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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    didnt read the article as i wouldnt believe a word of what the bbc say anyway we need to leave the eu tear up the paris agreement and open up some pits its the future, short term
  2. 1 point
    Personally, I don't think that 'electric' cars will merely replace fossil fuel vehicles, but the way we use and look at cars as personal transport in the future will change?
  3. 1 point
    Yeah, sure, it can get up and go better than a lot, (for the first approx 1/4 mile), but after that, over the next 1/4 mile the Superbike / S55 Kompressor, C63 AMG etc etc will just fuck off and leave it for dead ............... That has been proven by myself and many others. Says it all, and in the real world as opposed to the "Fairy Dairy Land" propaganda However, even I can see the benefits of owning one if you live and work in / around one of our cities. But, as I used to regularly do 650 mile journey, Kyle to Kent. Average of a 10 - 11 hour drive overnight these days. 12 years ago, overnight, I did it in 6 hours 55 mins, I would never get near that nowadays due to significantly increased Traffic, IR SCameras, M/Way Road Works, Detours, etc etc. V8 S Class will do 400 + miles on a full tank at 80 - 90 mph, 10 minutes in services and you're off again !! CDI E Class Diesel will do door to door at the same speed (just) on a tank full !! .................... Serious questions, as I simply have no idea ..................... How far will the Tesla go on a full charge at 80 - 90 mph ?? How long does it take to fully recharge ?? What is the real world (sustainable) cost of charging one ?? (not you can recharge for a pound etc etc due to subsidies etc, 'cos that is not sustainable long term), same as the free road tax etc, once everyone is driving these fucking things it will all be taxed to the hilt)
  4. 1 point
    We're Scotlands first and longest established - BuySure Dealer. Basically, we've gone for it full blooded. In round figures, we're around 30-35k'ish a year with RAC. We put a min of 3month warranty on everything. Even stock thats literally just our of Manufacturers Warranty with 9k miles on. We focus on cars under 70k miles (most are under 50k) to allow us to put their 'value' product on. This basically gives the customer (and us!) an amazing level of cover and a claim limit which is the value of the car (today it was a 36.5k Boxster for example). 5 years we've been with them and thoroughly enjoy the head space it gives me where after sales are concerned (the odd one still rears its head), as well as the additional sales I feel it gives, especially with distance customers. We have over the past year, really been working on selling up, and its working great. We find it easy to sell up something we believe is a good product, and I think customers pick up on that. With that in mind, so far this year, we've turned this from a cost, to a profit generator. You need to be strict with yourself though and 'not just be thankful for the sale'! Ask the customer, present the product and overcome objections! Taking the RAC up on their products, just for iffy cars, isn't going to work. They aren't stupid and will spot a suspect 'burn rate' a mile off. Work with them, embrace their products and prep standards and it really does work. Stevie
  5. 1 point
    I do love a mini we do really well of these and they make up 75% of our stock. But you do get some strange people buying them. I think im gonna do this. Quick wash over fresh photos completely new listing I cant keep vision blues in stock i have sold two of them to neighbors.
  6. 1 point
    The only way I'd ever consider being forced into a non Petrol Engined Car would be if I were allowed to rebuild an older IC Car of my choice with Electric power in my own workshops ............... i.e create my own Electric Hot Rod. I somehow doubt I would be allowed to do so by the time all this is implemented, so as far as I'm concerned they will have to jail me for continuing to use my V8's after they are outlawed. By the time that all happens, hopefully I'll be past driving myself around anyway. Oh, and btw, getting rid of IC Engines WILL NOT make a significant difference to the Ozone / Atmosphere ................. It is all just simply propaganda bullshit spawned by some know nothing wanker. Why the fuck should I and the millions of other Petrol Headed IC lovers be told we can no longer pursue our love of IC engined Cars, when there is in fact no tangible argument to support all this Eco Bollocks ...................... None of it stands up in a decent technical argument .................... Electric Cars are no more environmentally friendly than a modern IC Petrol, they are just made out to be by morons who have been cloned !! I'm out