.  That's where the old boy looking for that will see it.

    Yeah - the diesel autos used to be a bar of gold, but, typical german crap, and would cost you in comebacks or recon. 


  10. Same here. Motonovo are great and I’m happy to support it for a bit.  Anything to help put more nails in Autotrader’s coffin. 

    I know the Find and Fund campaign is very well funded.  70 mill or something from memory.  

    I too think 300 a month is steep though. Hopefully it will start paying for itself. 

    Have had a couple of enquiries from it is all so far. No sales. Early days. 

    1 hour ago, Tadams said:

    I'm not clued up on this at all... how does it work exactly? does a customer enquiry go to MotoNovo and if they get approved come to you as a interested customer with a approval in place ? 

    I know they started doing rate for risk but what happens with really sub prime enquires ?   do they still tell you about the customer and you try and place it or do they pass it on to a broker ? 

    You get all the leads. Can repropose up to whoever if it’s a decline. 

  11. Would be rather evil but fun to get someone you know to book him for a valet or a quote and see what he turns up in!

    You’d have thought he had a dehumidifier if he’s ‘in the trade’!

    Whist I agree with the sentiment above about having a look for him, once you’ve done that you’ve opened yourself up.

    To be honest, I’d probably do the same though.  (Even though I get them to sign for major mechanical only warranty).

    I always tend to help them out (the first time at least) with little moans if they’re polite about it. 

    He might even put some business your way if he’s a valeter to the public -if you do end up getting on with him.

    positive thinking on a Tuesday! What’s wrong with me! ;0)

    • Like 1

  12. We pay 300 a month for ebay motors pro for 70 plus cars. Think you can have up to a hundred. You can pay less for less cars.

    That doesn’t include Gumtree however I don’t know if it now will and I’m not bothered if it doesn’t / I won’t be paying more for Gumtree .

    We get a very good response from eBay motors pro. 

  13. I’ve just looked through all of my recent eBay message inbox. Dozens of enquiries, all mostly polite, sensible and pretty legible, asking sensible questions. There are a couple of ‘What’s your best price’. 

    Some asking about detailed service history etc. Others asking about finance options, delivery and mostly ‘is this car still available?’  From there they have all been replied to and we have received follow up emails, calls and sales.

    No abuse- apart from a mildly sarcastic/amusing and quite right to be honest, line of ‘Why is this Puma SO expensive?’

    A couple of Best Offers about a grand off the asking price on cars at 4K up.  Politely declined obviously, but you do often then get further correspondence and you can deal sometimes  

    ebaymotors pro is a great platform, honest  

    eBay auction is a different story.



  14. I'm with Max here.  We get messers occasionally from no matter where the advert is; and certainly no more from ebay (Motors Pro) than any others.

    I have (honestly) sold a few cars-even recently- where it's been 100% email communication and the customer hasn't even seen the car until they collect it or we deliver!

    If you have a good reputation, have faith in your stock and are honest, you will do business this way-If you want to or can be bothered.

    Some people just don't want the hassle -or want to limit the face to face or verbal communication- as a car to some people is just a means of transport.

    You still have to qualify them, get deposits or full payment upfront, and yes- if the initial communication is 'text speak or best price?' I WILL reply to them but asking them to call. If they continue to text or email, I will reply once more and then move on.  I personally don't care or take offence if they become abusive. Heard it all before and doesn't bother me as it's so rare it's mildly amusing.

    If I get a text, I ring the number from the landline and never text back.

    For me, the 10% of idiots you do get, still need to be replied to professionally.  It only takes a couple of minutes of your time. Unfortunately some people's spelling, grammar etc. or lack of, doesn't enable them to effectively communicate.  You often will find that if you persevere with them that, on collection or viewing, they are completely different than the impression given.

    However, I will admit there are some complete fools out there and all you can do is politely reply and move on/don't let them get to you.

  15. 13 hours ago, SuperLease said:

    I’ve had a few wasted journeys buying from DA. The surprise on their faces when you refuse to pay for a misdescribed Car makes me laugh. Like to see them do it with their own money. The attitude of some franchise dealers towards traders is frankly disgusting. Won’t be renewing my subscription I’ve had some decent stock over the past few years but like most places that side of the jobs just getting harder. I’m back to buying off privates on Autotrader. Had a few good buys this month sold one 2 days after putting it back on there :-) 

    Very true, had the same experience.  What's starting to really wind me up now is since they can't charge for debit card payments, I've noticed more and more are asking for full money up front. Yeah right!  Just imagine the hassle you'd go through to get reimbursed for a badly described or serious issue car!

    However, as previously mentioned, you do at least partly get to know who you can trust.

    Prices are insane anyway on there the last year, but you do pick up the odd few now and again.

    • Like 1

  16. 15 hours ago, Jon said:

    We haven't had any joy with ebay, tried everything from 2k -12k cars advertised as classified ads. It might be cheap compared to A/T but return on investment has been terrible for us.

    I've found that you need to have the 'Best Offer' option enabled to get results. You also need to edit your ads and subtitles, spec etc.  This topic has been on here before on earlier threads, but the £300 a month for us works very well indeed as I say, as apposed to the outrageous 3k plus a month with Dick Turpin- sorry Autotrader.

    It's funny how different things work for different people, but can only speak as we find & have never looked back since dumping AT over a year ago. Pretty much the same sales with massively less advertising spend. We don't only advise on ebay Motors pro, but X&M, Car Gurus, Motors(not convinced on them still), local press etc....

    Anyway...broken record...sorry.

  17. I find eBay (motorspro not auction) very good. Rarely get any messers and find it good value for money.  Loads better than than the disgracefullly outrageous, overpriced Autotrader for the cost/return. Also the site is miles better and less cluttered with sponsored ads, banners, price indicators etc that has helped to ruin AT for me  

    We sell 5-10k mostly. 

    Tried Gumtree a couple of time’s and was hopeless- attracting loads of messers and the ‘best price mate’ brigade. As does eBay if you go down the auction route rather than classified. 

    If ebay were to the include Gumtree with the Motors Pro deal then that’s fine with me, but I won’t be paying any more for it. 

  18. Hi All-

    Have been driving the above 58 Legacy for the last year, no problems.  Decided to sell it reluctantly, and on picking it up from the workshop after MOT and service, the Nav screen (radio etc) is now locked out. 

    The screen is just blank except for the word 'Security' and no matter what buttons I press or how long I leave it, nothing changes.

    Any ideas? Customer obviously wants his new car soon.