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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Sunday phone rings , Guy wants an appointment to see us today at 2 pm . Mr W he says in an attitude i didn't warm too shall we say . Ok then that's down in the diary for 2pm, whats your name and number as its a withheld number . He says he will give his first name and number if he buys the car , mmmmm ok but do ring us before you leave home then . Anyway he arrives today with mask on , virus spray for inside the car , rubber gloves and his mate who is " you guessed" VAG man specialist complete with VAG COM The guy goes we need your car lift , "OK" , I've bought my own trade plates from a friend to test drive it "OK "and we need one hour on our own to go through the diagnostics and test the car is fit for purpose before I make you an offer "OK " I will be paying you by cash , £13,995 LOL My response was , your not touching my property with that spray as its not approved for use in my cars because I say so , You are not touching my ramps as your neither qualified or insured to do so , Your not going to break the law by using borrowed trade plates in my property as if you do this nice man here will give you a ticket " traffic cop friend on site ", If you think you or anyone else is plugging diagnostics into my car then you are sadly mistaken . The price is as per screen and no offers are being considered plus for money laundering regulations I wont take that amount of cash from you anyway . So please close the door as you leave my premises I told him . His face was a picture , Cheeky git
  2. 1 point
    Hi guys, please be patient with me. I have been managing pubs for a long time but believe the industry is going to suffer massively due to covid. I have always been hugely interested in cars and through lockdown I have signed up to copart, bought a couple of cars with bits of damage and been fixing them ready to sell. A couple are just about ready to be advertised. I would like to one day have a bit of land and 30 or 40 cars on a lot for sale so please hit me with some starting up tips. thanks in advance.
  3. 1 point
    Its true. Wasn't sarcastic but a well known character on here spent way to long thinking, getting his hand held and couldn'tactually do the basics. This is a great place for advice but a lot of voices can sometimes make it hard to know what to do. You buy cheap, sell with profit and polish profit into cars, etc find a niche make a run of it etc and get a good bit going. This forum is then good when looking for advice on which warranty company to get, how to deal with your first complaint ( daunting I remember mine and shit it at the threat of them taking me to court ) and loads of good advice. Just got to get going. I wouldn't bother with Copart shit either just buy straight motors. TBH if I lost my lot and started again I would buy off gumtree and marketplace from idiots who can't take pics or read and write, clean them ensure basically safe and then just sell with limited comebacks and build up again as quick as I could living off bare minimum. Sacrifice, graft and an eye on where you want to be in a few years works. Good luck. Get going.
  4. 1 point
    ....and fiddling the spirits. I’m with you on this, if you’re paying someone to PROPERLY nail together damaged shite you can’t make any money. However I’m sure the lads throwing them back together themselves (plenty of cable ties, sledgehammer chassis work & Roy Orbison paint jobs) make a shilling.
  5. 1 point
    Really? You’re letting customers on 18yr old cars grind you down over one key. No offence intended but you need a course on managing the aspirations of punters on old cars. ‘Screamer’ springs to mind.
  6. 1 point
    By changing it back the purchaser should have no insurance issues . Far wider market for standard cars. Sell the modified bits on fleebay.