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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I’m currently on holiday, back to work on the 3rd. I’ve cancelled my AT contract, ended all of my other advertising and my phone is on Airplane mode. The only thing I can’t stop is surfing this bloody forum.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    I know an independent inspector in Newry if that's any help?
  4. 1 point
    Please no photos of your feet/sand/surf etc.. or man thong with cocktail umbrella and a roll of PDI's sticking out..... just a thought... for safety I wouldn't tell anyone your away, business not attended! some utter arseholes out there.. many of them billies, but others... Have good break.... there will be loads of bargains at the block this next two weeks, loads of them
  5. 1 point
    Simons right. After 30 days you have the right to repair. He can’t demand a refund unless the repair fails and the fault returns.
  6. 1 point
    You do not have to refund him, you have the opportunity to repair. He cannot refuse the repair.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    I read through some of the replies this morning but my curiosity got the better of me so I picked up the phone and called my customer. We chatted for a bit, I explained the small "discrepancy" to him, we laughed off my forgetfulness and he said he would be happy to "split the loss from my pricing error" and pay £11500 - "a drink for you, a drink for me". I told him because he was being an absolute gentleman about it I will be happy to deliver the car to him, add a bit of fuel, do a new valet just before delivery and will also surprise him with a couple of bottles of wine. To him the deal will end up being almost the same, to me it will feel like the "loss" was only £100... Lesson learnt :-)
  9. 1 point
    If you are going to get the car inspected you need to draft a letter to the customer carefully worded giving him the option to object to your choice of independent examiner. It makes a big difference to awarding of costs in court (if it gets there) and you must comply with the CPR35 & PF35 Civil Procedure Rules from the start. I have a copy of my letter which was sent to my customer. I can't upload it as it's too big but if you PM me I can let you have a copy. Obviously I recommend that seek your own independent legal advice as well.
  10. 1 point
    Oh, do not pay a penny to that solicitor, he is talking bollocks
  11. 1 point
    Your inexperiance does in no way reduce the consumers rights or expectaions. As already advised, you need to get the car back to you and have it looked at. As you've said, the customer is going to take you to court if you don't refund in full - why not spend a little money now, get the car recovered to an independant BMW specialist to have the problem diagnosed. You NEED to know what is actually wrong, and what has caused it to go wrong BEFORE offering anything. If he then takes you to court, you've got a report stating that whatever has gone wrong is because of 'XXXX' Also, texters are chancers. Don't reply to texts, or they'll expect you to be up and immediatly replying to anything they say. Call, and speak on the phone.
  12. 1 point
    Get the car back and have it inspected fully. That is your first step. Tell him once, that you will only respond by phone and between the hours if 9-5, you will not respond to texts at all. Take control of the situation. Tell him, once you have had the car inspected you will advice him of the outcome, do not make him any offers or promises until you KNOW what has happened to the car. You are a professional car dealer, act like it.
  13. 1 point
    left hand right hand use this as your mantra and you dont need to go to the smoking sheds to talk remember we all had to start somewhere if daddy didnt provide so any people looking in theres a vast amount of honest knowledge on here and i prefer it that way im on a couple of dark websites for mechanical/electrical help and help given but we are members across the world not just the uk and the help we give each other on there helps us to stay ahead of a wally who thinks all the answers are on youtube if his engine light comes on i willingly give advice to anybody in this trade if they ask and are willing to use the advice,i always give people 2 strikes and im out mind
  14. 1 point
    I think it’s fair to say you don’t need a pdi to confirm that clouds of white smoke and sudden loss of oil pressure weren’t present at the point of sale mate. The fault has developed, clearly but it’s evident the car isn’t fit for purpose or of satisfactory quality. Are you getting at that the customer needs to accept a repair? I can see how that would hold up, definitely.