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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    First thing you do is check the air filter by the way
  2. 1 point
    It’s not the splash from the Mercedes that causes the problem, it’s the tidal wave from the car coming in the other direction that’s the problem.
  3. 1 point
    The best tool you have in this job these days is experience. Look around you at the traders that you remember from this time last year,how many thought they could do this job but couldn't,I've seen hundreds over the years blow but when you talk to them individually a man to a boy not one will admit they were a failure,its one of the stiff upper lips bit things the British do that rattles my cage,admit you failed but you had a hoot as you burnt your savings,on the other edge of the scale there's 4traders near me working together but change their trading name every three months,I guess its to get round having stiffed their advertisers but now they have all used their names up where will they go next? sleeping partners?dodgy credit cards? I don't know,thing is why don't they just buy quality stock and stand by it rather than selling worn out shit at retail prices
  4. 1 point
    French cars often have their air intake high up. German cars often have their air intake low down. Of course this may have no bearing whatsoever on this car and the numbskull behind the wheel but I fully agree with Dave2302’s initial comment. Don’t get involved. I smell a punter/relative who’s fucked up and will waste plenty of YOUR time trying to sort out THEIR mess. Wish them good luck & tell them to get on with it themselves! You never know, this could be a minor problem...........
  5. 1 point
    I used to do well buying non runners at the block.If there was strong bidding from the off,it usually meant there was little wrong or they had been doctored.......Would not recomend doing that these days.!