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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/17 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hi, as you've mentioned 4 websites on your original posting that are failing you, assuming your sales expectations are realistic in today's financial pressured times, then I'd perhaps question whether my adverts really are written as well as I think, are the photos really that good & are my prices really reasonable? What's your stock profile?? I've never took the plunge with AT as being a small operation at the lower end of the market I couldn't justify the fees & as for a website, well, unless someone knew my website address they're not going to find me on the 5th (or 25th) page of Google - they'll simply find you via the main platform. I think a lot of your advertising focus may depend on your stock profile & aiming it at the correct audience. I'm sure for "specialised" or newer cars then AT is the way to go. A couple of the main dealers I've bought trade-ins from recently have said Motors is doing ok for them, oddly enough they say it's an older crowd buying from there. Personally I think Gumtree's ok for selling a filthy £30 cooker or a set of scuffed alloys with half-bald tyres but that's about the financial limit on that website. I'm sure others will disagree but I reckon it's a waste of time - I wouldn't even spend time uploading a car even if it was free to use. The same with Facebook as most on there seem to be the part-time brigade or those masquerading as "private" but in reality "full-time selling pure shite" but again, I'm sure others will disagree.
  2. 1 point
    Evening all, after finally getting to speak to the new business team at AT they have offered me a "deal" of £440+ vat for a 6 car package + 3 free car adverts per month. With an additional £119 + vat for a AT powered website. Although it is a significant cost is it value for money? As we have tried Facebook ,ebay, gumtree, motors etc with only limited success. We always have well written adverts with good pictures and reasonabley priced stock. I know there is a strong anti AT feeling on here but is it the only platform that constantly delivers leads? Many thanks.
  3. 1 point
    Obviously they're all good but, you know, the one you'd have kept yourself or where you thought "you know what Mr Punter? You're getting a real gem of a car there". We sold a really nice Saab 9-5 2.3T HOT 250BHP a while back. It was just as good as one could be. Owner's club prize-winning material stuff right down to the Saab dustcaps. Proper, proper car - not a mark on it. Drove banging, service history coming out of its ears and flew through it's MOT. Sold it twice in a matter of days after the first guy withdrew. (All the sweeter that we bought it way below book)
  4. 1 point
    For bread and butter stuff this wont work, no one is going to pay you to find them a ford focus. It is just too easy to go online and find it yourself. If you are looking at the prestige or classic market then it may be viable, but you would really need to know your stuff and have contacts. If i was buying a 200 grand ferrari why would i come to you? what can you offer me ?
  5. 1 point
    If people value the service, and you want a reasonable reception off of a dealer, the customer should pay you a fee. . The difficulty is - what do you know? What do you bring? Why will people trust you? If you can get people to pay you then crack on!
  6. 1 point
    What are you actually trying to do? Call me stupid but I don't get this whole car brokering business. It seems like just another person trying to stick their finger in the pie, but one that offers completely zero value. Do you know anything about the industry? These guys seem to do okay - is this brokering? http://www.palmdale.co.uk
  7. 1 point
    Sell the vast majority of our cars off AT. They have the most consumer eyes on the site. I have started to view our advertising spend with AT as the entire sum ie £4k for a month divided by the number of sales per month from the platform. Lets say you spend £670 with them but end up selling 10 cars in a month off AT - not such a bad spend then is it?
  8. 1 point
    As already said - Its different for all of us ! Dealers who say they can't survive without AT and spend thousands because it works for them , and I know personally a numbers of dealers who don't spend a penny with AT and have a very successful business. You have to work out what is viable to YOU ? You won't get instant sales over night I don't believe just by being on AT - Just read the forum and you'see for yourself the mixed sentiments. Not sure of your stock or the margins you are working on , do you need to sell one car a month to pay the AT package to break even ? you know your own margins / sales required - do the sums and if you feel you want to try it give it a try for 3/6 months - One thing is if it isn't working pull the plug the move on - don't sit on the fence thinking too long , find an alternative ! Hope it helps Umesh
  9. 1 point
    Daimler Doulble Six Coupe in white with red leather. It was stunning...similar to the picture