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  1. 1 point
    I’m glad you’ve noticed this too. I’d hate to be one of those people who are now trying claw black money - with a Multivendor label, it will never allow the car / bidder to get their money back. I’d say get ready to lose at least 15-20% of what they paid to the auction. As for the original vendors, I guess they’re happy because it’s one less knackered car that they have to worry about. Bid with caution! I’ve noticed some of them have that too. Do you reckon, it’s stock which was bought via stocking loan and now taken back in? So BCA can recoup money? but surely if that’s the case, they would give it a better vendor section then “multivendor” Then again, with so many dealers getting paid grants, bounce back loans etc, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if everyone puts their hands up in the auction halls - bidding with their bank balances and not brains
  2. 1 point
    Me personally? Definitely not! - But the question does arise to, do you think that others may have? Call me old fashioned, but I’d rather see & hear the cars in person, before parting with my money. From past experience when buying online, the Assured report / grading doesn’t mean jack sh*t.
  3. 1 point
    If you have big enough pockets or balls to buy a merc auto with no report at all crack on, he who dares rodney and all that.
  4. 1 point
    I recently had a call from a punter, similarly to you (but his name was not Dean). He stated that he already had delivery in place (without seeing the car) and wanted to pay the full amount via card over the phone. Politely told him to stick it where the sun don’t shine..... agree with everyone else on here - only take what you can afford to lose over the phone - that is £200 tops Bank Transfers aren’t as safe as you think either... people can retract them back easily. I’ve noticed this happens with the smaller banks such as (MONZO, FIRST DIRECT ETC).
  5. 1 point
    I know of a couple of dealers around me (main dealers to smaller ones) that have all been caught by similar scams. They all got theirs cars back, but was an incredibly stressful time. Glad you and your business survived!!
  6. 1 point
    I started this post last year regarding a Dean Talbot who stole 4 cars from us via credit card fraud. Well out of the blue yesterday I had the very same "Man" (Scum) phone me. He was stressed out that I had posted him all over the internet.. I assume the reason for the call was that the Police have now caught up with him?!. Luckily for me I got all 4 cars returned, but I firmly advised the People that purchased the cars from him work with the Police to try and catch him. Yesterday "Dean Talbot" was saying to me, I'm glad I put you out of business. Then he started literally crying (weirdly). When he got his composure he went on to call me names, whilst I was getting the satisfaction that he's been found!!. Well long story short.. My business is fine, I got all the cars back and sold on.. And I hope this idiot is going to Prison!!!
  7. 1 point
    It’s a good insight into the direction the market could take but I am surprised Derren Martin didn’t mention Finance Houses. I think they have the potential to cause considerable damage to used car prices. If they act like they have in every recession so far, they will be quick to repossess stock from dealers and private customers in financial distress and just as quick to dump them into market and take what they can get for them. To compound this, these are the very same institutions that will then become risk adverse and make it harder for the dealers to obtain finance for stocking and customers to purchase cars, increasing the likelihood of further price erosion. It would be really interesting to hear his view on this.
  8. 1 point
    Thank you - Not sure I would go that far though Thank you for the kind words. Very much appreciated Simon
  9. 1 point
    Trust no one. Never take a card payment over the phone for any amount greater than you are prepared to write off.
  10. 1 point
    Hi Funny, probably best not to name him on a public forum as he could be completely innocent and also a victim of the fraud? I'm sorry to hear you've been a victim of fraud, it's a real kicker if you're going to lose that amount. I know how hard these credit card companies are to deal with too. Why would you take that amount over the phone though, surely that's taking a massive risk? Call me old fashioned but I only take £200 deposits by phone, and that's only if they've been and viewed the vehicle and have gone away to think about it.
  11. 0 points
    really lovely bloke I know died from it last week do you not understand the bigger picture