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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. This is so true and why I left the robbers. The world didn’t end and not paying them three /four grand a month is the best thing I ever did. Sure, it can be a bit quieter, but, like you say, it’s the quiet months when it used to really hurt when you've got 40-60 in stock and no sensible ‘bulk buy’ discount with them. (and I hate the cluttered heavily sponsored website) Now I’m guilty of ‘smug-face’ on quiet months And as for the ‘tools’ well I’m sorry but stuff and nonsense -their free punter pricing tool is fine-and the only tool was me for using them for so long
  2. Oh good. This topic again! ;0) We STILL get people telling us they saw the car on Autoraper. We’ve not been with the cluttered mess for two years.
  3. Small cars are a waste of time in general. Unless they’re auto. At least down here on the south coast Particularly when you can get a new one for fluppence a month on PCP. Vauxhall is a crap product too IMO. Even worse than German stuff.
  4. (Chuckle Brother's reference) My best mate lives in Bishop's Nympton. Does South Moulton get included in the Barnstable Massive?
  5. Ha. Yes. It should look red on a white background when displayed. I don't know what sticker you have on the back. I just stick a rear window sticker on the back of our sets, in case they get mislaid.
  6. Mallard and Zebra are also worth a go.
  7. This was answered by Natalie from Blue on another thread. From memory: no claw backs as long as the punter pays first couple of months. Its only happened to me once over the years as the bastard decided to pay off the loan early (very sensibly from his point of view).
  8. You need to dump that finance company and move to one that doesn't claw-back. Like Blue Finance.
  9. Grant: how is the new site going apart from sales?
  10. I thought Twerp, you would have commented on the pictures of the three people on the home page. Not something I would do. Also I wouldn't want that (or any) Autoraper bill!) To the OP: If you're looking for some tips/suggestions, then I would politely suggest you re-evaluate your picture strategy and photo them all the same way and in the same location. For example, some are lurched on a kerb and others in grounds. That blue BMW cab shows an old door off something behind it. Looks like you do crash repairs. Might just be me. Also, the website doesn't show mileages until you click on the car. However, I guess most people see it via an advert rather than from the website. I'm pleased OP that you've sold two already today Well done! See - it's a funny old game!
  11. We have 40-60 and it's not un-heard of. We've all rang ourself to see if the phone still works I'm sure. I remember one month of boredom where I bought a dartboard and tried to learn to play. Like golf- it's not for me. ;0)
  12. Hi Andrew- welcome. I wouldn't worry about a two week dry-spell mate! You'll get much longer droughts than that. Weather, School holidays, brexit bollocks, interest rates.... pick an excuse. We've been pretty steady but not setting the world alight.
  13. Sorry T.V. you’re def mistaken this time, and for once it’s not like the old days and it has changed (you know I’m always on your side primarily as you are a seasoned Pro and your words are wise.). I’m not sure the repeat business is much of a thing anymore. The internet killed the game. Despite our good reviews, we only get the odd few coming back, but it’s about four /five years later by the time the car we sold them needs upgrading- and even then we don’t always have exactly what they are looking for. (Or in our case they’ve often given up driving or died). We do get recommendations to customers friends and family who come to buy obviously, and this is all customers, not just prime finance. People are people and I’m happy to entertain most credit histories, they’re no more bother than the prime I can assure you. Honest Guv, and the payouts are quick and efficient. I’ve had some reasonable swappers too, as sub-prime doesn’t mean cheap lower end of the market’ cars that they’re buying (as that’s not my stock profile anyway) and apart from their credit score, you mostly can’t tell them apart from your usual ‘cash’ buyer who then breaks their debit card out All punters are potentially trouble but that’s the minority. Most are normal. Enjoy that G&T mate!
  14. Mr.Doom today T.V.! Must be time for a G&T? ;0) I've dealt with First Response for many years...... I used to know Ian Harley there very well..lovely guy- back in the days of personal service from finance companies! Anyway, I've never had any issues with sub prime deals- except one BMW customer who tried to get clever over his CRA rights recently but was put straight. I've never had any issues in thirty years with any finance company to be fair. The odd claw-back, but then you just move on to a better lender like Blue.
  15. Noting the lack of response from the OP - I'm thinking we've lost him/her, however I'm bored waiting for a punter to come back off a demo (standard boring Golf customer worried about fuel economy on a 1.4 Golf- yawn!) so I'll chuck a couple more pennies-worth in: As much as BHM is utterly awesome and is the favorite contributor to this forum for many of us, with his straight talking and often straight-shooting- you have two choices: Do nothing, sell it for peanuts and move on. Or get it to a retail standard, re-photo and get the info correct! His advice about advertising it as an auto is spot on. New MOT a must as has also been suggested. I would go for option two, and look to sell it to an older person for good money myself if you can be bothered to prepare it correctly. If I was unlucky enough to have it on my site (it's unlikely it would be, and I'd give no more than £495 in px for it), it would be £1995 I think- but we are a bit different here on the south coast and small autos under two grand usually go quickly and are hard to find at retail establishments. Weird, we rarely get any walk-ons. It's 95% emails or calls first. We're main road too. Even the local people call us to say they've either seen it online or driving past.
  16. Tell us more Rory! Sorry to hear that, but with all those German 'ticking bombs' out there, it's bound to happen I guess- what with the high numbers you usually do.
  17. There's loads of threads on this here. I'd recommend Blue. You will need to be VAT regustered and FSA. Natalie Draper is a rep for Blue and is on this forum. I think others use Close, Mallard etc. They're all fine with you being a doorstepper.
  18. More like well deserved tough-love I'd say (observing this post from the wings). Finance props take zero effort. Give me as many as possible and I'm happy if even just one goes through. The props either come through direct from the customer filling out the standard application on our website, or it comes direct from ivendi and gets auto-submitted to the lenders. The ones from the website I simply copy and paste into an email and ping it off to a lender. They then do the leg-work. Simples! I've even-when busy- asked the finance company to call the customer and get a prop on occasion. Under half accepted? I 'usually' manage to get some sort of offer in most cases.
  19. ( spitting out moment) As above, reshoot elsewhere properly -without the shadows making it look it’s three shades of silver- plus the car is dirty and needs a valet. (Interior stains in seats and in the boot, if you have to show the engine bay then it needs to be clean.) It’s going to be SOMEBODY’S new car so make it look its best and put the price up. Let us know how you get on.
  20. ( spitting out moment) As above, reshoot elsewhere properly -without the shadows making it look it’s three shades of silver- plus the car is dirty and needs a valet. (Interior stains in seats and in the boot, if you have to show the engine bay then it needs to be clean.) It’s going to be SOMEBODY’S new car so make it look its best and put the price up. Let us know how you get on.
  21. Blue are very good. I noticed the Motonovo rates had gone down but it's still not bad for us. Not that we're getting much finance activity this year!
  22. In recently reduced it to 5.5. Just to try and get some finance business going as has been a ghost town in that department over the last six months. Already noticing an uplift in finance props. It’s weird.
  23. Are you VAT registered? Blue are very good indeed. Natalie on here is a rep and posted earlier.
  24. Plus one here. The free ones and your brain are perfectly fine