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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I've gone a little more expensive over the last couple of months 7-12k and they're selling quickly.... All with big margins... The VAT man's gonna be happy
  2. 1 point
    100% agree ! All about attitude, I had major issue with BT 'mis-selling' me the phone system for the workshop, the saga lasted 4 months with headache and eventually they cancelled the contract and back on the old system, As angry as I was and annoyed I stayed calm and professional but expressing my annoyance at the whole situation. Because of how I was, it got sorted and even got compensation which 'allegedly' don't offer! 1st offer I rejected and ‘asked’ it to be reviewed and sure enough they came back! If I’d shouted from the start …. ! it would have gone horribly wrong! Great to meet you yesterday David ‘face to a voice’
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    This is basically the trouble with the modern society isn't it . 90% of people are aggressive from word go when a fault occurs . Lets google the latest pillock that writes online about a subject he doesn't even know about and then spout that clap trap in an aggressive manner because my 70,000 mile £2,000 car has got an EML light on . 1 ;I know my rights , its your fault , you must have known it was faulty , I can reject it , It was there from when i collected it . I want it fixing free . NOW , Instead of ring ring 2; Hello my names !!!!! you know the !!!!!! I bought last week its developed an EML light and just thought if I popped in you might look at it for me please . Your buying a USED car that's been round the world Three times and has multiple people driving it , hundreds of moving parts that DO wear . Its NOT new so respect it and don't expect a new one . When / If something does go wrong its because cars DO wear out on a variable time span till we throw them away . Plus its always better to be polite at first and its probably going to get any faults done so much quicker . This was based on real life last week , Lad buys a Corsa , two weeks later EML comes on , its needed a Lamba probe when we plugged it in , When its in stock I'll ring you I said . OK lad goes thanks . Left him message NEXT day , Hi Parts in , you ok to pop in and we will fit while you wait . He didn't get the message , didn't open his messages . Two days later dads on phone threatening to bring it down and leave it here , I told him to listen to his sons messages and wind his neck in . Son came down , said dad was a horrible aggressive lunatic that never gets anything done because of his attitude . We fitted his Lamba and he was off happy without getting worked up ., Mum phoned me to apologise about husbands aggressive manner So billy joe public calm down and be nice , stop reading tripe online and you may well live a long and happy life getting small and large problems that do come to haunt everyone at times fixed in a timely professional manner . But do also remember we can tell when YOU are not telling us the full whole truth and nothing but the truth .
  5. 1 point
    Thank you both This is the car Dave https://www.imperial-marques.co.uk/cars/mercedes/slk/slk200kompressorauto/236608/ I will be sending it to my auto electrician, he is great. Wouldn't trust the workshop folk though. I saw that one Dave, nice fitment but the delivery date fucks things up (alot). UPDATE: Spoken to them and they have the model up unit in for next working day delivery - thanks all.
  6. 1 point
    I have had a few and problem was the amount of Polo you have within 40 mile radius that DO have the AC, The majority do have AC
  7. 1 point
    Don't think its quite that easy as it would be seen by the tax man as appropriation of company assets at below market value, particularly if they have either been written down or had work done by the business without reflecting that in the their sale value......So you should sell them at something like market value - taking into account their condition, if they had a few issues (say engine problem or some other issues) you would value them accordingly! - just keep a written note on file in case you were ever asked to justify it.
  8. 1 point
    Hi I have experience of this.If you are a ltd company this would be a ‘connected party transaction’ and would have to be clearly stated on your annual accounts.The transaction has to be at current market value.Years ago we bought a new car,claimed the vat back and leased it to my daughter.This was clearly stated in our accounts but several years later HMRC assessed that the lease payments were below market value and wanted to tax us on the difference.I proved otherwise.So you must be very carefull otherwise it can come back to bite you in future years.
  9. 1 point
    A/c !! That’s posh I have seen some recently with manual windows