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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/16 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Morning all, I hope no-one minds but I have just sent a link to this thread to our friends at Lawgistics. They are very busy people but might have something helpful to add to the discussion and maybe clarify things a bit ! Have a good Friday.
  2. 2 points
    Askhole A person who constantly ask for your advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them!
  3. 1 point
    Long time lurker, first time poster, but this has to be said... Your website is a ****** disaster. It's like whoever designed the site just vomited code on a page and published it, your copy is full of amateurish grammatical, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. If I was in the market for a car I would have closed your page within 30 seconds of opening the tab before I even browsed your stock. We operate in a digital age, and to the rest of the world outside a 1 mile radius, this is your showroom, and it looks like it's run by a 14 year old. Incidentally if you want to invest in a good website without the dreadful copy I can point you in the direction of a few good professionals.
  4. 1 point
    Like the Sale of Goods Act that preceded it, the Consumer Rights Actstates 01 oct 2015 that products must be: of satisfactory quality fit for purpose, and as described my understanding is that even if you ask someone to sign a disclaimer you are unable to remove there rights under the above act, therefore even if they sign what ever you ask it can not be enforced by you. similar rules apply to sold as seen no warranty ect comments on invoices
  5. 1 point
    Max , Unless he's a bona fide trader you'll have problems, I know what the advert stated and he's put his name and home address , but you know what these laws are , regardless of him signing it to say its a trade sale the law will say you should have got proof of trade.! Good luck mate !
  6. 1 point
    Actually considered this several times over the years Max and know a few who've done just that. Lower overheads and costs are a big factor but also the fact you don't need a huge amount of staff. I've got 2 fulltime salesman, 1 part time, 1 manager/buyer,1 valeter, 1 driver, 2 admin/office/payroll/accounts, 3 mechanics, 1 apprentice (my grandson so guess doesn't count ) and dealing with staff issues takes up huge part of my day, my biggest headache, sick/maternity pay/pension/H&S/contracts/finding the right staff/sacking (thankfully not done for years) all the bloody red tape that comes with employing people. Friend of mind sold his 30 car pitch to developers for flats, sat at home for 6 months, got bored and now rents a small, out of town unit, pays buttons for it, view by appointment only, decent hours, selling around 5-6 cars a month, preps them himself and loves it, says he should have done it years ago. He still makes decent money and doesn't want more sales "Last thing I want is to employ someone"