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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Probably not. I think most employee from home stuff is unsafe (as is most dealership stuff). It's a matter of crossing fingers, mainly. EG all my stuff is secured on servers and electronic, but I would guess 75% of dealers print my car proposals on paper and one-finger type it into some system rather than parsing it via xml or something safer. No dealer ever asks for secure data, yet they could have very secure access. Nor finance companies. At every stage there is a risk. Dealers and finance companies want everything emailed, there are few secure servers or anything. So GDPR is mainly a joke anyway... except the VERY IMPORTANT GDPR form which must be signed of course and if it missed everything must STOP. That piece of A4 is hellishly powerful. The condominium is a safer bet.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    One owner Usually on a private plate Car over c 5 years old Usually means a worn out moneypit
  4. 1 point
    This is more my style. The late great Fred Dagg (John Clarke).
  5. 1 point
    I MOT anything as soon as it arrives with an expired ticket or I MOT after a sale has been agreed if it has an unexpired MOT. In any circumstance, every car whether it has 364 days MOT or 1 day gets a fresh MOT prior to being released to the customer. I am not selfless, it is for my protection too. I MOT'd an MX-5, straight through. Drive it 1/2 mile back to the unit and locked away for 2 months. Customer wanted new MOT to do the deal. Took it back around and failed on a broken coil spring. Kept indoors and done 1/2 mile since last MOT.
  6. 1 point
    “Mr Icke also claimed that a coronavirus vaccine, when one is developed, would include "nanotechnology microchips" that would allow humans to be controlled. He added that Bill Gates - who is helping fund Covid-19 vaccine research - should be jailed.”
  7. 1 point
    Yes but like old cars and real music things just fade away Sad really
  8. 1 point
    As your new litigation lawyer I see that as the first down payment Spend wisely Ps Buddy can you spare a dime
  9. 1 point
    Well I suppose the one I have to say was years ago when I first started trading and it was more of a part time hobby, I bought a an ultra blue Corsa C SXI, was a nice low mileage thing had only done 50k Miles, it got delivered off the transporter and then a couple of minutes later a guy comes in asking if it’s for sale as he was looking for a car for his daughter. He wanted a deal and was happy to take it as was so done literally nothing to it and his daughter came in to collect the car. And had it not been for covid 19 I would be getting married next month and the man would be my father in law
  10. 1 point
    I will try and find a link but there was an EE engineer saying people were complaining that the masts were giving them headaches since they were erected, turns out they hadn’t been switched on lol
  11. 1 point
    If it all goes to shit selling cars, how about starting a business putting up phone masts? Plenty of repeat business. Having worked for EE previously and knowing a few engineers, I can confirm that all the 5g will kill you stuff is utter bollocks. I did used to love watching someone with a cigarette in their hand telling me how mobile phones give you cancer.
  12. 1 point
    Very good, a business on the work face If anything should come out of this then Will mentions it too many people are using social media for their news I would suggest each and every person running their own business should take time out to read a proper paper once a week to get a better opinion of what's really happening in the world and in business My suggestions are Either The financial times saturday morning's, very in depth Or the Sunday times again a very good business section but a bit too conservative in the news so can be a bit teeth grindy
  13. 1 point
    Like PCPs, it’s the hidden costs you need to be aware of, and the final walk away costs can be astronomical.