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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    That's brilliant, thanks for that
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    As always, customers call, messers mail. I’m not saying a customer may not of initially emailed but a SERIOUS buyer picks up the phone sharpish. Two cars nailed by yesterday lunchtime both to people able to use a telephone. The email buffoons, circling like vultures, are still umming & arrring, pondering their next move or making pitiful attempts of haggling by email. Some of these digital ditherers (a.k.a. fucking morons) even get shirty when they’re informed the car has sold - I had one the other week on a Smart telling me I shouldn’t be allowed to sell cars “because we’d agreed a deal” (Eh?), he’s already taken out insurance & he is reporting me to Trading Standards. Mental.
  4. 1 point
    I can think of dozens of Labour MP’s who would find it difficult to hold down any job in the private sector.Mind Dennis Skinner although a bit tall might have been a good valeter.Ex Miners were usually good valeters,they never stopped working in all weather.If I went on holiday I think I would prefer to leave the pitch with Kier Starmer in charge rather than Boris.