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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Because it makes almost no difference to my end advert look. If there is a big dent or a scratch I will remove it from that photo and then the dent devil / bodyshop will remove it in real life before the car gets anywhere near a customer. Simon picked up on the wheels not dressed here but they were, in fact you can see spots from the tyre shine on the plastic wheel arch trims and this is what made it look worse. I will tell Nicole, my 13 old daughter to do a better job next time :-)
  2. 1 point
    Writing his nomination letter?
  3. 1 point
    All looks great to me Nick (apart from the jumbled mess that is AT’s description text that’s beyond your control) I’d prefer to see exactly the same background each time for the pics where possible too. I also do silent videos and it works out well, with customers telling me they liked them; but the others are probably right in saying a commentary is better. (However, I think I’ve adapted enough to the new-shape world for the time being at least.)
  4. 1 point
    I'm bl I think AT'S description page is primitive, its shameful we can't actually write a proper description with paragraphs, its makes us all look stupid. Less is a lot more in my opinion.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Just meet up and have an arm wrestle ... sorted .
  7. 1 point
    baring in mind these are basecoat water based over lacquer you really need to try this on the car somewhere unseen before doing a doortop it must be really bad any piccies?
  8. 1 point
    It’s funny that this job is about making money off your own back, making it happen... learning and developing a gut... I’m always up for supporting people when due, buts that’s not what you were looking for. There are those who are just negative, who doubt and just want to piss on the bonfire of others for whatever reason. That’s not me.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I very much doubt you will find people with similar problems on here sorry to say, its more like dealers moaning about this and that some days where are happy but there far and few between. And in fairness its not only the motor trade that has a few bad apples there in all walks of life, you only have to turn the tv on and its full of cowboy builders and the likes the list goes on, i do feel if the trade was all bad it would be more shows high lighting them, i know a lot of people in my local car area and can hand on heart say i would only avoid two out of maybe 30 so thats not a bad percentage. Doesnt help you i know just saying.