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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Add anyone you use on your favourite sellers list You never know when you, me or andy might need them
  2. 1 point
    Be very careful using this company for any warranty services if you have a hybrid car that has hybrid battery cooling fans. Declined on that basis. No mention of any of the hybrid components listed so excluded on that basis - hence no cover!
  3. 1 point
    Laugh? I nearly fell off my chair. It’s good to see your council catching up with fine upstanding members of the community by the names of Sunita Begum, Jodhsingh Jandoo, Masuma Lona and......and..... wait for it.......Iqbal Hakima Khan! Good old Iqbal! He gets everywhere, doesn’t he!?!!
  4. 1 point
    I was talking about this with a finance rep today and he said he knew of a few garages doing this but they were more in the sub prime market, I guess when you're desperate for a car then you'll tend to be less fussy. I think I prep my cars to a fairly high standard before they go on sale, but still I have customers spend an hour looking for the smallest stone chip to quibble about.
  5. 1 point
    Jeezus... Since when did cops issue parking tickets? Thats for the jobless brainless daft council jobsworths.... But then again it varies from council to council on how enforcing they are. Some councils even have wardens hovering over blue badge holders accusing them of misuse
  6. 1 point
    What did you expect from a warranty company , listed parts are covered , NON Listed parts are not covered . Simples really if you think about it .
  7. 1 point
    Ride the storm because it is the future. If you are trading cars in 20/30yrs time this will be the norm. Shopping online and buying on description is how most people shop now for anything from shoes to washing machines. Amazon are not going anywhere? The high street is dying and has been for ages. this subject feeds in to a bigger conversation about the take up of EV's and the demise of internal combustion? And how cars are owned an used in the future?
  8. 1 point
    Thanks Guys, The Police have granted us permission to collect the car from Birmingham tomorrow. Very relieved and will never take another payment by phone.. Lesson Learnt. The person who bought the car paid for it by cash £3000 under what we were selling it for.. He met the guy outside the station, Police had no sympathy for him as he didn't even HPI it. If anyone gets a call from a Dean Talbot or Peter Orr, both have fake driving licences in these names.