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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/16 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Be very careful. My funding partner is very happy to lend me his umbrella while the sun is shining but when a light shower hits, wants it back together with my raincoat.
  2. 2 points
    After successfully helping guide a small start up in it's infancy to greater things I now find myself at the point where I'm more than happy to help anyone in the motortrade looking for assistance. This doesn't have to be a start up , maybe a business that feels that it has gone off the tracks a little or someone just looking to get some business ideas bounced about. Now I'm NO self confessed car guru or expert however I have learned many things over the last 30 years in the trade and especially the last 13 + years building my own business and I am happy to share this experience FREE of charge if anyone feels they would benefit from it. Many of you won't know me or my business so I have attached my LinkedIn Profile as a link, https://uk.linkedin.com/in/jimreidvehicle If you feel you can benefit then contact me on jim@jimreidvehiclesales.co.uk I'm eager to get my teeth stuck into something very soon! Jim
  3. 2 points
    Got a meeting with Close Brothers once im settled in FCA help and should all be up and running within a month Thanks for your help everyone Mat
  4. 1 point
    No offence intended here but the pictures still could be better. There is the reflection of what looks like a junk yard in the paintwork of the car and some of the interior shots are not very sharp. Also, why do people use phrases like "Here we have presented for sale" and "stunning X colour"? Utterly pointless waffle, clearly the car is for sale and they can see the colour from the pictures. It is the equivalent to starting a letter with "I am writing to you today..."
  5. 1 point
    for each extra 25k of cover I pay about an extra £250 a year and can adjust it either way with no penalties or just for a short time
  6. 1 point
    Just boosted an Astra VXR 64 plate priced at 17,995 budget set £40 for two weeks, Leeds + 90km (55 miles) men and woman aged 24-44 and people that live and pass through the area. What do you think?