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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. All round the country yes. Without any issues (so far).

    As Arfur alludes to, make sure you cover yourself, but not from the Distance selling that doesn’t really apply now, but  more the CRA responsibilities as with every sale.

    We ensure a new no-advisory Mot, service and Pdi -all at an independent garage once the car is sold. Together with a very honest description (and good prep) with detailed photos. However, obviously also depends on the type of car.

    You get a feel for a customer as we all know, so if you smell trouble, move on.  For this reason the adverts state ‘Delivery May Be Possible’.

    Sometimes, customers have travelled to view and buy the car, and we’ve then arranged delivery ‘after the fact’ once the MOT/Pdi are complete-so saving them another journey.

    Upon delivery they have to drive it and sign a few forms stating it is not distance selling, they are happy with the car, it has no issues, they’ve seen the Pdi sheet etc etc, and that there are no faults at the time. As well as all the warranty paperwork and so on. And the purchase invoice etc is then completed.

    All the stuff you should do with any customer, no matter where the handover takes place. There’s nothing to be scared of here as long as the person doing the delivery is competent. 


    (Does indeed sometimes clinch the deal. Some people can’t be bothered and/or cars don’t interest them that much. They just want a decent car from an honest garage and a no fuss service’.)

  2. Hi Adam,

    We promote this service on our ads and website. Has worked well over the years and customers often take it up.

    It’s usually at the customers expense and we ask that they pay up front. 

    I have sometimes thrown it in at the asking price- especially if not too far away but this is unusual. 


  3. Lots of promise and I really wanted it to work but no. 

    Gonna have to cancel soon as they won’t reduce it to say a hundred quid a month from 300. Shame. Motonovo are brill. 

    Do quite well from Car Gurus though. 

    • Like 1

  4. Sold a WAV to a lovely old bloke Thursday. Could hardly walk more than 20ft without getting out of breath.  Had a stick and a great attitude. 

    Having to get out of his Micra he bought new three years ago (on finance) as his wife was struggling to lift his little scooter out of the the boot. 

    Anyway, worked all his life, never claimed and he said he couldn’t get anything on Motability as he was too old apparently.  I can’t see how that’s true but I wouldn’t be surprised.



  5. Punters that text get no replies from me (I do ring them back but won’t text. It’s pathetic and no way to conduct business. If they’re serious they can take a moment and ring.). 

    I don’t mind emails, but I will follow up with a phone call regarding viewings. 

    Ignore him now  

    You’ll have some good luck soon!

  6. Old cars much better than newer ones is what I’d say. It’s ‘not like the old days!’  They’re all crap now  

    Don’t get me started on German stuff! Fun? A sold car is the only good car, but I’ve been doing it too long. 

    Twat Waffle not a patch on Cock Womble. But I’ll take it. ;o)

    Speaking of nutters- Isle of Man TT shortly. ITV4.

    Now they’ve got some ‘testicular fortitude!’

    • Like 1

  7. Cockwomble. Wish you’d called me that. Brill. Would have made my day!

    No need to apologise to me. I just felt like giving my unbiased opinion.

    EPV: can you please change your screen name? Would be hilarious!

    We’re car dealers. An old high mileage Vauxhall is the plague to us I’m afraid. We will shout this from the rooftops. And the advice (to another dealer/trader remains sound if looking to sell on)  

    The internet is not real life. Don't let it get you down. If you like the old girl then great enjoy and I hope the new box doesn’t expire.  

    Do we have to guess the bike? I’m going with a Kawasaki. 900?


  8. Wow. Easy Tiger!

    I’ve only been reading this thread/not contributing-but I think you took it wrong.

    No one wants a fight and it’s rather arrogant to be spoiling for one. Life’s too short.  Chill. I read it as all in good humour. Loads of good, honest and helpful FREE advice is given constantly on this forum.  

    Sometimes a bit of sarcasm is called for and we all deserve some humility occasionally.  Plus it’s amusing if kept light hearted.

