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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    It has to be down to the age of the cars though. There’s no way I’d ship my old bangers off into the distance sight unseen. My punters are very different to the ones buying nearly new stuff?
  2. 1 point
    hello, reporting from cell block number 7, the house. slopped out this morning at half nine, governor let us have a lie in . porridge again, said it was cold in me cell, governor put another bar in todays exercise, under strict conditions, shopping, 2 metres away from other shoppers, herr flick at the entry supervising us, loving it. police car on the way back eyeballing us, prisoner 765897 , SIR ! back in me cell, governor let me have ten minutes more exercise in the garden, went out and shouted "i am free" little kid next door shouts he is four got a plan, tunnel ! must be easy ? no, probably die in a tunnel, me phone does. best go, some rock breaking to do, she has been baking again
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I got caught trying to break out got another 3 weeks in solitary lol
  5. 1 point
    Excellent and quite clear on deliveries, and even thanked his staff which was a nice touch at the end !
  6. 1 point
    77 staff still on full pay,well done snows Brilliant half hour as always thanks Neil and James
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    That’s my thinking too. I try to only sell to the sensible 50% of punters. I’d hate to think of the hassles I’d get sending my 10yr old ‘gems’ to the other 50%, some of whom clearly think their couple of grand buys a new car.
  9. 1 point
    What device are you on Have you cleared your cache Anyway theres nothing worth buying Get yourself in the garden
  10. 1 point
    You still have to be ‘proper’ trade. So if I were you I’d take advantage of the lack of competition and fill yer boots! I imagine there’s a lot of guys with orders to fill from the last few weeks of lockdown. So my prediction is strong prices. And as I’ve mentioned before, with online auctions only for proper trade you won’t have any ‘hero’s’ bidding you up, at least at the moment until the auctions sort that out. Because they make a lot of money out of the private’s. Not only from high fees but bidding up prices for everything. Private’s and amateurs are the gift that keeps giving for auctions
  11. 1 point
    We are still operating mainly through delivery options but Have done a couple of on site deals for key workers following a strict procedure.
  12. 1 point