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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    i disagree experienced motor trade people would sort the road tax, hold onto the p/ex for 7 days [once its gone its gone] and sorn the current cars they have, its the dvla law, many of these cars have been purchased may onwards, thats 8 months give or take parked up somewhere, after 3 month they should be put in trade [dvla], you can buy a lot of cars in 8 months
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    You offer an essay writing service without the ability to string a sentence together?
  4. 1 point
    had a look and it has to be said the website looks good, stock profile is very good too, looking at the stock and photos its clear they have some experienced motor trade people on board, 1816 units on the site, 1598 of those are sub 40k miles and less than 5 years old, 1352 less than 3 years old, only 5 cars over 60k miles, that profile is very hard to achieve with 100 cars let alone 1800, has to be said that is impressive, presume they recruited some very experienced buyers? with that profile i cant see them not gaining traction, whether they make any money is another thing! would love to know what the margins are.
  5. 1 point
    My expectations are to pay the bills. Not alot of profit to be earned in a December with an election looming.But you never know. However December is the month to stock up and prep. I hate buying in January, prices are insane.
  6. 1 point
    I have a DA account but never been lucky (or unlucky) enough to get anywhere near a purchase. What does surprise me is how many on here are complaining about not being able to use the site when I thought the general concensus was that DA had become a waste of time anyway. I certainly do not plan on dipping my toes in until these teething issues are sorted. I only paid my £99 in the hope of retaining legacy rights on the off chance the site becomes a valuable source of stock.