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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/18 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. 2 points
    +1 and if you ever want any advice or help drop me a message or give me a ring you know my website and the numbers there its only ever me who is daft enough to answer the phone. How many videos have you done and what are you basing that on? What period did you leave videos on for? Did you measure the response? For what its worth I don't point out any imperfections specifically as all used cars will have them. I sell far more with video than without and have tried both with and without. With video I take more deposits. With video customers are more softened up when they arrive and ready to buy. Its easier getting them to commit. It's been a game changer for me in the last 12months and boosted profits, brought down days in stock and increased good customer feedback. Also I over prep refurb loads of alloys, service cars, buff them paint them have them presented as well as I possibly can but I very rarely budge on price. Customers can't find anything to whinge at or chip me on. Its never a new car but its new to them make it look as good as you can to take good money out of them. The trick is to getting all yours costs down and your production line and speed of having them ready to drive away as quick as poss in my book but we all have different approaches.
  3. 1 point
    I don’t disagree,but if you go to great effort to advertise on line and your punter turns up and finds scuffed alloys and stonechips on the bonnet it makes the job harder.AD from what I can see goes to the extreme and points out various blemishes online so the punter knows what they are getting before they turn up.There are not many traders doing that.However,I doubt this includes scuffed alloys and stonechips on bonnets.I think any trader claiming they are successfull by not presenting descent stock to a high standard are telling porkies.
  4. 1 point
    I disagree completely. I get nothing but praise from my customers, videos absolutely sell cars and they are far better than pictures and a long winded description. Video gives you the opportunity to sell yourself and the car to the customer, people buy from people (maybe that's why you don't do it... haha ). Seriously BHM, if you had told me 5 years ago I would be selling all my cars by video I would have spat my tea out and laughed in your face. I myself specialise in 8-12 year old cars, the more open and transparent you can be about the car the better. You do not need to pick out every blemish, that is simply daft..... You just need to say, "this is a 10 year old car and you should expect wear n tear commensurate with its age and mileage, it isn't new"...... You then walk round it praising it and pointing out how clean it and how well it has clearly been cherished by it previous owner, along with pointing out the few minor "bits of character" it has acquired over its years". The video clarifies the customers expectations of the car and stops them from feeling the need to pick fault, criticise and chip you down. They know exactly what they are getting prior to travel and I can honestly say, I have not had one customer try to chip me on price. It makes selling the car a much easier, simpler and friendlier process.
  5. 1 point
    if you mint the car out of its tree then if its a wanted car rather than suits you sir the first genuine person who has been trawling round pitches for a couple of days breathes a sigh of relief and gives you a sale thing is once minted it only needs a quick wash and a dust out if its still there 4 weeks later mirror image from autosmart goes a long way too
  6. 1 point
    As a purveyor of many a CRV I’m wondering what problems do Hondas have? Funnily enough I’m getting an alternator reconditioned tomorrow but that’s the first I’ve ever needed in all of my years and apart from weak clutch springs on miley diesel Accords I find the Honda models I sell just about perfect with regards to unwanted surprises. As for Toyotas, I certainly agree there. Ever looked underneath a 10 year Rav 4 or Aygo? You’d think they’d been driven over the sea bed rather than shipped over! Absolute horrible rotboxes - the undersides can look horrendous. The shitty diesel injectors on that 2.2 diesel aren’t great and the T180 likes a headgasket.
  7. 1 point
    Hats off you you, you’ve done very well to get some answers. To be honest from my own selfish point of view I’d like something in black & white stating exactly what should be written in selling a spares or repair vehicle to Joe Public. I’m not on about shafting someone over, I’m on about making it absolutely clear & all above board to the buyer that there are no returns. At the moment whenever I have one to sell my adverts CLEARLY state no warranty, no returns, sold as seen for rectification, buyer instructed to trailer away. The invoices also have ALL of these ‘points’ written on it with “I have been instructed to trailer away” in the signature box for Joe Public to sign underneath it. Obviously what Joe Public do with THEIR car after they’ve paid me is legally beyond my control because I believe withholding of someone else’s property is called ‘theft’.