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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Yes, almost all buyers will test drive cars that you are selling in the £1000-£2000 range. Its unlikely that you will be buying cars with reports in that price bracket. May be more sensible for you too look out for cheapies for sale privately so you can have a good viewing and a test drive. You need to cover yourself with your paperwork. I'd highly recommend downloading the 'How to be a car dealer' guide on the forum as it'll give you much more helpful advice. Every day is a school day, I don't consider myself an expert. There are a lot more experianced voices than mine on the forum, so pay attention to the advice given to you. But first, insurance is a must. You'll need to to register with most auction houses, to collect your cars and run them too and from MOTs / garages, to test drive. Also, you'll be covered for SD&P on your own personal car too. When you work out the costs, you'll see that trade insurance is probably more cost effective than day insuring a car every time you want to use it.
  2. 1 point
    It be the driver at the time of being pulled over! So the buyer gets to test drive your car, pulled over, 6 points and your car towed away. Can't see that being a sucessful sales pitch! Oh, and don't forget your Trade plates too - well, you can't have those without proof of insurance, so you've got no road tax either. Phone around and get some other quotes. Do it properly, or not at all. The bear minimum is to be legit on the test drive!
  3. 1 point
    If you are doing 3 or 4 a month then pay for proper insurance then you don't have to worry.
  4. 1 point
    Now that's a million dollar question Richard . What sells this quarter wont sell next , selling cars is like the fashion industry. Certain Makes & models sell better in different parts of the country . What are you qualified to **fix** as all cars have their problems I'll tell you that for sure . All the above is a feeling in the fingers and years of experience . As to where to buy cars from , well the whole country is open to YOU really , There are dealers on here that are Auction experts , Some are private buying experts , Some are like we buy any car types ,Some are Ebay buying experts or face book , some have years of contacts. Where you chose will depend on time served my friend . There is NO rule to the secret you might think that happens
  5. 1 point
    Hi I’m David. I’ve been buying and selling cars for the best part of 40 years and I haven’t any idea where to buy cars cheap.