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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. We use them, it’s OK value for money, plus they will take care of Facebook page etc. and do websites for you if required.  

    They're part of the Newsquest group so it links with local press etc.

    Plus, remember (as mentioned on another thread) that people will google search and go from there nowadays, rather than necessarily going to a dedicated site.

    They work to try and push themselves up on the rankings and they’re fairly high up because it’s such an established company.  

    They assign a free call tracker number to the ads, so when a punter calls, it announces it’s from X&M so you know it’s working. Or not  

    About the same response as we get from Motors, so not brilliant but alright for the spend - it I wouldn’t want to pay more-and miles better value for leads than the Autotrader daylight robbery.

    We got our arm twisted to try it a few years back but on a 3 month trail.

    • Like 1

  2. Couldn’t agree more. Dreadful German poop. Been saying it for years. Auto boxes especially.  Just dreadful  

    IF a French car does go wrong, it’s usually something simple and fixable like Renault window regulators etc.  

    However, I have been steering clear of all diesels where possible,well before it was trendy to do so ;o)

    ...of course if they come in PX I have to take them..within reason- but I’m v hard on them.  

    I avoid all German brands as much as possible. Especially VW as I never seem to be able to sell even a Golf unless it’s at a loss. 

    Shame, I’m a 70’s child and used to be mad for VW Beetles/Campers MK1 & 2 Golf Gti’s etc. place for an old car is in the past...

  3. We sell 3-20k mostly with the core business being 5-10k. Mix of stock profile but all low miles, lots of autos if poss (as few german cars as possible) and nice cars/ spec. where we can. 

    You've got to remember that people don't just pick a sales website and then search for cars anymore, they will search in the google bar etc, and then pick results from there.

    We advertise on ebay (Motors pro classified with the best offer option enabled) not auctions, Facebook, Exchange and Mart, Motors, Car Gurus (you can use them for free). Motors and X&M who feed to many other sites like RAC cars etc. We use the excellent Click Dealer for our website needs.

    I also do a local rag advert full page when I feel like it at £140 plus VAT.  All of that cost is CONSIDERABLY less than AT.

    It's very funny but we still get customers telling us they saw the car on AT and swear blind - even though we've not advertised with them for over a year.

    I've mentioned this before on another thread about my hatred of what AT have become and the fact that the world does not end when you leave them.

    also, if your website is an AT website, then just because the punter ends up on there, doesn't mean that's where they went to first or how they came to your car.

    • Like 1

  4. Yeah - that I agree.  I offer mostly in-house return to base warranties, or if they're out of the area or it's some german junk etc that may poop itself for fun- I will pay for one, as £3000 for a gearbox etc hurts much more than £150-200 for a warranty.

    I've been doing it 25 years plus too and yeah,  you realise early on that paying for warranties is daft.  However, we have to give a warranty was my point, as I read (maybe wrongly) that you don't give any warranty.

    Anyhow- glad you're out of the problem and let's get back to the January rush eh.. ;-)

  5. Wow. You're lucky this time old chap!

    I don't know how you can sell a car in this day and age without a warranty, as the customers have all the rights and protections in the world -and all of us are shackled to a six month 'duty of care' etc under the law as far as I understand it. Just because you say no warranty, makes little to no difference. 

    If Lawjaw are listening, they will maybe quote it exactly.

    Anyway- I'm pleased for you, honest.  

  6. I think you're v. lucky not to piss him off with the 60% thing.  I'd have definitely sorted it without cost to him.  Whether that's at his garage or yours.  A less decent bloke would throw the whole car back at you and demand a refund. Maybe I'm too soft but not worth the aggravation, and to be fair, he's right I think.



  7. I dunno- we use the excellent Motonovo first and then Mallard next; who in turn prop up to advantage & Moneybarn for the sub-prime without us getting involved. Have no trouble at all with them, plus we always get paid swiftly & it adds a few extra deals on a year thanks to it.  Swappers are down to you whether you take them in or not or how you value them. If they're crap I sidestep them.  It isn't usually a deal breaker I've found. 

    We are in a fairly affluent area in the South, so maybe that's different to other areas experiences?

    I also have good dealings with First Response Finance for the sub-prime. 

  8. I'd call her or even write her an email or letter quick, saying that she needs to bring the car in sharpish for a checkover-incase she's just ignoring the issue,  as Minis like to 'poop themselves' for fun and you'll be left holding the can when it happens. She'll no-doubt say "I told you via text/Bookface".

    Might just be my paranoia.

    It could just be her thinking the expansion tub thingy needs to be filled all the way rather than part way or something daft but I bet its the thermostat housing leaking.  

  9. 1 hour ago, ASP said:

    Recently had a guy call back a couple of weeks after buying a 2007 Astra. He'd had problems with his battery and had had to jump start the car on several occasions.

    With batteries, I try and put myself in the customer's shoes: new car, dead battery- very annoying.

    I find it happens so rarely (if you check and Pdi the car properly) that it's best to stump up for a new one.  I do only pay the trade price though or supply them one myself.

    If they demand on getting this (or any) part and I've agreed to pay or contribute towards, I always insist on them sending the purchase receipt before- I reimburse them. You'll be surprised at how often this doesn't happen and the 'problem' disappears!

    The battery issues aside- I'm probably too soft (at least initially) but I can't be doing with dealing with an idiot over the 'small stuff', which is 'big stuff' to them.  Best to get them out of your life.  As a caveat: I explain it's a one off good will gesture.

