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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/16 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    If you receive Workshop Magazine then you will have seen we now run a feature where the RAC answers readers questions. You can email dearrac@workshopmagazine.co.uk but we wanted to find out if there were any questions from forum members? If you want to see what questions were asked in the last issue, you can read it here https://issuu.com/cardealermag/docs/workshopissue10/c/smz5k20
  2. 1 point
    Get an r56 cooper then you only have thermostats to worry about. I love my cooper s it's great fun, the only issue I have is the sat nav seems to think it's in a different part of the country every so often and sometimes I get adaptive light failure but in 3 years it's cost me 3 oil changes, discs and pads front and rear and that's it. I ditched the run flats within 3 months stuck a sports cat on jcw steering wheel and gear knob. I open all the windows and sunroof and stick it in sports mode and then annoy the neighbors.
  3. 1 point
    Sorry to go off thread, but Mrs Sparky is adamant she wants a Mini, nothing fancy (apart from it being cream), for about 4-5k. Problem is, I hate the bloody things from past experience and see and hear so many horror stories about them that from a retail point of view in the under 6k bracket, I've given up on them. I've tried to talk her round into having a super sexy scenic diesel but she ain't playing. So as it will cost me too much to divorce her I'm going to have to bite the bullet. Apart from body control boards, power steering units, transmission and timing chains, anything else I should know about? Thanks in advance.
  4. 1 point
    Neil, Cheers, things are ticking along, which is great. I used Close to start with, rep came in ( a lad i used to work with way back when ) and he sorted my FCA in a flash, all going great but then 6 weeks on I still haven't been set up, called, emailed and keep getting the same answer, 'we are working on it' Its starting to cost me money now, so I made a call to MotoNovo - 3 days later i'm set up, have a quoting system and i can now offer funding - a week in and I have price boards, pull up banners, stickers, mugs and even pens! Brilliant. Also signed up with Evolution, who were equally as impressive in their speedy set up and looks like I might have had my first acceptance with them this morning! Mini's are great, old people, young people, girls, boys everyone loves a mini - there's loads out there so you can be choosy and they aren't that expensive to fix - I tend to stick with the R56 and onwards though, the early ones fall to bits to easily! Anything you need, give me a shout. Mat
  5. 1 point
    Cheers Mat. Only sold one Mini and was paranoid about any undue noise from the gearbox having heard all the horror stories but I must admit it generated plenty of interest and didn't hang about so perhaps I need to 'grow a pair' so to speak and buy some more! I'm going to take a closer look at Lawgistics: So far, I've just self-warranted anyway with no issues but a few customers have asked for warranty information etc during handover so having everything down in black and white would be useful. Regarding finance, I've been deliberating between Close brothers and First response both of whom seem to be regarded favourably on here? Having said that, I'll take a look at MotoNovo too now. When it comes to business funding, I had the rep around recently from BCA and I can see the advantage should new premises arise in order to fully stock immediately but up to now, I've just reinvested and self funded. Only having space for 8 vehicles tends to keep it simple! Good luck to you too though it sounds like things are going pretty well anyway! All the best, Neil
  6. 1 point
    Hi, I have done a similar thing, small unit 3 months ago, 12-15 cars ( Mainly Mini's ) Sunk my life savings/begged/borrowed/looked under the mattress etc.... I went Ltd and Vat straight away as from home I was turning over 15/20k per month and now that's risen to 60/70k Few things i've found.. I started using IWOCA who were very helpful and allow me to draw down on a pot of £££ as and when I need it for short term funding. I borrowed £10k from them last week and paid it back within a week and it cost me around £50 in interest. Most stock funders wont look at me until i have 2 years trading. Just signed up with MotoNovo finance, who have been great, and I can definitely see my profits increasing by being able to offer funding. I self warrant with Lawgistics warranties, I find this has saved me over £500 already in 3 month warranties. I sell £4-8k cars that I source myself, so i'm rather picky in what I sell and like to think that I do the job properly so haven't had much trouble ( touch wood!! ) Got an accountant, £50 a month and she does my payroll ( sends me a payslip each month! ) Vat return and Accounts. Saves me a headache as I hate admin. I just keep all my receipts and send them to her each month. my first VAT bill was for £1500 for the 1/4 so i didn't think that was too bad. I use this forum for advice, which is great, there's a lifetimes worth of experience on here and I have alsways been a big believer in sharing knowledge ( and also taking other peoples!! ) Good luck for the future. Mat