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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Too all my friends on the Autotrader website, you are very welcome here Simon Pearce www.transparancycars.co.uk BTW, they isn't so many rules here, you can swear freely (within reason) and have an opinion..... Too add, I am such a twat I can't even spell my own website..... www.transparencycars.co.uk
  2. 1 point
    Try and prep as well as can be and then just have a standard procedure in place for complaints. As for control issues, that can easily be overcome by doing a thorough handover explaining the controls, switches and buttons on collection and doing a quick demonstration. If nothing else it makes the customer feel like you care and helps with recommendations to their friends rather than just throwing the keys at them and getting a squiggle on the V5.
  3. 1 point
    The thing with being a wheeler dealer and "buying and selling" is that it gets into your blood. Once you get the bug, you are always looking for a deal......
  4. 1 point
    You're basically 'shotting' a few cars for a bit of cash here and there. If it's a few hundred quid a month you're after just carry on doing what you're doing. Truth is you'll probably not go back to it once you graduate, I wouldn't recommend you do anyway, there's far more money in drugs than cars... however, alot of money in cars is from drugs and alot of people who buy them are on drugs. Maybe there's more connections than I'd first thought Anyway, there's no silver bullet, just keep plugging away and ask on here if you get stuck with any nasties.
  5. 1 point
    Ill update when its gone stay tuned. I will get a picture with the customer for social media purposes.
  6. 1 point
    Concentrate on your studies, this really isn't a job you can do properly part time.
  7. 1 point
    The days of “resale red” seem long gone. More like 90 day red nowadays. You can shove small cars up your arse, my days are done with them & their horrible greedy buyers. 7 seaters & mid range 4x4s, especially high mileage (so it looks like a lot of flash for not much cash) are good news. I’ve also had a couple of cabriolets that the phone nearly melted over. Historically I only have any success with cabbies in winter, I reckon the summer punters think they’re being ripped off.