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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    We pay £176 for 40 cars and it just works like AT ie classified ads.
  2. 1 point
    Controversial maybe but i'd say we convert about 30%-40% of all email leads into sales and i'd say our enquiries split is about 30% email, 30% phone 40% walk ons. Email suits me perfectly. I don't want to converse with a customer who can't speak into the phone loudly enough, asks the same question three times and loses their train of thought halfway through. Plus it's easy to get caught off guard or miss a walk on whilst on the phone because it always rings at the wrong moment. Email I can reply to when it's convenient for me, I can check my facts fully before answering a question and reconstruct sentences before sending. Funny enough we very rarely get asked 'best price last price' via ebay msg or email but do all the time over the phone by chancers. I think a big part of it is that we're very email friendly, answer questions fully and in a friendly manner and fish out the time wasters quickly. The days when I no longer have to verbally communicate a customer can't come soon enough...not that I dislike Joe Public or anything
  3. 1 point
    I do not agree at all. Messers are part of the game, always have been and always will. But certainly not 80% of email enquiries are from dreamers and timewasters. We are now in the age when an email is seen as a viable means of contact, solicitors, accountants, estate agents even doctors email day in day out, there is no need to pick up the phone for general enquiries these days. If you sent me that cut and paste message as a potential customer i would certainly not want to deal with you.
  4. 1 point
    Where’s the like button when you need it?!
  5. 1 point
    Used to be amazing back in the day when they where linked to the local evening post and was the only people we needed to use, however once manhiem group took over them it all went pete tong fast so we bailed and not heard anything good about them since.
  6. 1 point
    Cost per sale for me on motors started off in 2014 at £136 per unit, number of sales have gradually decreased until last years was £222, compare that to e-bay that works out at just over £100 per sale then it is something I need to address, I did however compare to when I advertised on AT back in 2015 and that was over £500 per sale and I am pretty sure AT have had a price increase since then ha ha.
  7. 1 point
    As others have said, waste of money. Put it toward upgrading your lunch menu, that way you'd at least enjoy spending any money your potentially going to give Motors. Cancelled our contract with them. 1 sale in 6 months, advertising 80 vehicles.
  8. 1 point
    I cancelled mine after 3/4 months. They emailed me saying they'd reduce it to £99/month (from £179) if I stayed but it's not even worth that.
  9. 1 point
    I left last year, I'd value the package they are offering you at less than half that. Was playing with the idea of going back on to ebay, but holy smoke batman, how times (and prices) have changed. I can't believe what they are asking.
  10. 1 point
    I would not even bother. One of the worst platforms in terms of return for me. Ebay and cargurus are both significantly better.
  11. 1 point
    We finished our contract in December. Total waste of money for us; next to no genuine enquiries, plenty of time wasting fake enquiries, no rep support.
  12. 1 point
    I would renegotiate I pay £130 + VAT a month for 20 cars with 20 pics, and that includes my website! Ive been with them about 2 years now and probably got this deal because they were building up dealers. Its not brilliant return wise, I get much more business off ebay/gumtree but for the money its a no brainer