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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Isn’t it a case with all internet advertising that all of the likes/comments/watchers etc. count for absolutely fuck all? It’s a punter holding folding that counts and that punter won’t be one of the dickheads writing drivel at 11 o’clock at night or giving it the thumbs up.
  2. 1 point
    It’ll need more than 2 hours if it properly stank - the smell will return. If it’s a proper stinker it’ll need 4-6 hours. Afterwards you need to get the doors open for a day to air out the interior otherwise that ozone chlorine-type smell seems to stick as much as the fag smoke.
  3. 1 point
    Try different styles of advert / dont boost all at once / google a/b testing when one gains traction chuck money at that kill the other one send me a xmas present if you sell one before xmas
  4. 1 point
    Personally, this screams as a private sale end of story but...... Just to play Devil's Advocate (again); Could you been seen in court as a motor trader? What do I mean? You took that car as payment for a building job, or in lieu of cash payment and had no intention of keeping the car and therefore (in a round about way, like us taking a PX) were looking to profit from the proceeds of the sale, maybe (arguably) make more than the building work was worth? You could be seen to be trading a car.... Same as if I took a piece of land in PX against a car I suppose (I have taken some strange things in chop before). Anyway, you have had a taste of what us Dealers go through on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and I would appreciate you telling all your friends in the pub who say dealers make a fortune and are all dodgy some home truths and that we work bloody hard to do the right thing by people whilst keeping a roof over our heads (that we will pay a builder to repair ) Good luck.