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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    This is a ridiculous statement. If you read it it simply confirms exactly what I wrote while libelling us at the same time. I got it from the government press officer at BEIS. I standby what I wrote. And as you’ll see above - despite having a pop at me - they’re confirming exactly the same thing...
  2. 2 points
    Glad you all enjoyed it. He was a great guest. More to come next week. Might try and have some time off this weekend but already got some features planned so doubt that’ll happen... enjoy the sunshine all
  3. 1 point
    VW Beetle has got to be up there? Or something like Caterham or Morgan? Or Land Rover (the original one!) if you include the Defender etc
  4. 1 point
    Peter Vardy's dad got me one of my first sales jobs in the motor trade, it's easy to ace an interview when Sir Peter personally calls
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Haha, why don’t look at the top of the page & take out your frustrations on one of the various pop-ups offering you sexual services? So far today we’re being offered a date with ‘Sania aged 28’, the ‘15 million Asian women’ looking for contact along with the offer of ‘Get your Cherokee serviced’ (I’m not sure if that last one is slang talk for sort of gratification).
  7. 1 point
    Laugh all you like but I’ll tell you what, them Austin Rover/Rovers etc. were good cars! Honestly!! I had plenty, most of would come into the VERY SECONDHAND bracket and all reliable (well, except for the 2600 that shat it’s head gasket after 4 days then when I got it back the auto box, when cold, wouldn’t change gear until hitting the redline in 1st gear). Metro, Maestro, Maestro Van, SD1, old PB6s - fine automobiles in my book! Even the 827 hatchback wasn’t a bad car once I’d stripped the dashboard to change the heater matrix that the dodgy car trader had blanked off - those were the days
  8. 1 point
    Best laugh I've had all week Thanks mr non scaly We were both packing Magnums to do the hit Unfortunately we are now the first in line to enter but both holding dripping sticks
  9. 1 point
    We are currently holding up the local coop Will get back to you when we've counted the lolly
  10. 1 point
    What do you do with all your other paperwork then now? the confetti market is in freefall
  11. 1 point
    I have a buyer lined up I have told him what’s happened and showed him the part of the v5 I have kept and not sent back to the DVLA he is happy about that but I just don’t want any speeding tickets or any think like that coming thought to my address after I sell the car as I don’t know the person I am selling it to so I was wondering what I could do thanks a lot for replying
  12. 1 point
    About 30 or so years ago as a skint & naive young fella I needed reliable wheels to get to a new job so got financed-up on a 2-3 year old Metro. I can’t remember the deal, or the car colour for that matter, but no doubt I had it stuck right up me. All was ok until one day when I turned it upside down, writing it off. The insurance company maxed-out their offer but I had negative equity so had to pay additional money to pay off the finance - I’m not sure what would of happened if I hadn’t had some savings by then. Anyhow it was a valuable lesson which I’ve stuck to in not to buy depreciating consumer goods on tick.
  13. 1 point
    Thanks a lot! Sharing this helped me install some new apps
  14. 1 point
    Hi Lorena, yes you have the option of setting up a direct debit or pay it in full.
  15. 1 point
    Tests drives are going to be the hardest part for me, I can't see many wanting to part with their hard earned without one.
  16. 1 point
    Well amongst all the uncertainty it is now a green light to trade, prolonged social distancing simply means coming up with a plan where a customer can buy and take delivery in safety,i cant see that being a problem for those who are in this job properly anyway. the biggest issue looming is the probable reduction in customers, unemployment (already 3.5m) and the fear of it + people tightening the purse strings will no doubt mean a reduction in customers, there will also be a fall out in commercial and fleet sales with the likelyhood that many companys who buy these units will go to the wall, furlough has been good news for company's, but once that ends the bills are back to normal, motor trade aside for many companys who have no orders this in the short term will be fatal. also, dont forget that buried amongst all this crisis is a forgotten brexit and a mid year FCA decision regarding finance rules, the latter already being an issue lurking for those dealers who rely on deal profit rather than chassis profit. it could be worse - if you run a pub!