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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Couple of points, 1, I am not your mate, 2, you have tried to nab a bargain and are bleating because it doesnt exist, 3. you are on a car dealers website, we are trade professionals who pay proper money for a proper car and we know bargains on this scale dont exist 4. you didnt go to a genuine dealer because you were unwilling to pay a right price for a right car 5 SEE POINT ONE best of luck with your studies I hope you learn that bargains do not exist
  2. 1 point
    i would agree once had a fiat auto put it right up to the bulkhead on the truck and the battery went flat,i couldnt get bonnet up due to crashbar and couldnt get it out of gear cant remember what i did probably drove it into a river it was a very very long time ago
  3. 1 point
    Hi Pete The reason this scam has touched a raw nerve with us is because aswell as being regulated to death,( not a bad thing) we have to jump through hoops to sell and repair cars these days.We have always got a hard time from the public but now with this Facebook generation we are often expected to answer endless elementary queries from texts and emails from time wasters at all hours.They will not use the phone and they drive you mad.....Enter these digital whizz kids who recognise this and set up a virtual dealership on Facebook to attract this reality TV,X Box geneneration.Some people might say what they have done is brilliant.I would not be surprised if they are 15 year olds operating out of their bedrooms.They could make a fortune and get away with it while we fools are trying to net a few pence on every pound after paying tax and VAT buying,selling and repairing real cars.
  4. 1 point
    mate of mine went into the portal last friday and no one has seen him since
  5. 1 point
    You should ask Lucas. He has a boring wheeled Mini auto and I've previously suggested he gets some better ones for it.
  6. 1 point
    This makes sorry reading... as previously said, there is a lot in the text of the website and email at is simply not right; never mind "pay us a large sum" before you even see something.. This website www.used-carslancs.co.uk was only registered in January this year, anonymous domain owner registered to a business in possibly Holland. The contact email is a different domain sales@used-carsales.net this is registered in Ontario in mid February 2019.. Given this, a little further scrutiny shows all the testimonials on the website are from dates before either domain name was registered and the website created. A couple of the vehicles have had the images lifted from main dealer websites.. I'm sure there is more if you rake over it.. The OP should report this to the feds and action fraud plus any steps his bank advise them to make I hope something positive is heard back on the offer of a refund or from the bank .....
  7. 1 point
    You’ll need to make an appointment and pay a deposit . Sorry AD