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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    if it was a general cluster fault would the horn work? as he had problems with little bighorn of course to me it sounds more like a wrong bulb fitted in brake light system or faulty brake switch just sayin......
  2. 1 point
    Thats the 4th gone to Scotland in last 3 months , The Inverness guy started out ripping me to pieces with Parkers price guide and wanting delivery , But then realised he was way off target and decided to come down , took it back with him , He learned the hard way that Parkers were not the way to go . Funny old job , You will have no worries selling to people from a distance if its the car they want
  3. 1 point
    Good luck Joe, I started out 2 years ago with no previous car trading experience. I spent 8 weeks just visiting the auction and hours researching the business and to be fair I still didn’t have an understanding of what it was really like. What works for one trader doesn’t necessarily work for you, network with as many people as you can and learn to live the job. I work more hours now than I have ever done. I was in a fortunate position that I didn’t need to earn a fortune to live. If I am honest, if I did I probably wouldn’t still be doing it now. This is not to say I don’t think the rewards are achievable because they certainly are, but you have to find your niche. 2 years later and I am making money - ( Just ) and have a little more knowledge, but for instance I brought a crap car this week from auction that has a major fault that will wipe half of my profit for this month. It is inevitable that this will happen to you at some point. Any experience you can gain in a dealer I’d good but running your own business is totally different. Definitely buy the download and read it, you will pick up useful info I am sure. anyway, best of luck, Be prepared for a lot of hard work and become as mentally tough as you can, dealing with retail customers is hard, they all think you are dodgy and trying to have them over, but in my limited experience they are the dodgy one ha ha. Regards Dean.
  4. 1 point
    That's true, I have often thought that could potentially happen if they wandered in to do a random check. I am registered with Trading Standards on their "buy with confidence" scheme, so I would hope they would be reasonable if we had let one run out of MOT, although who knows! Every car I sell I collect in person, usually driving them between 200 and 300 miles so I get a good idea of how the car is. I know its not the same as a full strip down, or an inspection on a ramp, but then again you pick up things when driving that no MOT tester will notice.
  5. 1 point
    depends what you are selling if specialising then location isnt as important because choice makes people travel especially if what you specialise in is something that few do location for everything else is and always was important irrespective that everyone has sat navs these days,many still do their homework if travelling far also remember that security is an important issue as just one random attack could put you out of business the police arent interested these days so you have to make sure you are happy with the surroundings just like your customers would need to feel comfortable parking up to visit you
  6. 1 point