    Now, do I go home already? Hmmm.......

  10. This is spooky: I've had a couple of people in Scotland buy from us (unseen) over the last couple of weeks (we are on the south coast).  Were no trouble, and one even asked us to deliver- which we did. 

    Also sold a heavy 4wd diesel (again unseen) to NE Wales.  He wanted delivery too and again we obliged and all went smoothly.

    Maybe they have no more room under the bed/floorboards for their cash?

  11. 6 hours ago, tradex said:
    14 hours ago, AVI_8 said:

    Did you get the fault codes read as a matter of interest? If there was a problem it should have thrown one up, as often as not there's an easy solution which doesn't cost too much, as a general rule as a mechanic when dealing with an auto box problem first read the fault codes, then check the oil level, then change the oil and filter, usually somewhere along that line you'll have sorted the problem if not then you may be looking at big bucks.

    Your car will likely have a ZF box which is fitted to multiple vehicles not just German cars and not made by Mercedes and they're usually reliable units. 

    "Shitty German shit Grant are you having a laugh, what's reliable then Vauxhall? French shit? American? Made in Birmingham British?


    Couldn't agree more & I've been saying it for years.  (Really upsets some people who are still deluded they're any good, so I have to bit my tongue) .



  12. Unfortunately you 'can't help stupid'. My mate at another garage just tells them to 'p**** off' and seems to get away with it.  It's us nice, reasonable, helpful people -who don't mind helping out/giving a little bit extra in goodwill- that get taken advantage of sometimes.  Was it Arthur Daley who said 'No good deed goes unpunished'?

    This is why I take great care to ensure no-advisory MOT's, Pdi's and Handover Sheets/Warranty forms are done etc.  It doesn't stop the occasional deluded person or chancer (and I haven't always won the battle; but you greatly win the war in general.

  13. Politely tell him that you can't be responsible for a thick-fingered mechanic not looking at the speedo correctly, plus anybody (private or otherwise) who runs a Hpi check etc can put any mileage they like in-and that any reasonable person wouldn't worry about this, but would make an informed, intelligent decision..  

    It's the sort of complaint I fire straight up to Lawgistics as it sounds like 'buyers remorse to me'.

    We've got one at the minute who bought a PX To Clear 145k 13 year old Land Rover Discovery with a new MOT and a Pdi. 1 month engine and box warranty- with a clear signing of the Pdi sheet, warranty terms and Point of Sale satisfaction form etc:  they complained a month later of a couple of minor issues (power steering pump noisy and a small leak from the transfer box).   I referred them to the terms of the agreement but said as a goodwill gesture we'd have a look.  They took it to a local independant we use who said no problem to sort and they booked it in for another day.  That day comes and goes with them not turning up.  

    We then get the inevitable recorded delivery letter demanding a full refund (plus extra for the bluetooth radio they had installed) due to the car being not up to scratch etc.

    I fired it straight up to Lawgistics who informed them of their actual rights etc and to politely not to be so stupid.  Anyway, after another week or so we receive anther recorded delivery letter saying that they have taken it to Land Rover for a full health check! (145k and 13 years old).  Funnily, the report isn't too bad but mentions things like 'back door stiff' 'Rocker cover has slight weeping of oil' 'Thrust bearing slightly noisy'. 

    The customer has said they are happy to keep the car if we attend to all of Land Rover's points.  

    I am awaiting Lawgistic's advice/reply. Well worth the £700 a year.

  14. Been really busy all of a sudden this month after an average October and a terrible September. 

    I thought we'd never sell a diesel or a heavy car again- then all of a sudden (straight after the budget) three in one weekend, and more in the week, plus has been good sub 10 grand. However 'one swallow doesn't make a summer' and all that.

    It's a funny old game....just gotta hold your nerve.   

    • Like 1

  15. I always reply 'thanks but no thanks', however, if it's really insulting & If it's via ebay: I look at their 'items for sale' using my other account, and then bid them a quid or something silly.  Doesn't always happen but makes me feel smug if they are selling things.

  16. I do a few SOR's, at the 5-15k mark-but only with a select few people I like/trust/can put up with. 

    I explain it's not a quick business and that having a site is very expensive.  I usually take £100 off for the salesman, £200 for the vat- and then we split the remaining profit 50/50 after recon and prep costs.  However I do add on the caveat that it's a minimum £500 net to the site worse-way. Also they have to stand on for their half of any doom or screamers - but cars at that price generally don't cause too much headache if you do your job properly prior to sale.

    Works well on the whole, but, as always, the profit is made in the buying, not the selling, and the buying isn't easy.

    Both sides are happy usually as the return for the buyer is better than they'll get leaving it in the bank or under the bed, and they don't have to join the legalised robbery that is the VAT club.

    Goes without saying that you need a couple of grand mark up.

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  17. Yup, but I find the ones that the kit doesn't work for, the magnets do.  It's all mad as I say- they should just be happy that we're paying for trade plates as why does it matter really if they're inside or outside.  The number plate is still visible.  Idiots.

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  18. It's all insane: 'vertically' takes the biscuit!

    I use a very strong couple of magnets (actually the ones that come with the WMS warranty roof boards) that have a threaded protrusion and a wing nut - so just drill two holes in your plates.

    Only trouble is- some cars have aluminum bonnets and obviously plastic grilles, so it doesn't always work on the front; but there's loads of alternative fixing kits on ebay, and this one (and others) covers all other eventualities: item number:  322723013072 only twenty quid