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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. It's not so much having your stock as repairs or non-runners- its the fact they WILL crap themselves as regular as a new-born, and this is the issue you will have to live with.

    Every little niggle or rattle is the end of the world in that market.  It is a crap product.  Believe me. If you're fed up with 'paying' customers hassling you- imagine the added stress when it's you that's on the hook for the cost and they're not only angry about having to wait, but also that you sold them the junk in the first place. ;0)

    As you know I'm sure- those more performance-skewed things are complicated and temperamental and the sort of idiots who buy and drive them, won't go easy on them when driving over the sleeping policemen and traffic calming chicanes back to their council houses or mock-tudor estates/Barret Home.

    What are you going to do about PXs?  It's not guaranteed that the PX will be a German Car.

    This job is one of those where from the outside, it looks like we're all having it off and the grass is greener.  It's not.

    Margin wise- it depends on outlay for me, and you have to think about the VAT as you'll hit the threshold very quickly in that world.  My mate takes a ten grand mark up on some stuff, but you can spend half of that easy in prep.  

    Cheaper cars-there's no way near that margin obviously, but have a look at some free price guides to see the difference between trade and retail and make your own mind up. However you're lucky sometimes if you come out with a monkey 'net'. There's a free Autotrader one, a free Hpi one etc.

    If you can keep the repair business going then that is your safety net at least and it may help you sell some cars.  I would just do a couple at the most if I were you.  See how you go.

  2. Have sold hundreds of french autos with little issues.  

    However, I had a box let go in one exactly the same as yours a couple of years ago.  Is unusual though in my experience and I was lucky enough to find a guaranteed second hand one for not a lot of money.  

    I'd sooner a French auto box (and a French car over a German car in general) over a German one anyway -maybe with the exception of that EGS Box in the Picassos- just because they drive horrid IMHO.

  3. Hi Troy- just my personal opinion (formed over 30 plus years) German cars are dreadful and cause me nothing but trouble and the customer's expectations are too high. 

    I think you're asking for a metaphorical kicking at best and at least it'll be a very painful and steep learning curve for you.  I'd honestly stick to repairing the junk.  That's where the money is and you've got a very enviable skill where you will not be short of work.

    A friend of mine has a similar skill to you and runs a very successful MOT/repair garage.  Him and his dad buy the odd heavy crazy thing, like a Ferrari etc needing a clutch or an engine rebuild etc and they manage to make a tidy sum as they don't factor in their labour. YOU WILL NEED A BIG MARGIN.

    They only do the odd one here and there when the opportunity to buy (usually a customer's car) comes along.  However, they do get comebacks but are a big enough operation to deal with them.

    As far as advertising goes, many on here will tell you Autotrader.  Whilst I AM NOT one of them, I think if you're only selling the odd couple then that would be the place.  We do OK on ebay (Motors Pro not auction) at any value.  Pistonheads no.


    Good luck with it though.

  4. I agree with the above but when it comes to customers PX'ing- I quite like it as you can usually give a bit more than WBAC (after pointing out the obvious that the initial figure they give online won't be anywhere near what you get when the pick the car to pieces in the flesh).

    Also some punters are really anti them.

    • Like 1

  5. I just photocopy the log book and make the customer do it & get them to drop new log book in when they’ve received it. Not ideal I know, but has always worked out alright. The private plate is on the car they’re PXing, so it’s in their interest to do it.  

    However, none of our cars are Mot’d/pdi’d until sold, so that gives you time to drag it out if necessary. 

    It doesn’t take long nowadays 

  6. So they’re always like that? Brill. ‘If you don’t like it-Go F Yourself Autos’. Love it 

    Back to your OP: I’m just happy if the phone rings some weeks!

    You’ll get some normal people soon, and anyway, I think you deserve some fools after such a long exotic holiday! ;o)



    What’s that old expression?:

    Arguing with an Idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. ; No matter how good you are; the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like it won anyway


    • Like 1

  7. 12 minutes ago, trade vet said:

    I used to love doing Sundays,there would be 2 of us watching the pitch.I always found the punters easier on a Sunday.The best we ever did on a Sunday was 9 ( out of 60),whichever sales guy I was on with did not mind either as they got full commission from my deals plus any chucky company incentives.You would also get Sunday punters returning and buying during the week.There has always been idiot punters,you just have to spot them early and walk away.....If you run a pitch you must open Sundays.

    Absolutely.  another one yesterday for us as usual.  

    T.V.  I remember those days- ten over a weekend at least!

  8. I've had the odd nutter come in regularly over the years. One sticks in my mind particularly.  He used to literally run away each time we tried to say Hi!

    Over a three year period I eventually managed to have the odd joke with him (Still just looking Sir? No charge today!)  Anyway, he eventually bought a Clio off us at full money.

    The others I just be mildly sarcastic to each time, by saying something like 'Haven't you bought anything yet? Same old faces.  I can give you a chamois if you're bored!

    I always remember that today's looker is tomorrow's buyer.  Also, if you're nice to them they may even tell people they know that you're alright.

    I have said to a customer fairly often that 'this car's not for you Sir'.  One nasty old boy I did escort off the premises once. He said he'd get his son on me.  Never happened.  

  9. Ha. That’s Brill.  Two more things to get angry about in that video too:

    1) baseball caps- particularly when worn when not outside. 

    2) People who don’t use loudspeaker (rather than putting it to their ears) so the whole world can hear their annoying conversation. 


  10. 10 hours ago, Paddy said:

    Fecking Dinosaurs... its the modern world folks, 

    So true. Love it. We are that. Some on here more than others.Will the last Dinasour present please turn off the lights behind them. 

    (I'm still not texting back- they can answer the phone ;0)

    I've always said this job is about prostitution: You've just got to decide how much you are going to prostitute yourself to the punters.  For me it's no texting and no calls answered after 7 unless a message left and I like the sound of them.  For some of you it's no Sunday opening etc.

    • Like 1

  11. Half the time (or more) they don’t answer and don’t call or text back. 

    However, I rarely even look at the work mobile (it is on permanent forwarding to the landline). I never give my personal mobile number out either. 

    I was just quoting Trade Girl’s ‘good texter’ comment. It obviously happens in her world. 

  12. I can’t comment on the text idiots too much; as if they text, I immediately call them and repeat with each subsequent text. 

    You’re right though- idiots come from all angles and it’s part of the job. (I quite like an idiot when I’m bored, but not by text.) Half the time I can’t work out what they’re saying and don’t get me started on all those little yellow smiley things that all look the same!

    You’ll never convince many of us the value of texting back. It’s a pathetic way to ask about a car, but this is mostly based on the quality of the leads over the years who have text. 

    However, ‘Her Indoors’ says I’m just miserable. Maybe she is right.  I’d wager BHM, Arfur etc get the same :o)

    I’d also suggest that the good texters you’ve had would have happily taken your call after their initial text. Or listened to your voicemail asking them to call /email at their leisure.