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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Unfortunately its a fact that the UK economy and UK business has been hit much harder than nearly any other comparable developed country. We also suffered a higher death rate. One thing that staggers me is that £37 *billion* was given to Serco to run a 'Test and Trace' system. Basically a computer system and some call centres - that didn't work. That's absolutely insane! BILLIONS must have been siphoned off. I am also very very nervous about the current direction of the economy. A hugely overstimulated property market and Rishi still pumping money into the economy. It feels like a bubble. Yes, some money has been chucked at us car dealers (and others) but at what future cost?
  2. 1 point
    You’re not winning me over.
  3. 1 point
    Hmm. Someone doing their best in the circumstances wouldn’t have spent the 1st few months of the pandemic not bothering to turn up to cobra meetings and not knowing about the impending disaster we were about to get shafted by, he was taking weekend breaks and didn’t want to be bothered by details and warnings. During the middle he took the option of the economy over the scientific advice and helped give us a second wave as bad as the 1st. Even now at the tail end when he said he is doing all he can he spent a day personally ringing newspaper editors to try and brief them against Cummings to cover his own dodgy flat dealings and shouting ‘let the bodies plié up’ Everyone is saying how bad the Indian situation is now, they have 17 deaths per 100k of population, we have 191. I will give credit that the vaccine roll out has been a success, but guess what you give it to NHS to roll it out and don’t hand it to someone like Serco you get a better result. The only people Boris has given a flying f about are himself and his donors through all of this.
  4. 1 point
    We are calling all our customers who bought in November and offering money back if they wish to sell
  5. 1 point
    Took a deposit on a Fiesta ST-2 up for £9,250, was on the autotrader with a high price flag for about 6 hours, 8 calls, last one offering £250 more and saying they'll come down tonight from Preston to pick it up!!! I'm sticking with the deposit guy but could have sold it 4-5 times today, it wasn't underpriced if anything it was right at the top but a beautiful clean little pocket rocket, Make hay while the sun shines
  6. 1 point
    Whilst Southern Canadians are notoriously inward looking, I wonder if the dreadful performance of Deliveroo will make them think? Yes I know workers rights had an affect on Deliveroo, but its still a disaster. I have a nice bottle of champers in the fridge to be opened when Cazoo IPO fails.