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Posts posted by NOACROSS

  1. Yeah Blu are brilliant. And if you get paid out two deals over £4k with them between now and end of August - you receive a free Ipad. Then every four deals after that you’ll receive another. I already have two so dunno what I’ll do with another. 

    Motonovo are good too but I think I’m right in saying Blu don’t clawback. 

  2. I always take the hitch off if it’s a car or a soft-roader like a CRV etc. as you always get the ‘has it been towing a caravan’ stupid question. And I always walk into the bastards and bash my shin numerous times otherwise. Leave them on Landrovers. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Mark101 said:

    12 sold and gone, 1 deposit paid, collect 7th July - total stock 11

    Well done Mark! To turn over all your stock is to commended. I hope your margins are good too.  


  4. Well, I'm gonna be the other side of the coin viewpoint. 

    Whenever I've advertised a car that's not prepared correctly it causes stress.  Whether that's successfully getting a deposit and then rushing to get the job done for the now impatient punter- or failing to get it sold as the car lets itself down, and no matter how much you assure them you'll get it all done, they can walk & I think you often get one opportunity to market and sell the junk.  I don't like any more excuses 'not to buy' than can be helped.  You should only have the price as the only thing they can (try to) argue about.

    A good car will sell and I think presentation is a reflection of you and your business. I don't see the urgency myself.  However we have a site so maybe from home with only a few cars in stock it is felt that they need to be advertised immediately.  For me that still doesn't make sense but we're all different (I'm not).

    • Like 1

  5. We do really well with ebay (motors pro) all values. 

    Motors is OK and just about pays for itself at worst, and sells a couple more on a good month, but as Nick says- they push your stock wide and who knows how many people get directed to your website from there (you can get this info from their stats and it's OK in general.)

    Car Gurus performs better than Motors. Exchange and Mart about the same as Car Gurus.

    Working on your SEM/SEO is important and the excellent Click Dealer take care of this for us.  They also will manage Facebook for you but I'm too old to do social media so I can't really comment on its effectiveness but I'm told it's OK if you work it well.

    We dumped Autoraper a couple of years ago and my thoughts on them has been done to death on this forum so I won't stir that old nest up again but there's loads of threads on it.

    • Like 1

  6. Ha. ‘Experience mate, experience ‘. ;0)

    Primrose Yellow. Now that was a brave choice. 

    Aston Martin insisted on sending a mechanic with it everywhere it went and to drive it /fix it when it invariably broke down. 


  7. Best stock always sells and you’re left with the old faces or harder to shift stuff. Also, how many times do you get not a sausage on a car for weeks/months and then once it’s sold you get a couple of other sniffs on it!

    Yay! The Professionals on ITV4 + 1 and then The Persuaders recorded on the TiVo  for the next three hours!  Nothing else on. :0)


  8. Your namesake -Mr C of The Shamen would have said ‘Eberneeezerbad’ in this case.  

    Entertain a CAT D or new CAT N occasionally -at half book, as has been mentioned above, but a late, German, CAT S is one to side-step in my opinion.

    However, I’d side-step the junk even it if it wasn’t on the register!

  9. I had a 08 1.6 Sxi come in PX. Was fine until it sat for a week. Now it’ll start but will cut out the second you touch the accelerator (have tried another pedal-still the same.). Auto electrician is stumped, although I think it’s more a lack of interest. 

    Not the end of the world as doesn’t owe much but a nice car otherwise  

    Anyone had this?

  10. 11 hours ago, Nick M.K. said:

    I sell quite a few on eBay (classified, not auction) and my buyers from there are two types: 

    1) old chaps (I can't comment on the Altos because I've never sold one)

    2) 25-45yo blokes who don't bring their wives with them when they buy

    Both types are very sensible to deal with. 



    Same here- (I don't advertise on Autoraper at all) and ebay Classified gets buyers from all walks of life and ages.  I wouldn't underestimate the oldies.  Some of them are very internet savvy - or their children/grandchildren look out for them.

    I'd advertise that Alto in the local press if it was me.  They def. look in there.  

  11. 5 hours ago, Nick M.K. said:

    Do you cover the plates with the suction holder? You may as well keep them in the windscreen as both are forbidden. 

     I have attached the DVLA guidance note VTL301G section 4: 

    Screen Shot 2018-06-25 at 09.18.54.png

    Idiots STILL say they must be displayed VERTICALLY. So funny. 

    • Like 1

  12. How else can the team of 'analysts/specialist' middle management bollocks-spewing (pointy shoe'd) justify their roles? They've got to produce the occasional highly confusing and over-elaborate report showing that all those meetings and away-days have led to something. 

    • Like 2