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Keys, spare keys that is

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/\ /\ /\ Any MB since circa 1999, with the IR type Key Fob, are ~ £360 Main Dealer , or £180 Decent trustworthy Locksmith ;)

Good job Nick's guys "New Software" didn't brick the EIS or there'd have been major expense related grief, I'm not sure I'd have been as trusting as Nick, unless I'd known and done business with the guy for a long while ;)

The very late Cars with just Fob are a bit dearer right now

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  On 8/22/2018 at 8:53 AM, Dave2302 said:

I'm not sure I'd have been as trusting as Nick

It was Mark not me but if it was a cheap 07 car and they asked me nicely I would've given it a go as well :-)

Retail price for keys from Merc (NO trade discounts on keys) is £240 but you can get it slightly cheaper (£30-40 less) if you don't need the metal emergency key insert. 

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Ah, sorry Nick, thought it was yourself ;)

That's hellish dear EEEEK ;) Last one I bought for my S55 10 months ago, shiny stainless stylee with blade from MB who I have Trade A/c with, £360 they did give trade discount ;)

I have found MB prices do go up and down on all parts depending upon Euro / GB Pound ;)

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MB main dealer trade prices for service parts are awesome in case anyone doesn't know!!

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Yeah,they are good on service items, other parts TBH I find it depends on the exact part, and never ever VOR it, they reduce discount to a few measly % ;) 

BTW do not fit pattern factor Air Filters to the new OM651 Diesels, I've had a few in recently with Fram and others fitted and they keep popping Airflow offset drift codes, seems thay are verrrrrrrry sensitive to their Airflow ;) 

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Turns out it came with a spare, a BCA f*ck up in my favour, for a change.

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  On 8/21/2018 at 8:16 AM, Dave2302 said:

/\ /\ /\ Lol reminds me when I tried asking Timpsons Inverness to cut me a blank MB Blade that I had, for my own S55K :D 

After being sent to the "Main Branch" by one of their local Sub Branches, that almost ended up in a punch up with the jobsworth c*nt behind the counter !!

"It is illegal for us to do MB and Jaguar Land Rover Keys, where did you get that Blank ? ..... I need to report this etc etc etc"

I even had the V5 and my Photo Driving Licence with me ................ fuckin' knob jockey !! 


i have had similar, jobsworth wouldn't cut me a standard key with no chip, just to open doors, old nissan it was, "cant do it mate" what do you mean cant do it, thats the key on the rack behind you, heres my key, just cut it ? "no mate can only do chipped ones" called him a idiot and walked out, told many a customer this and hopefully theyve lost hundreds of pounds, because if a customer asks me where they can get a spare key cut i tell them definitely not simpsons ! your warranty will be cancelled and all your wheels will fall off if you use them :D


by the way, why not upsell? lost key insurance, read the small print though, some only cover the key NOT the immobiliser , but keep it secret :lol: 

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  On 8/22/2018 at 1:32 PM, Dave2302 said:

Yeah,they are good on service items, other parts TBH I find it depends on the exact part, and never ever VOR it, they reduce discount to a few measly % ;) 

BTW do not fit pattern factor Air Filters to the new OM651 Diesels, I've had a few in recently with Fram and others fitted and they keep popping Airflow offset drift codes, seems thay are verrrrrrrry sensitive to their Airflow ;) 

if anyone else is curious,

OM651 = all 4 cylinder engines built from 2008-present 

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  On 8/22/2018 at 10:43 PM, Zest said:
  On 8/22/2018 at 1:32 PM, Dave2302 said:

Yeah,they are good on service items, other parts TBH I find it depends on the exact part, and never ever VOR it, they reduce discount to a few measly % ;) 

BTW do not fit pattern factor Air Filters to the new OM651 Diesels, I've had a few in recently with Fram and others fitted and they keep popping Airflow offset drift codes, seems thay are verrrrrrrry sensitive to their Airflow ;) 

if anyone else is curious,

OM651 = all 4 cylinder engines built from 2008-present 

Hi, in actual fact it's probably safe to say all MB CDI Diesels from circa 2008 up, but I quoted the OM651 because I've had that problem on 4 now that have just come off MB Warranty and have been serviced locally with Fram and Wix etc Filters.

That particular code can mean anything to do with Air Flow from Air Intake at Grille to Exhaust Tail Pipe, including a low Compression but running OK :(

You don't want to know how long it took to diagnose the first one as Air Filter, and even then I was sceptical  but it's now done 6000 miles and been fine, before fitting MB Filter it would pop the Code every couple hundred miles. Goes to Manchester and back daily from Kyle, a Sprinter Prawn Van ;) Also had it on 2009 E Class Wagon as well as the Sprinters.

The pattern filters seem to be OK for a couple of k miles, then the Code flags, and if you check the Air Filter as SDS tells you to do for first check, it still looks like new :lol: 

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  On 8/23/2018 at 11:41 AM, Dave2302 said:

Hi, in actual fact it's probably safe to say all MB CDI Diesels from circa 2008 up, but I quoted the OM651 because I've had that problem on 4 now that have just come off MB Warranty and have been serviced locally with Fram and Wix etc Filters.

That particular code can mean anything to do with Air Flow from Air Intake at Grille to Exhaust Tail Pipe, including a low Compression but running OK :(

You don't want to know how long it took to diagnose the first one as Air Filter, and even then I was sceptical  but it's now done 6000 miles and been fine, before fitting MB Filter it would pop the Code every couple hundred miles. Goes to Manchester and back daily from Kyle, a Sprinter Prawn Van ;) Also had it on 2009 E Class Wagon as well as the Sprinters.

The pattern filters seem to be OK for a couple of k miles, then the Code flags, and if you check the Air Filter as SDS tells you to do for first check, it still looks like new :lol: 

That's very interesting, I can't understand how the air filter would affect things - even with no air filter all the air "breathed in" would still have to pass through the air mass meter and get measured... :unsure:

Don't talk to me about fuel quality sensors though, fuel quality? Seriously? How tf can you measure fuel quality?? And then it chucks it into limp mode for no reason lol  :lol:

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  On 8/23/2018 at 12:39 PM, Zest said:

That's very interesting, I can't understand how the air filter would affect things 


think of an old mk2 cortina with a twinchoke nailed on and no airfilter so it makes the slurping noises that annoys the neighbours

roll forward 6 months and wonder why engine flumng and down on compression

hint the filter didnt filter;)

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It's not about wearing out bores though, although low compression can affect Offset Drift !! It is about the filters resistance (or not) to flow air, the newer Euro 5 + Engines are wound way tighter on their monitoring software.

Modern diesels do not just monitor Airflow at MAF sensor any more ;) 

It has to read a specific MAF and cross reference that with MAP, Turbo Actuator Position, EGR Position, Exhaust Back Pressure, Inlet Air Temp Throttle Position, Butterfly Motor Position, RPM, Gear Selected, Road Speed etc etc etc etc, and if any one of these disagrees you get Airflow Offset Drift Code !!

Note that I didn't say Airflow Meter FUBAR code or whatever ;)

"Offset Drift" means it exceeds or is lower than the ever tightening, (Euro Emissions standards fault), parameters that are pre programmed into the ECU's monitors, i.e. it has drifted out of a pre set range measured against speeds and loads ;) 

In a nutshell "Airflow has drifted away from what it should be" !!

BTW, that code also prevents them from Re genning the DPF so if billy bunter keeps driving it with the light on "because it's running ok" he will block the DPF and cause a heap more grief :rolleyes:

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