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  1. 2 points
    Morning all, I'm not sure if you heard my podcast with Derek yesterday but one of my ideas was to make changes to the MID so that potential buyers can check to see if it is insured on a traders policy. Today I've spoken to the MID database who have listened and are willing to see what they can do and the man who can make this happen is the the Rt Honorable Patrick Mcloughlin MP so I've sent him the following email and would ask each and everyone of you to send him an email asking for this change and let's all together start doing something about these rogue traders. Unfortunately I don't live in his constituency of the Derbyshire Dales so if any of you do your email will get priority over mine, his constituency email address is patrick.mcloughlin.mp@parliament.uk and his DFT email address is patrick.mcloughlin@dft.gsi.gov.uk the subject was idea for changes to the MID database to help prevent people getting conned by illegal roadside traders Dear Sir, I’m not sure if you’re aware of a big problem within the country of illegal motor traders selling cars from the side of the road posing as private sellers. Often the vehicles which these people are selling are death traps and the buyer has no come back whatsoever when something goes wrong, when they should. I have a very simple idea which could make a big difference to these people getting away with it. The idea is as follows and I’ve been informed by the MID that you’re the person who can make these changes happen. Every vehicle which is on the roads in the UK has to be insured and it’s details appear on the MID. If you made a slight change to it so that any potential buyer of a motor vehicle could search the VRM (vehicle registration mark) on the MID database and it would then tell the buyer whether or not it the insurance was held on a Motor Traders Insurance policy or not. This would not completely stop this illegal activity happen but it would certainly make it harder for these illegal Traders to operate and get away with it. These details can already be accessed by the Police and other Government organisations. Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I would appreciate any advice on how I can make this change happen. I look forward to your reply Kind Regards Phil Hayes If you think this is a good idea then tell all you're friends to send it to him, he represents us so if enough of us do it He's got a legal obligation to listen. It may not come to anything but it'll take you very little effort and less than 5 minutes to see if together we can make a difference. Thanks Phil
  2. 1 point
    Everybody is missing the point. The Germans have now got to find another way to bail out the Greek economy!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    I just had a transporter arrive. It was full. I will be here for the next couple hours just in picking staples.
  5. 1 point
    simple maths, 16986 vehicles currently available, on average 5 staples per car 84930 per week, think I'm in the wrong trade bet there's more profit in selling staples to BCA than selling cars bought from them.
  6. 1 point
    Mine was the opposite to Umesh's ironically, told to me by a very successful car dealer: "The first profit is the best profit". By this he meant; get it sold, don't hang onto it through pride or for an extra £50 it'll cost you more in the long run. He was very right, I have ignored this lesson many times thinking I know best and regretted it every time.
  7. 1 point
    My first lesson in the trade was to watch the osf wing when reversing to the left and not go through the showroom window with it. Expensive mistake.
  8. 1 point
    Fill your boots, cancel your guide subscriptions and donate to a charity of your choice instead. My work here is complete...