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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Its not burtons biscuits as I know he went nuts at someone that kept asking and commenting about it
  2. 1 point
    I liked the overall jist of your post and it's made me think of a few bits:. - The 50k BBL is very much a self cert affair, what do you turnover and when would you like the money are essentially the qualifying criteria. - While the car auction craziness may end by Aug-Sep the effects of mass redundancies, reduced spending and the inevitable inflation caused from the dishing out of 'stimulus' money haven't been felt yet. So, although we will almost definitely see a CAP price increase now we run the risk later of a massive contraction as demand dries up. Dangerous game to play. - When you attempt to stimulate a market with the kind of hand-outs we've seen (specifically rate relief grants and furlough money) you devalue the currency already in circulation by "printing" more (it's more adding 000's on a computer screen rather than printing). This leads to a rise in the price of goods and services because you need more of the devalued asset to exchange for the thing you want. If you've stimulated a market properly the new "money" will be spent. In the market/ world we're in right now with huge uncertainty (second wave question mark and socio-economic problems globally) I think it's unlikely to see businesses or consumers being frivolous (more a batten down the hatches mentality?). To make matters worse, many who have received this money haven't had it in addition to what they would have had, they've had it in replacement of, so it's been spent in the normal way i.e. all we have is more currency in the system, and the big boys who were allowed to trade earlier than the rest of us or by nature of their business to trade throughout (amazon etc) have likely hoovered up what luxury or recreational spending of that "new money" occurred... and they'll do their best to spend as little as possible of it here!
  3. 1 point
    Temporary: supply is down (a lot), demand is up (due to built-up demand) --> prices rise Long term: demand will pass thru normal then be down (a bit, or a lot, depending on how the recession pans out); supply will either match demand or go up --> prices fall Its getting to the point, it might actually make financial sense for dealers to put their cars BACK into auction, because they'll make more now at auction, than their current or future retail value. It is indeed irrational at the moment.
  4. 1 point
    Damn you beat me too it poverty spec 150 bhp but with 30k miles. i have a photo but the forum won’t let me upload. Anyone with sense will rise this out, don’t play into BCAs hands and get them when all the BBLers have spent out.