    Whilst I can’t see why you’re upset with all but possibly EPV’s first post (who is firm but correct in his advice) the other replies said get a gearbox from a breakers- or (more sensible) bail out of it before it costs you more good money after bad. 

    One thing’s for sure: it will poop itself further. A 95k Signum is indeed asking for trouble.

    However- a ‘Car DEALER’ forum won’t necessarily have much mechanical technical advice.  Although there are many qualified people on here I’m sure- I’m not convinced they would give any different advice except get yours rebuilt or try your luck with a second hand one that will also poop itself no-doubt. 

    I’m with you on the ‘get a bike’ bit though! Hope it’s something that makes you smile!

    (Justin. Epv: Remember. No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Terry!’)

  9. Absolutely. One of the few joys left in the game for me -turning a good drink on a PX

    Most recently: Sold a Kangoo to Wales. Old boy said he had an old BMW Compact on a W. Allowed 200 quid blind after being assured it would get us home. 

    Niceset old car I’ve seen in years done 30,000 but never been cleaned. 

    £1295 and sold immediately after a valet and some tyres. 

    • Like 1

  10. Had a declined card for balance of £4400 had to take a cheque! (Lovely old lady in sheltered acconodation down the road but still.  I need my temperature taking!)

  11. I look on ebay constantly and mostly on the iPad.  I search 'ending soonest' and 'newly listed', then 'accepts offers'.  Really don't think price comes into it, as I use all the drop-down menus for mileage, petrol, owners etc.  Same as I do with Manheim etc. Could be wrong.


  12. Do ebay encourage being the cheapest?  No stupid price indicators on there that I'm aware of?  Certainly do on AT but then they've lost the plot.  Car Guru's do it too.  Waste of time in my opinion.

    With regards to putting the prices up- we've done it in the past and has 'worked' but you wonder if the car was about to sell anyway.

    One tip Autotrader always used to recommend years ago when I was with the idiots, is to go for the rounded up hundreds.  E.G. Like your BM Mark- put it up at exactly £7000 rather than £6995 as they said you'd catch lookers at the up to six grand ish budget and lookers at the 7k plus budget.

    • Like 1

  13. If you don’t show the customer the Pdi, or give them the chance to, you are missing a trick.

    Also if you do your own Pdi’s- in my opinion you will have no or little defence in court, as it could easily be suggested that you’re not a qualified mechanic (unless you are of course) and it could also easily be argued that you did the Pdi ‘after the fact’ once a complaint was received. 

    An absolute no-brainer for me to pay the qualified garage a few quid to do the Pdi after the Mot-and get them to stamp and date it, plus add it to your invoice-and give the customer a copy. 

    Furthermore, all those terrible stories above of someone losing their life is not something I’d want do be wondering whether I (a used car dealer not a mechanic) did the Pdi correctly or not. 

    ‘Your honour, I ensured an independent garage did a comprehensive Pdi and Mot and have evidence.’  

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  14. I too do it the same way as Arfur. Plus we mention at time of sale that we do it and usually show them the blank Pdi sheet.  

    The customer gets a chance to see the Pdi and have a copy should they wish when the car goes out.

    It forms part of my ‘no faults at time of collection’ defence, and the Pdi (and the customer’s attention being drawn to it) is written into the ‘Point of Handover Customer Satisfaction Declaration’.  

    This also mentions the fact that the car has had a new, no advisory MOT, service etc and the customer has driven the car, had the warranty form and the terms of the warranty explained to them. 

    The Pdi is done by the independent garage, not by us, as I find this easier to defend than one done by yourself. Shows a bit more due diligence. 

    Same as Cheif Bee, I do my best to drive everything when it arrives and before it goes out. The MOT garage we use is a couple of miles away from the site, so this helps also. Plus part of their Pdi is a road test and comments also. 

  15. The only thing fun to drive is a PX with rent and fuel. 

    Aren’t those Dumb Cars  Mitsubishi underneath? 

    I’ve had a couple over the years and sold them without any dramas. All nice miles and not ancient mind.