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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    My mum, who was in her late 70's when this happened bless her, was asked whilst waiting in Sainsbury if she wanted to use the self service checkout. She replied by asking the manager if he was going to give her staff discount on her shopping as she would be putting it through herself!
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    That’s what we forget! We’re making someone jobless and making the whole thing more faceless everytime we use those machines - good on her for her comment.
  4. 1 point
    If I see an EML on a surecheck report for an online purchase I won't touch it, however if I'm at the actual sale and it has a light on its not a deal breaker, you can listen to the engine, have a good poke about. I bought a 45k Jazz auto a couple of weeks ago from the auction in person, sounded fine on tickover and with the revs on but EML light on, I buy loads of them and was confident it couldn't be much. Turned out was a crankshaft sensor £33 + fitting, no drama. I suppose you always trust your own decision over that of some promoted car valeter, sorry..... auction vehicle inspector.
  5. 1 point
    You're right. Some will do well out of diesel's still if they're canny. It's the public perception of diesels that is the issue. It's so confusing for them. Had an nice old couple in today. They wanted a cheap tax, low insurance little car. They loved the C3 we have- were delighted by it being £20 a year tax. Then it all went wrong...guess why! Yup- 'Oooh, diesel...oooh no, we can't have one of them because all the tax prices are going to go up and they will fail the MOT now if smoke comes out. And don't those 'EMF' (tried not to laugh) filters go wrong?' Nothing I said made a difference. They were convinced diesel was the plague. Tried to sell them a petrol 207 but they said the tax was too high...
  6. 1 point
    They exist! I had a young lad come all the way from Shropshire to me (Kent) to buy a Black Edition Audi. He’d paid a deposit on seeing the video and photos and was literally coming to pay the balance and drive off. The test drive confirmed his enthusiasm for the car and we drove into town to visit a bank to complete the financials as his online banking wasn’t working. I drove the car back and 30 years from my door the eml went on! I drove it straight round to my local garage and they plugged her in. Oil pressure switch was the guilty party. Punter was completely fine with all this, was happy to drive it home, take it to his local garage, get a quote and get it fixed and I would pay the bill. 2 days later it’s sorted and he left me a 5 star review. *30 yards*